Lessons from Mary & Elizabeth: Faith, Love, Courage

bible story bible women story women of faith Aug 23, 2023

Dear Christian Women Warriors of Light,

I hope this letter finds you well and filled with the light of God's love. Today, I want to share some insights from the remarkable stories of two Bible heroines: Mary and Elizabeth. Their experiences hold valuable lessons that can guide us on our journey of faith.

Mary and Elizabeth, two iconic women of the New Testament, were destined for extraordinary roles. Mary became the mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, while Elizabeth was privileged to be the mother of John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus. Their lives were intricately connected through their kinship, and they both bore children under miraculous circumstances.

From their stories, we can draw three essential parallels:

  1. Trusting God's Path: Both Mary and Elizabeth trusted the paths that God had laid out for them. Elizabeth, despite being unable to conceive due to her age, remained faithful to the Lord. She and her husband, Zacharias, followed the commandments and ordinances of the Lord, even though their lives had not unfolded as they might have hoped.

Mary, too, had to trust in God's plan as she faced an unexpected pregnancy. In response to the angel's message, she declared, "Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word." Mary's unwavering faith amid life's unexpected turns teaches us the importance of trusting God, even when our circumstances challenge us.

Question: What can I do to show God that I trust Him during my difficulties?

  1. Love and Support in Trials: Mary and Elizabeth exemplified love and support for each other during their trials. Mary rushed to visit Elizabeth as soon as she learned of her cousin's pregnancy, knowing that Elizabeth, due to her age, might need help and support.

On the other hand, Elizabeth was blessed with a witness from the Holy Ghost that Mary carried the Son of God. Her words of affirmation and support strengthened Mary's faith. The love and support these women offered one another during their trying times serve as a beautiful example of sisterhood.

Question: What can I do this week to show love and support to others in their trials?

  1. Courage: Both Mary and Elizabeth exhibited remarkable courage. Elizabeth boldly stood up and proclaimed her son's name, John, despite societal expectations, because she knew it was God's will. Mary displayed immense courage when she faced the possibility of being ostracized for her pregnancy. She trusted God's plan, even when it seemed difficult and unconventional.

Question: What can I courageously say and do to stand up for what is right?

As Christian women warriors of light, we can draw inspiration from Mary and Elizabeth's faith, love, and courage. Their stories remind us that trusting God's path, supporting one another, and embracing courage in the face of adversity are essential attributes of a faithful heart.

I encourage you to reflect on these lessons, share them with others who may be inspired, and remember that God's love shines upon you. May His grace and light guide your path as you continue your journey of faith.

With love and blessings,

Tamara K. Anderson