Lessons of Faith and Hope: Overcoming Opioid Addiction

agency life lessons not alone opioid addiction trust god Jul 19, 2019

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I want to share with you an inspiring story, filled with faith, hope, and the strength to overcome addiction. This story comes from the heart of a Christian woman warrior of light, Andrea Jean Sorensen. It is a testament to the power of choice, faith, and the unwavering love of a daughter for her mother.

The Opioid Epidemic - A Devastating Reality

The opioid epidemic has been described as one of the most devastating crises facing our society. The New York Times reported that overdoses from opioid addiction have surpassed car crashes and gun violence, becoming the leading cause of death for Americans under 55. The toll this epidemic has taken on countless families is heartbreaking. It has left no one untouched, affecting husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and many more.

A Personal Story of Opioid Addiction

In the midst of this crisis, Andrea Jean Sorensen found herself facing the darkest battle of her life. Her beloved mother, Debbie, who had been the rock of their family for years, fell victim to opioid addiction following a surgery. This was a woman who had brought joy and love to everyone around her, a woman whose embrace could warm even the coldest heart.

Debbie's addiction started innocently enough, taking prescribed medication for pain management. However, it soon spiraled into a relentless habit that consumed her. Addiction rewired her brain, trapping her in a vicious cycle. Despite numerous attempts at detox and interventions, Debbie lost everything – her husband, ther home, her family, her teeth, and she found herself living on the streets.

The Turning Point - A Daughter's Love

Andrea refused to let her mother's addiction define her. She believed that if she could just free Debbie from the grip of drugs, her mother would choose love and family over the substances. This battle with addiction is complicated, and Andrea's questions were a reflection of the confusion and pain that many of us feel when our loved ones are ensnared by addiction.

Here are some of the tips Andrea shared were important when dealing with a loved one with an addiction:

1. The Ultimate Choice

The most challenging part of dealing with an addict is the realization that they must choose their path to recovery. Debbie had to want to change. Andrea learned a valuable lesson that we all should keep in our hearts: "Forced obedience yields no blessings." We all have the gift of agency from God, and true progress only happens when we choose it for ourselves.

2. Let Go & Let God

Andrea also discovered that she couldn't carry the weight of her mother's addiction on her own. She had to let go and let God take control. She realized that she was not alone in her struggle, and God was there to help. The burden she had been carrying for so long was now placed in the hands of the One who could truly heal.

3. Love Unconditionally and Establish Boundaries

Once Andrea understood that she couldn't fix her mother but could only show her love, she also recognized the importance of setting boundaries. Addiction can consume us, and Andrea knew that she had to protect herself and her family from the toxic effects of her mother's addiction. She continued to reach out to her mother, offering love and support, while maintaining healthy boundaries.

4. Death is Not the End

In June 2018, Andrea's mother lost her battle with addiction. Andrea's journey did not end with her mother's passing. She realized that her mother's journey was continuing with God, as He helped her mother heal and grow. The pain we experience in this life will find resolution when we are with God.

5. Don't Be A Victim

Andrea's story is a powerful reminder that we don't have to be victims of our circumstances. Like her, we can choose to look forward with hope and faith, rather than dwelling on our past. We are not defined by our trials, but by the choices we make and the hope we hold for our future.

6. You're Not Alone

Addiction is a battle that many families face, and it's essential to remember that you are not alone. Reach out, seek support, and find strength in community. God understands your pain and won't leave you comfortless (John 14:18 KJV).

7. Shame is Temporary

Shame can be paralyzing, but it's crucial to remember that it is temporary. Focus on your compelling "why" – the reason behind your efforts. Push past the shame and move forward with faith, knowing that your actions are guided by love and hope.

In conclusion, Andrea's journey through her mother's addiction offers powerful lessons that we can all apply in our lives. The power of choice, letting go and letting God, unconditional love with boundaries, the understanding that death is not the end, choosing not to be a victim, knowing that you're not alone, and recognizing that shame is temporary.

As Christian women warriors of light, let us be inspired by Andrea's story. We have the power to choose our destiny, to connect with God, and to move forward in faith. Together, we can overcome the darkness of addiction and find hope, healing, and transformation.

In His love and grace,

Tamara K. Anderson