Life Lessons from Richard Paul Evans

authenticity kindness life lessons mentor May 20, 2019

Dear Radiant Women of Light,

I come before you with a story of transformation, sparked by the wisdom and grace of a man I now call a dear friend and mentor, Richard Paul Evans. Just a few years ago, I knew little about him, though he was already a celebrated author.

It all changed when my fifth-grade son, an aspiring writer, yearned to attend a writing seminar led by none other than Richard Paul Evans. In that room, my life's trajectory shifted, and I embarked on a journey that would teach me life-altering lessons.

Here, I share a few with you, my sisters in the journey of light:

1. Be Kind: "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." These words from Richard's book, "The Letter," resonated deeply when my son, Jacob, met him. The simple act of genuine kindness left an indelible mark on our hearts. Let us be inspired to embrace kindness, for it knows no boundaries.

2. Call People by Name: Remembering names and personal details can create profound connections. Richard Paul Evans demonstrated this skill effortlessly, acknowledging each of us at a seminar by name and understanding our writing niches. It's a powerful way to show we care, too.

3. Be Grateful & Humble: In an era of self-promotion, humility and gratitude stand out. Richard's "GratiTuesday" posts on social media exemplify this. Let us remember to be thankful for the privilege of being heard, for gratitude is a beacon of hope and humility.

4. Trust Your Destiny to a Higher Power: Richard's journey from self-publishing, "The Christmas Box" to international recognition is a testament to entrusting our paths to a higher power. Sometimes, we must endure setbacks to unveil our true selves.

5. Be Courageous & Fearless: "Do the thing you think you cannot do." Richard's bold move at a booksellers' conference reminds us that our dreams require fearless action. If you aspire to greatness, dare to take the seat.

6. Keep Trying: "The first draft always stinks." This principle applies to life as well as writing. Just like toddlers learning to walk, we may stumble. Yet, persistence and resilience lead to mastery.

7. Have a Great Team: In recognizing our strengths and weaknesses, we learn to build a remarkable team. Richard's success is a testament to the incredible individuals who support him, and we can achieve greatness by seeking help where we need it.

8. Be Real: In a world of polished perfection, authenticity shines the brightest. Richard's ability to share personal struggles and "bleed onto the page" reminds us that honesty and vulnerability are powerful connectors.

9. Be the Solution: Richard Paul Evans founded charities and initiatives that tackle real-world problems. Let us follow his example by seeking solutions to the challenges that ignite our passion. Small actions can create ripple effects of change.

In conclusion, I've embarked on a journey of transformation, inspired by Richard's wisdom and the power of storytelling. I now share stories of hope and motivation to inspire others to keep hope alive and rebound from their rock-bottom moments. Together, we can make the world a better place.

With love and boundless hope,

Tamara K. Anderson