Light in Dark Times: A Message of Hope and Renewal

faith hope problem solving renewal suicide Mar 03, 2021

Dear Beloved Christian Women Warriors of Light,

I greet you with a heart full of hope and a desire to share some encouraging resources with you. In times of hardship, we often find ourselves seeking solace and guidance. Today, I want to be that beacon of hope in your life.

Just like you, I've faced trials and tribulations. And in the darkest of moments, I discovered a path to healing, renewal, and the guiding light of our Lord. I recently had the privilege of interviewing a friend about her difficult journey regarding the suicide of her son. I as spoke with Lark, she delved into the profound wisdom of "Learning to Breathe After Suicide." It's in these moments of vulnerability that we find strength and courage to go on and face life after tragedy.

I'd like to offer you "4 Surefire Steps to Solve Life's Problems." These steps are not just my own, but they're rooted in the unshakable foundation of our faith. I've seen God work in my life in miraculous ways, and I want to help you experience the same. With His grace, we can overcome even the most overwhelming challenges.

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." (Jeremiah 29:11, KJV)

And in the spirit of sharing hope, I invite you to participate in my book donation program. Through this initiative, I aim to place my book, "Normal for Me," into the hands of those who need it most—parents of children on the autism spectrum. If you'd like to be part of this uplifting mission or wish to receive a free copy of the book, please visit this link.

Just as the long, cold winter gives way to the beauty of spring, we, too, can anticipate new beginnings and renewal in our lives. I was overjoyed when I witnessed the first signs of spring earlier this week, as delicate flowers pushed their way to the surface. Spring is a reminder of God's promise of renewal, of brighter days ahead, and of the hope that never fades.

"Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?" (Isaiah 43:19, KJV)

Dear sisters in Christ, let us embrace this season of hope. Let's sow seeds of encouragement, share our stories, and support one another on this journey of faith. Remember, you are a warrior of light, and together, we can overcome every trial that comes our way.

Hope on!

In His Love, Tamara