Loving God, Loving Yourself: A Message for Warrior Women

bible verse love love god self-love Feb 14, 2019

Dear Beloved Sisters in Christ,

I hope this letter finds each of you embraced by the warmth of God's love. I've had a revelation I'd like to share, one that has reshaped my understanding of loving God and loving others. You see, it all boils down to a profound truth nestled within Matthew 22:37-39, where Jesus imparts His wisdom: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."

For the longest time, I read it as "Love God, Love Others," but a few years ago, I unearthed a hidden gem in this verse: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

As thyself? It's as if those words had been concealed until that moment.

Like many of you, I used to place myself at the lowest rung of the priority ladder, taking better care of my dog than I did myself. The dog got regular vet visits, nourishing meals, and refreshing walks. But me? Did I love myself? That was a question I couldn't readily answer.

I wondered, if I genuinely loved myself, wouldn't I prioritize my well-being and needs, ensuring I was fit and whole to serve others? It seemed logical, but guilt often accompanied self-care. Why? The adversary, so cunning, knows that when we invest in our health and well-being, our confidence soars, and we become more capable of spreading goodness. Satan, the master of deceit, can't have that, so he whispers, "Your needs aren't important. You're worthless," and we fall into his trap.

Scrolling through social media, we see homes, talents, and beauty we deem better than ours, and suddenly, we feel worthless.

But then, I began to ponder that "love thy neighbor as thyself" statement. I needed to learn to love God first, and in doing so, I would learn to love myself. Loving myself would then enable me to love my neighbor truly.

Why would loving God help me love myself? Because, my sisters, we are all God's children.

The more I immersed myself in the scriptures, the more I realized that I am a child of God, created with purpose and value. "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God" (Romans 8:16). We are like royalty, daughters of the King of Kings. Being children of God should lead us to treat ourselves better and extend the same love to others.

This process unfolds gradually as our capacity to love ourselves and God directly influences our capacity to love our neighbor. In loving God and ourselves, we enlarge our ability to love others.

Self-reflection is the order of the day, dear sisters. As Valentine's week approaches, I encourage you to ask yourselves: Do you love yourself? Do you show it? If not, how can you prioritize God more in your life? What daily affirmations can you embrace to solidify your belief in your worth? What positive thoughts will you choose to replace the negative self-talk encouraged by the enemy?

Write your answers down, immerse yourself in how God sees you, and commit those affirmations to memory. Repeat them every day.

Through this journey, I found that as I prioritized God, He helped me understand my capacity, my abilities, and my identity as His daughter. As a daughter of the Creator, I can create wondrous things. As a daughter of God who is Love, I can love more purely. As His daughter, I can shine God's light brilliantly. And, I can be wise and discerning because I am the daughter of an all-knowing God. I can channel God's energy powerfully in my life because He is all-powerful. I am a princess, an heir, because my Father is the King of Kings.

Yet, remember, this doesn't make us superior to others. We are all children of God. "And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ" (Romans 8:17). You, dear sister, are an heir, just like me.

So, let us embrace our royal identity, take care of ourselves, and radiate God's light to the world, sharing His boundless love with all. Smile and know that you are cherished by the most potent being in the universe – your Heavenly Father. You are a child of God!

As Valentine's Week approaches, let us celebrate this love that transcends earthly understanding. May your hearts be filled with His love, and may you continue to shine as the Christian Women Warriors of Light that you are.

With love and blessings,

Tamara K. Anderson