Mastering Change with Faith, Power Poses & Practical Tips

change faith over fear goals power pose tips for hard times Jan 18, 2023

Dear Warrior of Light,

I trust this letter finds you well and full of hope. We're journeying through life's transitions, and I wanted to share a powerful tool that recently helped me navigate a major shift.

You see, I've been processing a significant change in my life. God directed me to conclude my podcast, a venture that meant so much to me. But as I moved into new territories, fear crept in, and doubt weighed heavy on my heart.

In moments like these, we need something to uplift us, to breathe strength into our souls. I reached into my bag of tools and pulled out a quick Tony Robbins motivation recording I had from an online conference. In this recording, he introduced the concept of the "power pose."

The power pose is where you stand tall, like Superman or Wonder Woman, shoulders back, hands on your hips, and you take deep, full breaths. You make powerful movements and vocalize, "Yes!" for two minutes.

It might sound simple, but the results are astonishing. Testosterone increases by 20%, cortisol (the stress hormone) decreases by 20%, and risk tolerance improves by 33%. The power pose isn't just a physical posture; it has physiological benefits, and it can jolt us out of stagnation.

As I prayed and sought God's guidance during this transitional period, He revealed that our bodies and minds are interconnected. By moving physically, we can stimulate our minds to break free from fear and uncertainty, propelling us toward growth.

After my two-minute power pose, I remained standing and set two goals for the day, powerful goals that would propel me forward. With determination and diligence, I achieved those goals.

So, dear friend, if you find yourself stuck in the midst of change, remember this simple yet effective technique. Pray, do the power pose, and make that shift.

I'd love to hear your experiences with the power pose. Share your thoughts and results with me!

Discover these invaluable insights to triumph through life's changes:

  1. Mastering Change: I'll walk you through six tips that have helped me overcome paralyzing stress and anxiety when confronted with change. Check out these 6 Tips to Navigate Change with Success

  2. Dr. Benjamin Hardy's Transformation: Tune in to my inspirational interview with Dr. Benjamin Hardy, a remarkable mentor who turned his life around, from a video game enthusiast to a highly successful behavior psychologist, blogger, and YouTuber. Discover his journey and motivation in Dr. Benjamin Hardy: Want to Change? You Can! Personality Isn’t Permanent.

  3. Building Momentum and Growth: Learn 3 Tips to Build Momentum and Growth. I'll also share my personal experience with baby steps, the story of apple trees I planted in my backyard, and valuable insights on manifesting, inspired by my friend, Kelly Walker. 

Remember, God commands us in Joshua 1:9, "Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."

You are never alone, and with God by your side, you can move forward through any change.

God loves you, and so do I. Keep moving forward!

