Mother's Day Wasn't Perfect, But That's Okay

mother's day motherhood parenting May 08, 2016

Dear Beloved Moms and Women of Grace,

I want to share something close to my heart with you today. It's about Mother's Day, a day that often comes with high expectations and hopes of perfection. But the reality is, many of us have never experienced a "perfect" Mother's Day as the world defines it. And you know what? That's perfectly okay.

We sometimes imagine our children being angels on that day, and that everything will magically fall into place. But that's not how motherhood works, is it? It's not just about that one special Sunday each year; it's about the daily journey of nurturing, loving, correcting, and guiding our precious little ones.

As mothers, we experience the full spectrum of motherhood every single day. We correct our children when they're wrong, we endure their teasing and sibling squabbles, and we cherish the moments when they express their love. Mother's Day may come and go, but our roles as mothers persist, bringing us beautiful moments and some not-so-perfect ones.

So, dear warrior moms, let go of the notion that Mother's Day should be flawless. Instead, focus on the incredible mothering moments that occur every day. It's in those ordinary, messy, beautiful moments that we find the true essence of motherhood. Embrace them, for they are the gifts that bless us year-round.

I'm reminded of Proverbs 31:28 (KJV), which says, "Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her." The beauty of motherhood lies not in the pursuit of perfection but in the deep love, resilience, and nurturing spirit that God has bestowed upon us.

So, as you journey through each day, may you find joy in the ordinary moments and strength in your role as a mother. Know that you are cherished and appreciated not just on Mother's Day, but every day.

With love and grace,

Tamara K. Anderson