My Son's Heart: Autism and Unconditional Love

autism eternal perspective parenting siblings to autism Feb 12, 2015

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I wanted to share a moment from my family that touched my heart. My son, Jordan, recently expressed his thoughts about his brother Nathan, who has autism. Jordan wondered what it would be like to have a "normal" brother who could do typical teenage activities with him, like double-dates, singing in the choir, or just hanging out.

This conversation stirred something deep within me. Jordan has always shown incredible love and compassion toward his two brothers with autism, and I can't help but wonder if this unique journey has shaped his beautiful heart. Perhaps God sent Jordan first because He knew he'd love and care for his brothers no matter what.

As a mother, I often find myself grappling with challenging questions. I reminded Jordan that his brothers might be on the autism spectrum, but we must strive to maintain an eternal perspective. We have all of eternity to be with "perfect" and resurrected loved ones, including our brothers. In the grand scheme of things, this life is just a small part of our eternal journey.

Additionally, Noelle, our daughter, playfully mentioned that when she gets married, Jordan will have a "normal" brother-in-law. Sometimes, my husband's antics make him act like a teenage brother, too, with all the teasing and joking in our home. I'm not naive to think that teenage siblings always get along, but they share a unique bond that's perfect for our family.

I wanted to share this story to encourage you all to see the beauty in the unique and sometimes challenging aspects of your lives. God has a purpose for every situation and relationship, and His love shines through in unexpected ways. Let's embrace the love and compassion within our families and communities, recognizing that our "normal" is perfect in God's eyes.

With love and blessings,

Tamara K. Anderson