Nathan's Grace: A Sweet Moment Amidst Challenges

autism autism mom grace life missions parenting special needs Sep 14, 2023

My Dearest Sisters in Christ,

I want to share a sweet moment with you that filled my heart with joy and gratitude. Yesterday, our family faced a change in our schedule that didn't sit well with my son, Nathan, who has autism. His reaction was not surprising, but what happened next was a beautiful testament to God's grace.

Nathan was so upset about the schedule change that he wadded up the Post-it note with the new plan and tried to throw it away multiple times. It's as if he believed that by discarding it, he could prevent the change from happening. I'm sure many of you can relate to the challenges of dealing with changes, especially when they disrupt the routines and expectations of our loved ones with autism.

During the car ride to take his sister to the Missionary Training Center, Nathan's frustration was evident. He expressed his displeasure loudly and for a while, our journey was filled with his cries. As a mom, my heart ached for him, but I knew that sometimes, we must navigate these challenges.

However, when the time came to say goodbye to his sister and take a picture with her, something incredible happened. Nathan willingly put down his iPad and walked over to give his sister a heartfelt hug. This may seem like a small gesture, but for Nathan, who often struggles with physical touch due to his autism, it was a monumental act of love.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I witnessed this beautiful moment unfold. It was unexpected, sweet, and filled with grace. In that instant, I felt God's presence and His love surrounding us. I realized that even in the midst of our difficulties, He blesses us with tender moments that remind us of His faithfulness and goodness.

As a mother of a child with autism and a missionary mom, I've learned that life is a journey filled with both challenges and blessings. These moments of grace, like the hug Nathan shared with his sister, are precious reminders that God is with us, even in the tough times.

I encourage you, dear sisters, to hold onto these moments of grace in your own lives. No matter the challenges you face, remember that God's love and grace can surprise you when you least expect it. Our journey as warrior women of faith may have its share of difficulties, but in these sweet moments, we see the beauty of God's love shining through.

Let's cherish these moments and carry them in our hearts as a source of strength and inspiration on our journey of faith. For it's in these glimpses of grace that we find the encouragement to press on, knowing that God's love and presence are with us every step of the way.

With a heart full of gratitude and love,


"He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds." - Psalm 147:3 (KJV)

"In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." - Proverbs 3:6 (KJV)