Navigating Change: Daily Habits and Divine Guidance

goals god's help habits hope for future trust god Jun 08, 2022

Dear Warrior of Light,

I hope this letter finds you well. I want to share a personal story with you. In the midst of a busy April and May, stress crept into my life, and an old habit resurfaced - I bit off all my fingernails. It's a struggle I've faced for years, but over the past three years, I had managed to keep my nails long and beautiful.

There's a saying by podcaster and habit master, Sheldon Mills: "If you want to change your life, you have to change something you do daily." It got me thinking - how can we successfully navigate change and transform our lives?

For me, it meant daily care for my nails. Keeping them filed, painted, and looking nice helped me break the cycle of nail-biting. When stress or a movie scene triggered my habit, daily maintenance was my lifeline.

In our journey of change, daily habits and mindful choices are essential. To help you on this path, I have some valuable resources to share.

Resources for Change or to Change Successfully

  • Jeff Corrigan and Sheldon Mills, hosts of the Habit Masters podcast, have dedicated thousands of hours to uncovering habit-forming hacks. They joined me on a podcast to share practical tips. You can find it here, Jeff & Sheldon: How to Make Habits that Actually Stick. You can watch it on YouTube here. BONUS: Get 50% off their new course by using this code: HABITS4TAMARA on this website.
  • Recently, my youngest child graduated from high school, leading to a busy and stressful time. During this period, I leaned on three principles to lower my stress and navigate another life-changing event successfully. You can listen to the podcast where I share these principles here, Navigating Seasons of Change with Hope. Watch it on YouTube here.
  • A year ago, I faced a significant change when my son Nathan, who has low-functioning autism, aged out of public education. In that episode, I shared six hacks that helped me navigate that transition. You can watch it here, 6 Tips to Navigate Change with Success. You can watch this episode on YouTube here.
  • Awesome Bible Verses:
    • In times of difficulty and change, remember that God sees the end from the beginning. "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty" (Revelations 1:8). He knows your path and will direct your way.
    • "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths" (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Whether you're changing a simple habit or navigating a complex life transition, remember you're never alone. God is with you, seeing your challenges, and ready to help. Connect with Him and ask for His guidance.

Hope on, dear warrior.
