Navigating Grief During the Holidays

christmas faith in christ grief holiday blues holidays hope for future hope in christ Dec 07, 2022

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I hope this message finds you well, especially as the holiday season approaches. For many, this time of year is filled with joy, laughter, and cherished moments spent with loved ones. It's a season that we eagerly anticipate and celebrate.

However, I also know that there are those among us who approach the holidays with a heavy heart. The empty chair at the dinner table, the miles that separate you from family, or the strained relationships that keep you apart can cast a shadow on this season of celebration.

If you find yourself missing someone dear during the holidays, please know that you're not alone in your feelings. It's okay to grieve and acknowledge the void left by their absence. But as Christian Women Warriors of Light, we have access to a wellspring of hope, comfort, and healing.

I'd like to share some remarkable stories and resources with you, stories of women who navigated their own unique paths of grief during the holidays.

Resources For Missing Someone During the Holidays

  • Debbie's tale is one of profound loss; her brother's passing on the day after Christmas and her father's departure on Christmas morning. Through it all, her mother held onto the spirit of Christmas and taught her family to do the same. You can hear Debbie's story here, Debbie Ihler Rasmussen: Choosing Christmas Joy Amidst Grief. You can watch this episode on YouTube here.
  • Krista's grandfather had his first Christmas away from his wife, a newlywed during the Vietnam War. It was a challenging time, but you'll be inspired to learn what eventually brought the Christmas spirit into his heart. Hear Krista's account, Krista Isaacson: Finding Christmas Joy When You're Missing Loved Ones. Watch this episode on YouTube here.
  • Shanna's story is a testament to the power of expressing our emotions. When her baby passed away, she felt anger towards God. But with her therapist's guidance, she wrote a heartfelt letter to Him, a letter filled with her pain and questions. It was a moment of healing that allowed her to find peace. Hear more about her story here, Shanna Johnson: How Writing Letters Helped Heal my Grief.
  • My own mother-in-law was a young widow grieving her husband's loss. She set out to get home for the holidays, but sometimes life has other plans. Her car broke down at a gas station, and she spent Christmas Eve in a bathroom stall. Her story is one of unexpected holiday miracles, the presence of angels, and the message that there is always room in the inn. Listen to her story or purchase a copy of A Broken Down Holiday here.
  • GIFT: As a gift to you, I'm sharing the complete audio of my holiday booklet, A Broken Down Holiday, here.  It's my hope that this story of an unexpected holiday miracle will bring you comfort and inspiration during this season. Feel free to listen to it and, if you wish, share it with a friend.

If you are experiencing sadness or grief this holiday season, remember that God can meet you where you are, with all your emotions, and help you move forward. The beautiful words of Jeremiah 17:14 come to mind, "Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed." God can heal your sadness and help you find joy as you turn to Him and the angels He sends to aid you.

Merry Christmas, and may the light of the season shine upon you.

With love and hope,
