Navigating Life's Muddy Path with Faith

faith inspiration life challenges life detours resilience Mar 02, 2022

My Dearest Sisters in the Light,

I want to start our conversation today by asking a simple yet profound question: Have you ever felt like you're trudging through the muddied muck life? Those moments when each step feels like an eternity, the journey incredibly arduous. My hand is raised high, for I have known this struggle all too well. The weight of life's challenges can indeed be overwhelming.

Now, you may wonder, what do we do when life seems mired in difficulty, when we're wading through the proverbial mud? Are there better questions we should ask? And more importantly, to whom do we turn when the going gets tough?

Well, my dear friends, I come bearing answers and a guiding light through the darkest hours.

Resources for Times of Trial

  1. I'd like to share a story with you—a tale of a muddy hike I embarked on with my family. What was supposed to be a swift and easy adventure turned into an ordeal, as we navigated slippery terrain, grappled with dirt and discomfort, and felt the weight of each strenuous step. From this journey, I extracted two invaluable life lessons. Please, listen to my story here, 2 Life Lessons From a Muddy Hike.
  2. Let me introduce you to Jodi, a remarkable woman who has encountered numerous trials in her life and media career. Time and again, she found herself on the brink of progress, only to face unexpected roadblocks that forced her to pause, reflect, and seek a new path. Her empowering questions and unwavering spirit are an inspiration to us all. Discover her journey here, Jodi Reynosa: Finding My Hero's Journey When Detours Derail.
  3. Two years ago, I had the privilege of interviewing Matt Bowen, who shared his incredible story of facing paralysis after an accident. In our conversation, he unveiled remarkable tips and insights that are profoundly relevant to our lives today. Among them, he introduced the "10-minute Rule" with "roll-over minutes." Please, take a moment to listen to his episode here, Matt Bowen: Not Letting Paralysis Paralyze My Life.

Now, if you ever find yourself slogging through life in slow motion when your heart longs for the fast lane, consider this: perhaps God is using these challenging moments to teach you valuable lessons and redirect your path. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He will indeed direct your path (Proverbs 3:5-6, KJV).

With this message, I hope to inspire your hearts and souls to persevere, to embrace the lessons woven into the muddiest moments of life. Our journey, no matter how challenging, is guided by a higher purpose, and we are never alone on this path.

May you find hope in His grace and strength in the face of adversity, my Christian Women Warriors of Light. The way forward may be muddy, but remember, it leads to a brighter tomorrow.

With love and unwavering faith,


Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV): "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."

Romans 8:28 (KJV): "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose."