Navigating Life's Obstacles: A Message of Faith

bible verse journey of faith life challenges overcoming struggles Mar 15, 2023

My Dearest Warrior of Light,

I can't express how much your love and support mean to me during this transitional phase, moving from my podcast to starting "Women Warriors of Light." You've asked how I'm doing post-podcast, and I appreciate your concern. It's been a journey of both grieving and growing.

As I ventured into this new chapter, I encountered unforeseen obstacles. But let me share a revelation I found in a precious Bible verse. It has become a guiding light for me, and I believe it can illuminate your path too.

Tips to Overcome Obstacles When You’re Upgrading

  • In a recent podcast update, I unveil the wisdom hidden within this verse and how I've applied it to navigate life's obstacles. Yes, you guessed it right; I've returned to podcasting for this important message. You can listen to 4 Tips to Succeed When Upping Your Game podcast episode hereWatch it on YouTube here.
  • If you're embarking on a significant endeavor, I want to offer you three more valuable tips to help you succeed. I've discussed them in another podcast episode:3 Ways to Overcome Obstacles to Goals.
  • Have you ever set an inspired resolution, feeling the divine guidance leading you? If that's the case, I've got a blog from a few years ago that's perfect for you: My Inspired Resolution: 5 Steps to Crush This Year’s Goal. It even includes a downloadable booklet to support you throughout your journey.

Regardless of the path you're on, remember that God walks with you. Let the words "Lord, increase our faith" (Luke 17:5) echo in your heart, for with steadfast faith, you can face any obstacle, conquer any challenge, and defeat any adversary. Jesus is mightier than any obstacle, and He stands beside you. Lean on Him, strengthen your faith daily, and watch how He empowers you to overcome.

Stay strong, Warrior of Light. Together, we'll rise above every obstacle.

With unwavering hope,
