Nurturing Dreams: Embracing Change with Faith

change dreams life lessons Oct 14, 2020

Dear Beloved Friend in the Light,

As we journey through the ever-changing landscape of 2020, I can't help but wonder, have you managed to reach your goals and dreams for this year? Or have the winds of change led you to alter your course? I, too, have seen my aspirations evolve in response to the shifting tides of this year. And it brings to mind a profound quote by Charles Darwin that I recently stumbled upon, "It’s not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one MOST RESPONSIVE to change."

In this season of transformation and adaptation, have you been able to pivot, to adjust your sails to reach for your dreams even amidst the challenges and uncertainties? This is a time where resilience, courage, and faith in God's plan are more important than ever.

I'd like to share with you two podcasts that have deeply inspired me in my own pursuit of dreams. The first is a heartwarming story titled "3 Truths I Learned Hiking with my 73-year-old Mother." It's a tale of my mother's unwavering dream to conquer a rugged mountain path, with lessons along the way that hold true for all dream-seekers. It reminds me of Isaiah 41:13 (KJV), "For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee."

In the second podcast, I had the privilege of interviewing Alma Ohene-Opare. His dream was to come to America, a land where he could pursue the American Dream with freedom and hope. Our conversation delves into the essence of innovation and change, choosing courage over comfort, and the profound meaning of freedom of speech. Alma's positivity and determination will uplift your spirit and remind you of Philippians 4:13 (KJV), "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

Dear friend, whatever your dream may be, I want you to know that it is within your reach. No dream is too big or too small. Take a step, however small, towards your aspirations today. I believe in you, and more importantly, our Heavenly Father believes in you. As we navigate the waves of change, may your faith shine brightly, and may your dreams become a reality.

Hold on to hope, and never forget, we are in this journey together.

With love and unwavering faith,
