Nurturing Your Soul, Helping Others, and Finding Hope

caregiver covid depression faith hope inspiration near-death experience physical challenges self-care Mar 31, 2021

Dear Beloved Sisters in Christ,

As I sit down to write you this letter, my heart is filled with gratitude for the incredible community of Christian Women Warriors of Light that you are. You are the embodiment of selflessness, always caring for others, always giving, always serving. It's a beautiful testament to the love of Christ that dwells within each of you.

But my dear friends, amidst the noble journey of helping and caring for others, it's easy to forget to care for ourselves. I've been there, and I know many of you have too. It's in those moments that we must remember to lean on our heavenly Father, for His strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9 KJV).

In today's fast-paced world, self-care can often feel like a luxury we can't afford. But let me assure you, it's a necessity. Just as our Lord Jesus took moments to retreat and commune with the Father, we too must take time to rejuvenate our spirits and nurture our well-being.

The Scriptures remind us in Psalm 23:1-3 (KJV): "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul." This restoration, my dear sisters, is not only spiritual but physical and emotional as well.

One area where self-care is paramount is in supporting our loved ones who may be struggling with depression. It's a testament to the principle found in Galatians 6:2 (KJV): "Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ." To shed light on this vital topic, I've had the privilege of speaking with a licensed clinical social worker, Kim Rippon. Kim provides invaluable insights and tips for caregivers, emphasizing the importance of self-care. You can find the free resources she shared in the show notes, which contain Self-Nurturing Activities and Suggestions for Adult Feel Goods

What do you do when the weight of life's challenges becomes too much to bear? Kristen Jenson's life took a profound turn on a day when her 18-month-old son faced a near-death experience. As a devoted full-time caregiver to a child with a disability, Kristen's journey became a testament to the power of divine support. She leaned on God and the angels who surrounded her, and through their grace, she not only survived but also discovered the strength to be a blessing to others.

Listen to today's episode, "Kristen Jenson: How God and Angels Helped Me When I Couldn't Go On." Her story is a powerful reminder of God's presence in the midst of our darkest hours. You will be deeply touched by her "wall" analogy, a metaphor that will resonate with your souls and offer inspiration for your own battles.

I also want to share a story with you, dear sisters, a story gifted to me during a season of isolation when I battled COVID. It's a tale of hope and divine intervention, one that I believe will resonate deeply with your hearts. "The Mother's Mite" is a narrative that portrays the life of a weary, isolated mother, overwhelmed by her struggles. In the midst of her darkest moment, she cries out to God and receives an answer in the form of a dream. In that dream, she encounters a man who peers into her heart and imparts a soul-stirring lesson, mirroring the widow who gave her last two mites. The story reminds us that even in our deepest trials, God's light shines through, and we are never alone.

In the upcoming newsletter, I'll share details on how to obtain your own copy of "The Mother's Mite." It's a heartfelt gift to consider sharing with other mothers on Mother's Day, a token of hope that will surely touch their hearts.

So, my precious sisters, as you continue to pour your love and care into the lives of those around you, remember to take care of yourselves. Lean on the promises of our Lord, and may your light shine as a beacon of hope to a world in need.

With love and blessings,
