Overcoming Childhood Anxiety and Depression: A Journey of Faith and Healing

childhood anxiety childhood depression Dec 08, 2015

My dear sisters in Christ,

Today, I want to share a heavy but crucial story of our family's experience with childhood anxiety and depression, particularly through the journey of our beloved daughter, Noelle. As women of faith, we know the importance of sharing our trials and triumphs, so they may serve as a guiding light for others who may be on a similar path.

Last winter, we witnessed our daughter, Noelle, who is now 11 years old, go through a challenging season of extreme anxiety. While there's a history of anxiety and depression in my family, nothing could have prepared me for seeing my own child struggle with it. At first, we chalked it up to pre-teen hormones, but as time passed, it became clear that it was something more profound.

Noelle's cheerful demeanor had transformed into excessive fears of bugs, germs, vomiting, and even the simplest choices. She spent less time outdoors, played with friends less often, and grew anxious about school, homework, and new experiences. Daily tasks that should have taken minutes were stretched into half an hour, all due to her anxiety.

Mornings, in particular, were a struggle as we prepared her for school, followed by homework sessions that had to be completed to perfection due to her anxiety. Watching her go through this was incredibly challenging, and I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. My husband even humorously remarked, "I used to think she was our one normal child." But normalcy is a rare concept in our family.

So, what did we do? First and foremost, I turned to prayer. I earnestly sought God's guidance through this turbulent journey. Simultaneously, I embarked on a quest to learn as much as I could about childhood anxiety.

During my research, I discovered the "Turn Around" program, designed by two psychologists with Ph.D.'s in Psychology and counseling. This program, with its CDs and engaging story-telling approach, helps children cope with their anxiety. You can learn more about it here: https://www.turnaroundanxiety.com/. It significantly aided Noelle in identifying her fears and the steps needed to overcome them.

We also collaborated with the psychologist at Noelle's school, her teacher, her pediatrician, and, most importantly, with God, who provided us with unwavering support and direction. Every decision we made was bathed in prayer.

Moreover, the power of nutrition and good quality vitamins played a pivotal role in Noelle's recovery. Through a friend's recommendation, I stumbled upon the story of a Texas mother who had successfully managed her son's childhood depression with vitamins, allowing him to wean off medication. Inspired by this, I started Noelle on True Hope vitamins and later switched to Hardy Nutrition vitamins due to their affordability. Both brands offer a high-quality vitamin proven to help with various disorders, including ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, OCD, Autism, Bipolar disorder, and more. You can reach out to their professional staff for guidance and support.

Noelle initially began with the lowest dose and gradually increased it through the course of 2015. By May, she was taking the full adult dose - four in the morning, four at lunch, and four in the evening. The transformation in her was astonishing! Her fear of going outside diminished, her appetite improved, she began playing with friends, and she radiated happiness. The choices that once paralyzed her with fear were now made with confidence.

Just last week, I saw Noelle playfully teasing her younger brother, Jordan, and their laughter filled our kitchen. Witnessing her joyful interaction, I realized how far she has come in just a year. The sound of her laughter was a testimony to her healing journey.

As for the root cause, we may never know if it was genetic or related to a nutritional deficiency from a sudden growth spurt. What we do know is that she is no longer the same girl who struggled a year ago. Our hearts are filled with gratitude to God for leading us to the right people and solutions that aided in her recovery.

Let us remember Psalm 34:17 (KJV), "The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles." In our moments of despair, we can find solace in the promise of God's deliverance.

My prayer is that Noelle's story will offer hope and guidance to those facing similar struggles. God is with us on this journey, and there is always a way to healing.

In faith and sisterhood,

Tamara K. Anderson