Overcoming Mental Health Challenges with Hope

depression hope in christ mental health overcoming struggles suicide Jul 20, 2022

Dear Beloved Sisters in Christ,

I want to share a story with you today, a story of hope and healing. As Christian Women Warriors of Light, we understand the struggles of life, the battles we face within ourselves, and the pain that can sometimes overwhelm us. But remember, we are never alone on this journey, for our Lord is with us always.

Have you, or someone you love, ever grappled with mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, or Bipolar disorder? Have you felt the weight of this world pressing down on your soul, making you question your worth and purpose?

In those moments of darkness, it's crucial to remember that we are not alone in our struggles. Others understand and can help us on our journey. Here are some resources to help:

Resources for Mental Health Challenges

  • Just like you, Ganel Lyn knows the depths of despair. Her own sister took her own life, and her mother battled mental health challenges. Ganel Lyn speaks powerfully about embracing our brokenness and understanding that "suicide is really bad exhaustion of the soul." We must learn to accept our imperfections, for it is in our weaknesses that God's strength shines through (2 Corinthians 12:9). Learn more by reading or listening to her story here, Ganel Lyn Condie: Mental Health Struggles? Try This! You can watch it on YouTube here.
  • The National Institute for Mental Health recently launched a new Suicide Hotline number, 9-8-8, in the United States, along with support groups. If you or a loved one are wrestling with mental health challenges or thoughts of despair, do not hesitate to reach out for help. Remember, seeking assistance is a courageous step, not a sign of weakness. Visit their website for more information or to get help.
  • But what can we do when we feel too worn out to carry on? How do we renew our spirits? My friends, connecting with God, exploring our unique talents, and creating ourselves can be a powerful way to recharge our souls. When we create, we reflect the image of our Creator. For "we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works" (Ephesians 2:10). Hear more about this here, Connecting to The Creator While Creating. You can watch it on YouTube here.
  • Sometimes, we may wonder how to help our loved ones who struggle with depression. I had the privilege of speaking with a licensed Social Worker about this very topic. She shared invaluable self-care tactics and resources. You can listen to the interview and access these resources to support your loved ones. Check it out here, How to Help Loved Ones Struggling with Depression and check out the free downloadable forms she shared about powerful self-care tactics.

No matter where you are in your struggles, always remember that God loves you. He will never forget you, for "even the very hairs of your head are all numbered" (Luke 12:7). You hold immense value in the eyes of the Almighty, and your worth is immeasurable.

Sisters, do not give up. Do not lose hope. Reach out to others, seek help, and turn to God. He loves you unconditionally and will walk beside you on this journey. As Lysa TerKeurst would say, "Hope on!"

In His Grace,
