Parental Rules and God's Commandments

commandments mothering mishaps rules Mar 06, 2015

Dear Children,

You may not always understand why Mom has certain rules. Case in point: "Don't throw balls in the house." You might have wondered, "Why not?" until one day, the inevitable happened. A ball hit the chandelier, and broke it. So here's why we have rules - to prevent accidents and protect our home.

Now, think about this in relation to God's commandments. We might not always grasp the "why" behind them. But trust me, they're there for a reason, just like my house rules. It's not about making life less fun; it's about keeping you safe and happy.

Every choice, whether it's breaking a household rule or ignoring one of God's commandments, has consequences. And sometimes, those consequences are beyond our control once the choice is made.

Rules and commandments are like guardrails for our lives, set by parents to protect their children and by God, our ultimate parent.

So, kids, remember to obey Mom and Dad's rules, not because we want to spoil your fun, but because we love you and want to keep you safe. And, like the ultimate parent, God's commandments are there for our happiness and well-being too.

Now, about that chandelier...we'll figure it out together, with consequences and lessons learned.

Love, Mom

Exodus 20:12 (KJV) - "Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee."