Parenting with Faith: A New Year's Blessing

christmas depression faith mental health parenting Jan 05, 2022

Dear Beloved Sisters in Christ,

I greet you with the hope and love that flow from the wellspring of our faith in Jesus Christ. As we stand at the threshold of a new year, I am eager to embark on this journey with you, the Christian Women Warriors of Light. I want to share with you a story that I hope will resonate with your hearts and guide your steps in the year ahead.

The dawn of a new year often fills our hearts with joy and anticipation, doesn't it? It's a time when we reflect on the past and set our sights on the future. I wonder, my dear sisters, do you set lofty goals on January 1st, or do you find yourself still recovering from the busyness of the holiday season, like I do? If you're anything like me, you may need a little time to find the quiet space to focus on your own aspirations.

For many of us, being mothers is a sacred calling that we hold dear to our hearts. We want to ensure that our children's schedules are in order and their needs are met before we take a moment for ourselves. It's as though we need to make sure everyone else is on solid ground before we can give ourselves permission to dream and grow.

The path of parenthood is not for the faint of heart. We encounter challenges, some of which we never anticipated. But rest assured, dear sisters, you are not alone in this journey. Just like the story of Job in the Bible, we may face trials and tribulations, but we are warriors of light, called to shine the love of Jesus in the darkest of times.

Consider the words of Psalm 46:10 (KJV): "Be still, and know that I am God." It's a reminder that, in the midst of our responsibilities, we must also find stillness to seek God's guidance. He is our anchor in the storms of life, our source of strength, and our unwavering hope.

In the spirit of fellowship, I'd like to share some valuable resources that can help guide you on this journey. In my recent podcast episode, I had the privilege of speaking to a dear friend who faced the challenges of parenting a child struggling with anxiety, depression, and even thoughts of self-harm. Through faith and trust in God, she made a profound shift that transformed her situation, and I believe her story can offer you inspiration and wisdom as you navigate your own parenting journey. You can listen to it here, Sara Visser: Parenting--Learning to Let Go and Let God.

And for those moments when you simply need a respite, I invite you to join me in the joy of storytelling. I recently shared the heartwarming tale of my newest booklet, "A Broken Down Holiday." This story of a young widowed mother desperately trying to get home for the holidays will help extend the warmth of Christmas into the crisp January days, reminding us that the light of Christ continues to shine even when the holiday season has passed.

Whether you seek parenting guidance, are working to organize your life, or simply need a moment of solace, I pray that the stories and resources I share today will illuminate your path and bring you closer to Christ. It is my deepest desire that by leaning on Him, you will find the strength to endure any challenge that comes your way.

May our faith continue to shine brightly, and may we march forward as Christian Women Warriors of Light, united in our love for the Lord and one another.

With love and hope,


Psalm 46:10 (KJV): "Be still, and know that I am God."