Hannah Part 2--Persistence in Prayer: Lessons from Hannah’s Story

adversity answer to prayer bible women bible women & bathrobes compassion forgiveness hannah infertility journey of faith May 23, 2024


Bible, Women & Bathrobes Episode 14


During the conversation, Tamara Anderson, Bonnie Randall, and Jen Brewer discuss the significance of persistence in prayer, drawing inspiration from the story of Hannah in 1 Samuel 1. They emphasized the importance of trusting God's timing and seeking His guidance, even in the face of adversity. Tamara highlighted Hannah's unwavering faith and determination, while Bonnie and Jen shared their personal experiences of persisting in prayer and experiencing God's miracles and growth in faith. Later, the group discussed the importance of forgiveness and compassion within the church, and the role of women in history and their potential to usher in the return of Christ. They emphasized the need for church leaders to be mindful of their words and actions, and for women to stand up and claim their power.



  • From Jen, “[Hannah] had come with faith all these years. God, I know you can do it. I know you can do it. I know you can do it. Hope is, I know it can happen for me. Like, I know God can do it, but can you do it for me? And I believe that he will do it for me. Like I feel like that's where verse 18 is where she transitioned from faith to hope.”
  • From Bonnie, “Let go of this judging story and putting myself above anybody else realizing that we all are on our own unique path and our own unique missions.”
  • From Tamara, “I admire [Hannah] tremendously for her faith and courage, and being able to trust God--even with something hard. She was going through something terribly hard. So many times we turn to other places, and she just kept turning to God. And I think that that's a huge thing that we can learn from her.”


Today’s Podcast Hosts & Guests

Tamara K. Anderson

Tamara, founder of Women Warriors of Light, is a dynamic speaker, award winning author, and a podcaster. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin, she navigates the joys and challenges of parenting four children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. You can find out more about Tamara on her website: https://www.tamarakanderson.com/


Bonnie Randall

Bonnie Randall is a wife, mother, trainer, speaker, actress, copywriter, heart centered life coach and has also been a business and marketing consultant for over 20 years. Her real passion is to help people grow as individuals and teach them how to resolve limiting beliefs. Bonnie enjoys teaching about mental health, abuse prevention and recovery classes. She runs a trauma recovery support group and YouTube channel called, Come Off Conqueror, which helps survivors of abuse find Christ centered healing. Find out more at: https://www.youtube.com/@comeoffconqueror


Jen Brewer

Jen Brewer is a member of our Women Warriors of Light advisory board. She is a nourisher of bodies and souls. She does this through speaking, writing, and global malnutrition work. She is the mother of 7 children, author of 6 books, and lover of traveling to discover yummy food and Jesus Christ (not necessarily in that order).




Tamara Anderson  0:00 

Have you ever promised to do something to God you are promised them that you would do something and in return for a favor. We're going to talk about Hannah vowing a vow to God and and what that looked like. And also how sometimes people may see us doing something and they might judge us wrong. But we'll talk about that on this episode of Bible, Women and Bathrobes. Stay tuned.


Tamara Anderson  0:32 

Welcome to Bible, Women and Bathrobes the podcast where faith meets comfort. Join us Tuesday and Thursday morning. As the gals from Women Warriors of Light and their guests, Don bathrobes and dive into the inspiring stories of women in the Bible, and the teachings of Jesus Christ. From Esther's bravery to the Sermon on the Mount. We explore it all with warm laughter, sisterhood, and maybe even a few sleepy eyed moments. tune in live or at your leisure as we learn lessons from scripture which empower women today.


Tamara Anderson  1:14 

Hello, and welcome to Bible, Women and Bathrobes. I'm your host Tamara K Anderson. And I have Bonnie Randall here with me. Hi, Bonnie.


Bonnie Randall  1:22 

Good morning.


Tamara Anderson  1:23 

And Jen Brewer. Welcome back, Jen.


Jen Brewer  1:26 

Thank you. It's great to be back.


Tamara Anderson  1:29 

Wonderful. And we are talking again about Hannah. And last week we kind of talked about who Hannah was in the Old Testament and how her husband Elkanah had two wives, Hannah and Peninnah. And Peninnah had children and Hannah was barren. And Hannah was so sad. This became a point of extreme hardship for her. And we kind of dove into how she wept bitterly and and so what Hannah ends up doing, they would come up every year her family would come up to worship and Shiloh and offer sacrifices to God.


Tamara Anderson  2:14 

And, and so Hannah, because every year, her husband would give her a worthy portion Peninnah would pick on her and, and so she just wept. She wept and wept because she didn't have children. That was the desire of her heart. And that's kind of where we pick up the story of, of Hannah weeping and her husband saying, you know, I love you so much, Hannah. I love I love what he asked for verse eight. He says, "Why weepest thou? Why eatest thou not? You know and the only other person to ask that in the scripture of a woman was Jesus. He said, why weepest thou? when Mary was weeping. And so I'm thankful at least had a had a husband who seemed to really love her.


Tamara Anderson  3:08 

And then Hannah rose up and she went and prayed at the temple, or right outside the temple there. And we read in verse 10, it says, "and she was in bitterness of soul and prayed unto the Lord and wept sore." And this was where she, it says, "And she vowed a vow and said, oh, Lord of hosts, if thou will, indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid and remember me, and not forget thy handmaid, but will give unto thine hand made a man child, then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head." And so what she's saying here is if you give me a son, I'm going to give him back to you. And he will, he will be dedicated to the Lord. And I'm just going to pause right there and just ask for any thoughts. Jen we'll start with you.


Jen Brewer  4:08 

So many thoughts on this. If she had gone in continuation to what we talked about last week, if she had gone with the tradition of this is just my lot. This is just what I need to do. I'll just go home. That could have been a whole different story. And yet, this reminds me of the woman who approaches Jesus and says, Let me let me have a blessing. And he I mean, it kind of in our language comes off very rude when he's like, No, it's not for you know, this is for this people. Not that people, you know, kind of, not for the dogs, and she comes right back with well, even the dogs get the crumbs and after that after her persistence, Christ says, you know, I've not seen such great faith in all of Israel. Here you go.


Jen Brewer  5:07 

So, again, like I feel like anxious stories are filled with so much of a paradox. Because we kind of get told, Oh, don't ask, don't ask for a sign. Don't do this don't push. And other times, we read about people pushing and pushing, and but wait, but wait, I need this in the persistence. In fact, the story of the unjust judge Christ gives the meaning of that parable before he even gives the parable, the only time he ever does that gives them meaning. He says, so that you will weary the the Lord with your pleadings, so that you will constantly come and pray to God. And I feel like she's showing this full, full course.


Jen Brewer  5:50 

And it's so taboo right now I feel like for me, at least from what I've absorbed with my growing up culture of you don't bargain with God. You don't like those are given those. Those are stories that are given in a oh, I try to bargain with God as a faux PA. And here she is laying out this is what I'll do. I want to strike a bargain. I will make a covenant with you. If you give me a child, I will do XYZ. And it's I love it. I love, love, love, her persistence. She she's a woman who in the verbiage I talk a lot about is has feels a rumble. She knows something needs to change. You can't keep going with the status quo. Like she's been weeping bitter tears, she just she can't stay how things are.


Jen Brewer  6:50 

And so she comes with a plan. In, in. In my religious tradition, there's another story of a man who comes to Christ with a plan. He Christ tells him to build a boat. And there are some problems with it. And the first few problems crisis. Oh, yeah, I do this. And this. The third problem Christ says what do you want me to do? And he comes with like, this is her coming with a plan.


Jen Brewer  7:16 

And I say that tongue in cheek often where I take my plans to God. I'm like, but what what about this, like it would work really well like this? And 99.999% of the time, God kind of gives me that little pat on the head. And oh, that's so sweet. You little mortal self. Like, that's your plan. But boom, here's my plan. And let's expand the heavens. I think there are times to when he's like, Yeah, let's do it. Let's let's go for it. Which as well, as we'll talk later. I'm sure she had some whoa, wait a minute. Are you sure? Because she kind of had a run in with the priest that she was later going to give her son to? Which that I'm sure that was probably on the editing floor that she had some moments of asking God about that. Like, wasn't there a caveat somewhere? Isn't there a little praise for me that we can but but I'm talking too much. I just I love that she came to God persisted and presented a plan. I love that such a strong archetype of a woman.


Tamara Anderson  8:38 

Yeah. Okay, Bonnie.


Speaker 1  8:41 

That's also one of my favorite parts of this story, because I am one who has bargained with God a few times. And I'm not ashamed about it. I'm like my counterparts here and in my area. Because there were these were righteous yearnings of my soul, right? These were things that like, even in I've been promised, like, you'll be a mom, right? And I wasn't a mom yet. So here I was going, you said I wouldn't be a mom. And I'm not a mom. Like what gives? Right and, and so pleading the same vow as her and going back.


Bonnie Randall  9:20 

We talked about that last episode and this episode, this part, this verse, actually, you made me remember a story about a time when I was in the temple, bargaining with God. And I remember praying, I said, I know I'm not supposed to bargain with you. But can you just hear me out? Like, here's the situation. And it was all about my brother. He had just gone off to war. 911 had just happened. And he was he had just graduated boot camp in the Marine Corps and his A long story short, he didn't get to go to Afghanistan right away because some things had happened and he had to stay behind. But then he was supposed to go right into Iraq. So this was right when our troops were invading Iraq. So they're crossing into the border.


Bonnie Randall  10:20 

And I was just beside myself, my brother had kind of gone a little bit wayward. He wasn't like reading scriptures or praying and things like that. And I'm like, Who is going to be protecting him? He's not doing the things to get protection. And I was so so worried. Judgy sister over here, and I'm sorry, Rick, if you happen to be listening. I apologize for that. I was worried. I was so worried. And I was so worried that his best friend had died in a car accident and was no longer going to be right beside him protecting his six, right? Like I was just beside myself.


Bonnie Randall  11:02 

And I was in church crying before a fireside and some friends came up and they're like, what's wrong? Why weepest thou? Good ol man, oh, you've asked me, Why is the woman crying? And they reminded me of this story about and how the people in that city prayed for these rebellious young men who were going off the rails. And they had an angel come and turn their hearts around. And they said, it wasn't the boys who made that happen. It was the people and their dad and their family who prayed for them. Miracles can happen when you pray for people.


Bonnie Randall  11:44 

So I went back to the temple and I said, Alright, I'm taking this story to heart. You've said that if I pray for people, miracles can happen. I know. I'm not supposed to really bargain with you. But here's my proposal. If I come to the temple every single week, can you transfer the blessings that would come to me? To my brother? I don't need them. I'm safe. I'm okay. He needs them.


Bonnie Randall  12:17 

And ladies, I felt the strongest Yes. I felt him say, I've heard you I see I see him. Yes, if you will do this. It will all work out. He may not be protected in the way that you think he's going to be protected. But I will opt out for him. And I had so much peace and other things came to me too. But I just had this overwhelming sense of peace that God heard me. And that he saw me and he saw my brother and he knew what was going on. Fast forward a few months, he came home. And he was okay. And later, we're talking about things and he had these amazing experiences where he felt miracles happen.


Bonnie Randall  13:09 

A few months later, he had to go back to Fallujah. And this was the first battle Felicia and this was if you know anything about that war, you know that the first battle of Fallujah was a mess. It was a nightmare. We lost so many soldiers during that time. And I was again terrified of him going. And because I knew he was walking into the lion's den. And it was a den of lions and Vipers and bears and all sorts of horrible, scary things. And him being with the job that he had as as a machine gunner, he was one of the very first that they picked off.


Bonnie Randall  13:49 

And so again, I went back to the temple and I was like, okay, hey, can we renew this bargain? Can we do this again? And again, I felt this overwhelming sense of peace, this overwhelming sense of I hear you, I see you, I see him. You keep coming to me with the faith. And I will keep doing my thing. And there were a few really sacred things that happened that I knew that there are different times when I would go to the temple. And the next day, something would happen to protect my brother. And it was crazy.


Bonnie Randall  14:35 

We when he came home and we lined up the stories later because for the first little while he wouldn't talk about it. But later when we started lining up our timelines, we realized things that were happening to me and the temple. Were then happening to him within a day or two. It was crazy. So my testimony is, yeah, we can't control The elements, we can't tell him what we're gonna do. But our faith can move mountains. And I've, on the flip side haven't had experiences where my prayers didn't work out the way I wanted, right. And the miracle wasn't the saving of the person. But the miracle was the lesson learned. And the growth in the understanding, right, so we do have to have both sides to learn both lessons.


Tamara Anderson  15:35 

Yeah, no, I love that. And, and we also read in here that this had been going on for years. So this wasn't like the first time we had a came up and made this vow this has been going on for years and years and years. So, you know, maybe her first prayers weren't answered, you know, maybe her first tries weren't answered. So I like what you said, Jen about persistence, persisting, banging on those doors of heaven. Eventually, our prayers change, to become what we need them to be.


Tamara Anderson  16:13 

Or, perhaps God changes our heart, or gives us an idea of what we should pray for, kind of like Bonnie's story and transferring the blessings to her brother, you know, and then we we let's keep going.


Tamara Anderson  16:29 

It says, as she was praying that the priest Eli saw that she was moving her lips. It says in verse 13, now Hannah, she speak in her heart, only her lips move, but her voice was not heard. So II like an A judge her and he thought, Oh, she's drunk. And so he says, How long will they'll be drunk and put away wine from the in henna answered and said, No, my lord, I am a woman of sorrowful spirit, I have drunk neither wine, nor strong drink, that have poured out my soul before the Lord. And then she basically says, Don't think I'm a daughter of, you know, Belial, which means basically good for nothing, you know, or wickedness. Out of the abundance of my complaint and grief, I have spoken hither to. So she is explaining, I am pouring my soul out to God here.


Tamara Anderson  17:29 

And, and then Eli answered and said, Go in peace, and the God of Israel, grant the thy petition that thou hast asked of him. And she said, Let by handmaid find grace and thy sight, and she went her way, and did eat, and she was no more sad. So here, she got judged for a little bit. And she's like, No, no. That's not, that's not what I am. You know, that's not who I am. And, and then she's promised a great promise that God will grant her petition. So she went away joyful. So any thoughts on this? Ladies? Bonnie, let's start with you.


Bonnie Randall  18:14 

So I felt like this story is a great lesson for all of us who have been wounded by a church leader, or by a member of our church. Right? He judged her wrongly, right? He missed it something and how many times have we done the same thing to other people, or have it done to ourselves, but she right away, she didn't get mad, she stayed, She corrected them, right. She didn't just stand and take the abuse, She corrected him. And then he apologized, while sort of apologize by giving her a blessing, right.


Bonnie Randall  18:57 

And I feel like this is such a great example to all of us of forgiveness, and reconciliation, and how when we can do those things within our church and and without, right, like, we have blessings that come. It makes me think of when I was in college, I had made some major mistakes, and it led me down a dark path and I ended up being date raped. And I went back to my, my church leader at the time, and told him everything that happened. And he did not respond in the way that you would think a church leader would. He didn't respond with compassion and understanding and, and forgiveness or any of those things. He actually said, What did you think was going to happen? Boys will be boys.


Bonnie Randall  19:55 

Stupidiest saying you can possibly say and I share That story not to, like, condemn him by any means. But to share that I had to learn forgiveness. And at that time, I was not Hana, I did not immediately forgive or correct, and move on my merry way. Instead, I wandered off the path even further. And it led to several years of wandering and distress and all sorts of horrible things. And you guys have heard the story and past episodes, so I won't go there. But it lead to that prodigal journey, and I later had to learn to forgive him.


Bonnie Randall  20:41 

And I'm actually really grateful that he said, That stupid comment, because it had led to me now having so much more grace, for people, for when they say dumb things without thinking, and me being able to pause and say, they're human, they're allowed to make mistakes. They're allowed to say dumb things. And I am allowed to forgive. This is an opportunity for me to forgive and to give people the benefit of the doubt. And that has served me really well. Because since then, I have heard other things that church leaders have said that I didn't agree with and that were hurtful, another opportunity to forgive and to see the greater picture.


Bonnie Randall  21:26 

Other people, I have been the person that has said dumb things, I have hurt other people. And I've needed to ask for forgiveness. So this story is a great example to me. And I hope to all of us that people are still human, even if we are in high stations of your church, we can still make mistakes. And just like all children of God, we all deserve forgiveness, and a little more compassion and grace.


Tamara Anderson  22:00 



Jen Brewer  22:01 

That's beautiful and profound. Bonnie, thank you so much for sharing that. I get Yeah, it brings me to I get a little hot and bothered when when I that abruptness happens or something that's if I feel misunderstood. And I adore absolutely adore the Old Testament because it is nothing but hot messes. All these humans bumbling their way through there was I don't know who the editing board was. But thank you for for not giving us the whitewashed version. Because what that makes me do after I'm doing my like, you know, 20th century mocking or 21st century mocking of hmm, they're so dumb that I take a step back and I'm like, Oh, I'm so dumb. And how beautiful it is that God works with messes, and can turn that into masterpieces that it's not about the person. It's about the message.


Jen Brewer  23:19 

And the ELI after having wrongfully accused her could then step forward as a vessel from God. Wow. So there's hope for me that after I respond, not so sing songs, no it to my children can then turn around and still receive inspiration of how to raise said children that he doesn't like kick. Eli might not be a good example, because his butt does get kicked to the curb later. But that's a whole other story. But while he is in the office, he still God will utilize him in that. And, man, there have been so many church leaders that I sit and I'm like, Whoa, that's not how I would have done it. Like, wow. And I was having a particular judging moment. See judgey Here you go.


Jen Brewer  24:18 

And I had this moment with God. And he's like, yeah, it's not how you would have done it. It's not how I would have done it. But who cares? I just need it done. And it's fascinating to me that so many things that he works through, he'll say, Yeah, whatever you think, go this way. Go that way. Go buy land, go buy water, no, whatever. Just it's fine. However, whatever you want to see work like with my kids. If you it's not exactly how I would do that math problem, but you go ahead, you try out that Common Core. We'll just we'll see how that works, which is While alert does not end well for anybody, but that's a whole other story. But He lets us function in this mess. And I think part of it is to help each of us if we're in this training, it's to help us realize, Oh, God can pretty much work with anybody. And he can still give me a message through somebody who had just berated me. Mm hmm. Wow.


Speaker 1  25:30 

Talk about humbling. Like, she really had to humble herself and accept that. I mean, she didn't get the words that she wanted to been longing to hear. But just surprisingly, that it came from somebody who was just really rude. And I love that you said that he can still use, use them and use us right? When we do something wrong. It doesn't take away the mantle or stewardship, right, like you still have stewardship over your kids, you can still receive revelation for them. Even if you just aren't and we face that sing-songy, Snow White.


Jen Brewer  26:07 

Forgiveness is real, and it's complete. And what better way to show that thank God still using vessels, even when we're dorks about it.


Tamara Anderson  26:21 

It's amazing how God can use all of us flawed people to bring about his purposes. It really is. And I'm thankful he does that he believes in each of us enough to keep trusting us. We keep trying. I think that's one of the greatest examples we can actually share with our children is that, hey, mom's isn't perfect, either. And I make mistakes all the time. And I keep trying, because that's really what we want to teach. The rising generation is we're all flawed. But God still loves us anyway. And these are really, really good points. Awesome. Well, let's wrap it up here, guys. Final thoughts, takeaways that you like from these verses that we've read here? Jen, let's start with you. Okay,


Jen Brewer  27:20 

I have two final thoughts. I'll be really brief. One is I love and verse 18. Like we're talking, this has been years of petitioning and petitioning and petitioning, and then just get accused of being a drunk and then still say, No, I want this. And then the priest says, okay, God's gonna grant it. Like, she wasn't pregnant, she didn't have a baby. And yet, she went away, and ate and was happy. And that that to me is I just learned this a few weeks ago from reading a book is the difference of faith and hope. Like she had come with faith all these years. God, I know you can do it. I know you can do it. I know you can do it. Hope is, I know it can happen for me. Like, I know God can do it, but can you do it for me? And I believe that he will do it for me. Like I feel like that's where verse 18 is where she transitioned from faith to hope of Oh, wow, this can really happen.


Jen Brewer  28:19 

And then zoom out the broader version of Hannah and why she feels this need to push and push and push and not just be happy with the portion or has been gives her is I feel like speaks to. Okay, I have like this massive thing in my brain. I'm gonna condense it to like to like 20 seconds. I might leave some points out, but women are the crux of the world.


Jen Brewer  28:47 

And from the beginning of time has been the crux of the world, not just gosh, we need you. Gosh, your voice is important. If you look at women through history, women have opened every epic of time with Christ. You've got Eve opened motherhood, the world talks about Adam being the the first the person who ushered in, he was content to sit in the garden. Like it was Eve. That pretty much shoved him out. Like let's get moving. Let's bring humanity into being in first faced person. I mean, her name has been slaughtered through history because of that decision that she made to bring humanity about.


Jen Brewer  29:35 

You've got Mary, who, as a teenager, an angel comes down and says yo, you're gonna have a baby. You're engaged. Sorry, have fun explaining that one. I mean, facing these unbelievable opposition's and brought in like she brought in Christ.


Jen Brewer  29:56 

Then you've got Mary Magdalene, who goes to the tomg. Her, she's the first one who ushers in Christ. Her testimony was muck as a woman, nobody would believe anything a woman said, and yet Christ appeared to her first. Like this female thing.


Jen Brewer  30:13 

Females have been at the crux of every turn point. You've got Hannah, who she, with this brought in Samuel, who ushered in this entire epic of the prophets. You know, we had had, we had had the epic of the judges before. This marks a transition into the age of the prophets. And Hannah, Hannah brought that about. And she brought that about because she wouldn't take no for an answer, because she knew there was something that she needed to do.


Jen Brewer  30:48 

And we talked about that as motherhood. But we don't talk about the story surrounding that, that it sees mothers who went through bashing went through unbelievable odds and kept persisting through really weird and wonky circumstances, and have ushered in these epic, so we want to bring that to us.


Jen Brewer  31:08 

Now I'm going to lightning might strike. But I truly believe that we are at an age where women need to stand up and claim our power. And it's not. It's not a given, it's not an either or women or men. It's it's a, it's a congruence that we have this great power of patriarchy, which I love. But we're missing the matriarchy. And I feel like that's the piece that needs to be put into place in order to usher in the coming of Christ. Now, I haven't read that anywhere. So again, if lightning strikes, you'll know I was wrong.


Jen Brewer  31:52 

Just if we look at history, it's like this missing piece of this wholeness, that women and I see it everywhere. I talked to so many women who feel this. There's something there's something I don't know what it is, I get told to sit down and shut up. But I need to stand up and talk. I don't know why I don't know what. So my my ending is a call out to women, warriors of light, like this is your this is your battle cry. Come join the ranks like it, you are needed. You are a warrior and you are so needed to bring in the return of Christ.


Tamara Anderson  32:42 

Love it, love it. Love it. Love it. Bonnie, takeaways,


Bonnie Randall  32:46 

I just want to give a standing ovation to that speech, because that was beautiful and spot on. And preach it girl, you just you stand up on that mountain. And you just keep saying that because it's needed. And us women really do need to realize that we are powerful, they have a job to do. And we have a job to do. And we can work together to make that happen.


Bonnie Randall  33:12 

My take away is going back to my the story of my brother to wrap that up. I realized, right like I wasn't better than my brother. Because I was in the temple praying. My brother was doing his mission. He was doing exactly what he was supposed to do. And thank goodness he was over there fighting. And goodness, he was brave enough to do what he was supposed to do. And thank goodness, I was over here, doing what I was supposed to do. We were working together in tandem, during both of our unique missions, right? I wasn't better than him. And vice versa, right?


Bonnie Randall  33:52 

And learning over time to like, let go of this judging story and putting myself above anybody else realizing that we all are on our own unique path and our own unique missions. And like to echo what Jen is saying, ladies, it is time to stand up to proclaim the truth that you know, you know, to use your faith to use the power within you to move mountains needs and to usher in the Second Coming to bring people to Christ to make powerful, powerful things happen. You have a stewardship over certain things and the sooner you figure out what that is by praying and asking and pleading if you're getting that Inkling and you're feeling that Jan's talking about I feel like there's more. I feel like there's something that I'm missing. It's because you are you are being called to something and I promise you and I bear you this witness that if you will take it to the Lord like Hannah did. And you will persistently ask, right, the way will be made shown. And you will figure out your next steps.


Bonnie Randall  35:14 

And he's probably only going to give you a little pieces at a time. And don't be surprised if the answer comes from somebody you don't like. Or that was mean to you, or comes from a surprising source. It might very well happen that way. Because God's funny, and he loves ironi. I love you. And I know you can do this. And I leave you with my prayer today that God will strengthen you.


Tamara Anderson  35:40 

Thank you, Bonnie. Gosh, I don't know if I can add much to what you guys have already said. I am just amazed at Hannah's persistence and dedication. She was a woman of incredible faith. And I admire her tremendously for her faith and courage, and being able to trust God--even with something hard, she was going through something terribly hard. So many times we turn to other places, and she just kept turning to God. And I think that that's a huge thing that we can learn from her.


Tamara Anderson  36:20 

Anyway, ladies, thanks for joining us today, and we'll pick up next week where we left off and learn more of the story of Hannah, Have a blessed day. Thanks for tuning in to Bible, Women and Bathrobes hosted by Women Warriors of Light. We've loved exploring the stories of remarkable women are the teachings of the Savior today with you. If today's episode brought someone special to mind, be sure to spread the word. And don't forget to hit that subscribe button so you never miss a moment of inspiration and sisterhood. Just a friendly reminder, all opinions we share are entirely personal as we are trying to decipher and apply Bible teachings just like you are. Until next time, stay faithful. And may Your journey be blessed and illuminated by God's love.


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