Prioritizing What Truly Matters

faith meaningful life prioritize time management Aug 31, 2022

Dear Sisters of Radiant Light,

How do you spend your precious hours each day? Are you content with how you invest your time? And more importantly, what holds the utmost significance in your life? Are you dedicating your moments to those who matter most?

Frank Sonnenberg, a profound thinker, once said, "Know what matters most to you and be unwilling to compromise those priorities at almost any price." If you're anything like me, keeping those vital priorities at the forefront of our minds can be a challenge. Life's distractions often beckon, diverting our focus to things of lesser or no importance.

Obstacles also find their way into our journey, hindering us from spending time with our loved ones or pursuing the things we hold dear. These obstacles come in various forms - physical, financial, health-related, trauma, distance, work demands, or even availability. It's not an easy road to navigate, is it?

But remember, you're not alone in this. I'd like to share some resources that can help us remember and prioritize what truly matters:

Resources for a Meaningful Life

So, do you believe you can do better in this aspect of your life? If the answer is yes, then today is the day to put first things first.

Block out time this week to do something just for you.

Schedule quality time with someone you love or wish to know better.

You can change, and you can change today to lead a more meaningful life.

Share your aspirations with God, and remember the words of Jesus Christ: "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly" (John 10:10). He desires you to have a profoundly meaningful life and is here to guide you on the journey.

Make today an abundantly meaningful day!

With unshakeable hope,
