Restful Self-Care: Cultivating Mental Wellness

care mental health relaxation self-care stress relievers May 26, 2022

Dear Sister in the Light,

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and in this uncertain world, prioritizing our mental well-being is vital. As a licensed therapist, my passion is to equip you with practical tools to enhance your mental health.

Today, I want to emphasize the significance of self-care. The Oxford Dictionary defines it as "taking action to preserve or improve one's mental health and well-being." Self-care isn't selfish; it's an act of self-love.

If we don't care for ourselves, who will? Self-care means treating yourself with the same love you'd show to a dear friend. It doesn't have to be complicated, expensive, or time-consuming, but it must be intentional.

One remarkable aspect of self-care is rest. It might seem counterintuitive, but rest is a powerful action.

Resting grants your mind the stillness it craves. In a world filled with tasks, decisions, and sensory overload, our minds never stop processing. By allowing your mind to be still, you release the stress that accumulates throughout the day. Rest enhances creativity, productivity, and decision-making. It refills your energy reserves, preparing you to face life's challenges.

Rest also preserves your energy for what truly matters. We all have limited hours in a day, and there's always more to do. If you exhaust your energy on less important tasks, you won't have the strength for what's truly significant.

Think of a wise basketball coach who doesn't overwork their star player but strategically rests them to deliver peak performance when needed.

My challenge to you is this: schedule rest into your life. It could be 10 minutes daily, a couple of hours weekly, or a weekend each month. This act of self-care will profoundly impact every aspect of your life.

Remember, self-care is an affirmation of your worth. You deserve to be cared for.

With love and light,

Wendi Christensen, LCSW

P.S. - "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." – Matthew 11:28 (KJV)