Running with Faith: Finish Strong

hope for future hope in christ i can do hard things perseverance run the race Jan 02, 2024

Dear Warrior Sisters in Christ,

I want to share a story of determination with you, one that I hope will inspire and encourage you on your own journey of faith. It's a story of a mile run in junior high, a stitch in the side, and an unwavering commitment to finish strong.

In junior high, they timed us as we ran a mile in PE. The goal? To earn the coveted Presidential Fitness Award. Now, let me clarify that I've never been a natural-born runner. But that award was a symbol of accomplishment, and I wanted it.

So there I was, running that mile along the familiar route by our junior high, shaded by the thick canopy of Virginia trees. Despite the stitch in my side and the struggle for every breath, I was resolved to finish within the time limit. With a final gasp for air, I crossed the finish line, and I had won the award. "Rejoicing of the hope, firm unto the end," (Hebrews 3:6).

Now, as I reflect on that memory, I can't help but draw a parallel to our faith journey. The race of life, just like that mile, can be challenging. We all experience trials, obstacles, and moments when we're gasping for spiritual breath. But in the end, our goal is not an earthly award; it's the prize of eternal life.

However, it's easy to lose our firm footing when life gets tough. We can become distracted by the stitches in our side, the hardships we face, and the daily grind. That's why remembering is crucial. When we remember God, His promises, and the glorious blessings He has prepared for those who love Him, we can find the strength to endure.

The Bible reminds us that "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him" (1 Corinthians 2:9). This verse is a powerful reminder that our trials, no matter how challenging, are temporary in comparison to the eternal blessings God has in store for us.

So, my dear sisters, when life's trials weigh heavily and you feel like you're gasping for spiritual breath, remember Him. Keep your eyes on the ultimate prize, the hope of eternal life, and stay firm in your faith, just as Jesus did. He remained steadfast even as He bled at every pore and hung on the cross for us.

He was firm, alone, so that He could be with us as we run our race of life. Let us rejoice in this hope and stay firm, unwavering, and resolute. Just as He is true to us, let us be true to Him. Stay firm in your faith, undaunted by the challenges, and ever hopeful.

With love and unwavering faith,

Tamara K. Anderson