Stress-Relief Hacks: Find Peace Amid Life's Storms

peace self-care stress relief stress relievers tips for hard times Oct 26, 2022

My Dearest Sister Warrior battling stress,

How is your heart today? On a scale of 1-10, where does your stress level fall? I suspect, like many of us, you're carrying the weight of chronic stress.

I recently presented at a conference, and as I prepared my PowerPoint presentation, stress crept in. I wanted everything to be perfect. Yet, life's interruptions, the demands of motherhood, and everyday responsibilities conspired to elevate my stress. It's a familiar scenario, isn't it?

When a million things clamor for your attention, stress can loom large, casting a shadow on your happiness. I've learned some invaluable hacks for taming stress that I'm eager to share with you:

Resources for Stressful Times

  • Dr. Michael Olpin, a wellness and stress expert, can teach you a powerful meditation technique that can be your sanctuary in the midst of life's chaos. Listen to this episode: Dr. Michael Olpin: How to Easily Decrease Your Stress Today.
  • Sometimes, strong emotions like anger, grief, worry, or frustration amplify stress. I've discussed four helpful tips to deal with these emotions in this episode: 4 Tips to Deal with Strong Emotions. You can watch it on YouTube here 
  • A few years back, I had the privilege of interviewing Katy Willis, who shared three incredible breathing techniques for chaotic moments. Discover them here: Stressed? Try These 3 Breathing Exercises.
  • Create a stress-relief toolbox filled with strategies to turn to on trying days. If you're not sure where to start, this podcast episode offers 11 Quick and Easy Ways to Reduce Stress.
  • Favorite New Stress Reliever: Recently, I stumbled upon Dr. Teal's Epsom Salt Soaks with delightful essential oil blends. "Ginger & Clay" and "Lavender" are my favorite scents so far. The calming effects of magnesium in these soaks have made me a tub enthusiast. Soaking in these fragrant baths is my newfound escape from stress. Just don't forget to lock the door to avoid interruptions.

Remember, whether you choose meditation, a calming bath, prayer, journaling, or a heart-to-heart chat with a friend, taking steps to lower your stress is an act of self-love. As a child of God, you are deserving of peace and tranquility.

Recall the words of our Savior, "My peace I give unto you... Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid" (John 14:27). With God by your side, you can overcome any challenge.

May these stress-relief hacks be a source of solace for you in the midst of life's storms.

With love and unwavering hope,
