Surviving a Life-Altering Crash: Finding Joy and Purpose

faith in christ finding joy gratitude hope in adversity testimony Feb 15, 2023

My Dear Friend,

I want to share a remarkable story of survival, a day etched into my memory forever. It was February 11, 2001, a day that would change my life. My husband and I were driving along a California freeway, heading to the airport. As we rounded a bend, a car in front of us approached alarmingly fast. In the blink of an eye, we crashed, leaving me severely injured.

The impact shattered my collarbone, punctured my lung, and bruised my heart and liver. I was struggling to breathe, and my vision began to fade. In that harrowing moment, I offered a desperate prayer to remain conscious, fearing the unknown of passing out.

Miraculously, I stayed awake. When paramedics arrived, they couldn't detect my pulse, yet I was alive. A firefighter and EMT friend later told us, "You shouldn't be here." We had cheated death. To this day, his words haunt me, making me wonder why I was granted a second chance.

My survival left me with a profound gift: a renewed perspective on life. I've cherished 22 more years of struggles and growth, a chance to raise my children and share my experiences with you. Although I may never know why I'm here, I celebrate life every February 11th.

Life is a precious gift, full of ups and downs, but I am grateful for every moment.

Here are some resources to help you find joy in life:

Whether you're in a hospital bed, at home, or stuck in traffic, pause to appreciate life's simple joys. Say three things you're thankful for aloud before you sleep. Feel joy, even if only for a moment.

"Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost." (Romans 15:13)

Connect with God through gratitude, even on tough days. Find moments of joy and continue to hope.

With love,
