The Gift of Love: Finding True Readiness for Christmas

christmas gift of love god's love jesus christ love seek jesus Dec 05, 2023

Dear Beloved Sisters in Christ,

As the joyous season of Christmas approaches, I want to share a thought that might bring peace to your hearts. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday, feeling the pressure to be fully prepared for Christmas. But let me remind you of a different kind of readiness, a readiness that transcends the material aspects of the season.

Think about the very first Christmas. Jesus, the Savior of the world, was born in the humblest of settings - a place where animals found shelter, a manger where they fed. His entrance into the world was marked by simplicity, not extravagance. And yet, it was the most profound and meaningful gift ever given.

The Bible tells us in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son." The true essence of Christmas lies in this selfless act of love. God's love for us, expressed through the birth of Jesus, is a reminder that Christmas isn't about lavish decorations, expensive gifts, or perfect plans. It's about love.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the demands of the season, take a moment to remember Him. Reflect on the simplicity of that first Christmas, where love, grace, and hope were born in a lowly manger. Just like God's love for us, the best gifts don't come wrapped in extravagant packages; they come from the heart.

This Christmas, consider the greatest gift you can give and receive - the gift of love. Let love be the guiding star that leads you through this season. As you love and serve others, you're sharing the true spirit of Christmas. May the love and peace of Christ fill your hearts and homes during this special time.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas filled with the warmth of God's love,
