The Power of "I Want"

autism parenting power in prayer Mar 16, 2015

Dear Warrior Sisters in Christ,

I'd like to share a little story that reminded me of the power of simple words and understanding in parenting, just like our Father in Heaven comprehends our needs.

The other night, as I was tucking in my son Nathan, a curious incident unfolded. Following our usual bedtime ritual, I prayed with him, ensuring his glasses were on the nightstand. However, as he sat there gazing at me, I sensed a subtle distress in his eyes, like he held a request on the tip of his tongue.

In these moments, I wish he could articulate his thoughts, as it would ease the guessing game. Typically, he drifts off to sleep without any fuss. But not that night. Stumped and unable to grasp the cause of his unease, I called in my husband for assistance.

After a few attempts to discern what was bothering him, my husband prompted Nathan with the words, "I want..." As if a dam had broken, Nathan repeated, "I want," a few times, and then his mind found the missing puzzle piece - "clothes."

Ah, the clarity! It turned out Nathan simply wanted to change into his bedtime clothes, his usual t-shirt and shorts. He had already been in t-shirt and shorts from earlier that day, but my oversight in not "changing his clothes for bed" had him somewhat disconcerted. My mistake entirely. Sigh!

Reflecting on this, I realized the beauty of communication and simple words. The power of expression lies in those uncomplicated phrases: "I want." In Nathan's case, it bridged the gap between frustration and understanding. I can't help but thank the Lord for guiding him to articulate his need, preventing a tantrum that once arose from his inability to convey even a single word.

It's a lesson for all of us. Sometimes, the power of "I want" can go a long way, just as our communication with God is in simple prayers. Let's always remember to use these two little words when seeking help or understanding.

In Christ's love,

Tamara K. Anderson