To Be In the Presence of Jesus

faith healing hope jesus christ Nov 07, 2023

My Dearest Sisters in Christ,

As I sit here today, I find myself pondering a question that perhaps you, too, have asked in the quiet moments of your life: If Jesus were to walk through the threshold of my humble home today, what would He see?

Would He pay heed to the cluttered countertops, remnants of meals cooked with love and the scattered homework pages, a testament to the pursuit of knowledge and growth?

Would He raise an eyebrow at the dishes in the sink, or would His heart swell with gratitude for the blessing of nourishing food shared in the company of family?

And the toys and books strewn across the living room floor, would they draw His attention or be a testimony to family gatherings filled with prayer, scripture study, love, and laughter?

Would He cast a disapproving glance at the still unpacked suitcases from our last adventure, or would He rejoice in the exploration of the wondrous beauties of His creation with loved ones by my side?

If Jesus graced my home with His presence today, I imagine I would fall to my knees with an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude. I would thank Him for being with me in my weakest moments, by my hospital bed, when my body lay broken and frail.

I would express my gratitude for His bestowal of strength and resilience, enabling me to endure each moment, one step at a time.

I would thank Him for those long, sleepless nights tending to sick children, for holding me close as I comforted my precious ones on the spectrum, soothing their screams into the quiet hours of the morning.

I would recount the times of darkness when He was my constant companion, sending His angels to minister to my children and me, guiding us through the darkest hours.

I would sing praises for His boundless mercy, despite my imperfections, for His unwavering love that shines upon me, and for His sacrifice that brings the sweet peace of repentance.

I would thank Him for the eternal hope of a perfected body in the resurrection, for His forgiveness and His encouragement to strive for our best selves, always with His divine assistance.

And then, with great humility, I would bow before Him and beseech Him for blessings. A blessing to break the chains of my limitations, to shatter the shackles of my sins, and to grant me freedom.

I would ask for healing in this fragile vessel, plagued by migraines and the relentless march of time. In Him, I would find the hope of a Healer, both of body and soul.

If Jesus walked through my home today, I would rush to introduce Him to my beloved husband and children, for His touch would bring divine blessings and healing to each of their lives.

Tears of gratitude would flow as He placed His loving hands on their heads, embracing them with perfect love.

I would plead for the healing of my sons who battles the chains of autism. Only Jesus can unlock the language within him, enabling him to shout praises to His name.

I would implore for the restoration of the mind and body of a loved one, weary from the struggles of depression.

I would beg for the calming of anxiety and the stilling of the constant motion that plagues a dear child affected by ADHD. For in Him, we find a Savior, mighty to save, heal, uplift, enlighten, and bless.

If Jesus were to visit today, I would not stop at my doorstep. I would seek out my neighbors, inviting them and their families into His divine presence, for only He can heal individuals, families, communities, and nations.

Though Jesus may not physically step into my home today, we can still beseech Him for His love, mercy, healing, and strength.

In the silence of our hearts, we can pray for His Spirit to fill our lives, for the presence of angels, and for His divine peace.

While He may not be within our homes today, His presence can heal our souls, bless our children, mend our friends, and bring solace to our families and our nation.

In the absence of His physical presence, my dear sisters, I invite you to open the doors of your heart and home. Welcome Him in, for He stands ready to heal, to bless, to renew, and to guide.

May you find renewed strength in His love, unshakable faith in His promise, and everlasting hope in His grace.

May we look forward to His glorious return someday!

With profound love and blessings,

Tamara K. Anderson