Top 10 Worries of Parents Raising Children with Autism

autism special needs parenting Apr 19, 2018

By Tamara K. Anderson

As we embrace Autism Awareness month during April (and honor those who deal with the blessings and challenges of autism throughout the year), let's delve into the everyday concerns of parents who are warriors of light, loving and caring for their children with autism, both high-functioning and low-functioning.

Concern 1 - Deciphering Physical Needs
Understanding the physical needs of our non-verbal or minimally verbal children can be an intricate puzzle. We must become astute observers, gauging their pain or discomfort solely from their expressions and actions. It's like caring for a giant infant, trusting our instincts and hoping we're right. As Psalm 34:18 (KJV) reminds us, "The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit."
Concern 2 - Peer Interaction
For our high-functioning children, navigating social dynamics can be a minefield. They might face unkind treatment or misunderstand the intricacies of human interaction due to their challenges with reading facial expressions or social cues. Adolescence adds another layer of complexity to this journey.
Concern 3 - Providing for Life
Raising a child with autism often means a lifelong commitment. We must ensure their well-being not just until they turn 18, but throughout their entire lives. While most parents look forward to an empty nest, we embrace the notion that our beloved children will be with us always, reshaping our expectations and priorities.
Concern 4 - Abuse and Bullying
We hope for a world filled with kind and compassionate caregivers for our children, but the prevalence of abuse is a constant concern. We remain vigilant, ensuring their safety, especially when one of them cannot communicate their experiences. High-functioning children, in particular, may encounter the harsh realm of social media bullying. Let us take strength from Psalm 91:4 (KJV), "He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler."
Concern 5 - Bowel Movements
Many children on the autism spectrum face challenges with bowel movements, and this becomes a recurring topic of conversation among parents. Daily monitoring and care are necessary, a responsibility that extends far beyond the years of diaper changes.
Concern 6 - Eating Healthily
Sensory issues with food can be baffling. Encouraging our children to make wise food choices for their health is a relentless battle. We may deal with aversions to textures, or an uncanny ability to discover hidden sweets, often with no sense of self-control.
Concern 7 - Going Out in Public
Taking our children out can be an unpredictable adventure. The unknown variables in public spaces can trigger tantrums, overstimulation, and sensory sensitivities. We must navigate a world that's often too harsh for their heightened sensitivities.
Concern 8 - What if They Get Lost?
The nightmare of losing a child who cannot communicate their identity or contact information haunts us. This concern became a reality for us, and it highlights the vulnerability our children face in such situations. Yet, we find solace in Luke 15:4 (KJV): "What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?"
Concern 9 -Clothing (or Lack Thereof)
Sensory issues extend to clothing. Our children may have strong aversions to certain fabrics or may prefer minimal clothing. Over the years, we've mastered the art of accommodating their sensitivities.
Concern 10 -Sleep (or Lack Thereof)
Ensuring our children, and ourselves, get adequate sleep is a daily struggle. Many children on the spectrum wrestle with sleep disturbances, leading to exhaustion and challenging behaviors.


In conclusion, as we raise our children with autism, we hope to shed light on the daily challenges and celebrate the resilience of parents who journey with their unique children, knowing that our strength is found in our unwavering faith and love. Your support in spreading autism awareness is invaluable, and your empathy is deeply appreciated. Our role as caregivers is demanding, but our love for our children transcends all, even on those sleepless nights at 3 a.m.

Call to Action

Share this post to spread awareness about autism, and feel free to share your own concerns and experiences in the comments below. We are a community that thrives on mutual support and understanding, knowing that "we are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair" (2 Corinthians 4:8, KJV).