Transforming Perspective: God's Epiphanies

epiphany expectations faith in christ hope in christ perspective May 11, 2022

My Dear Sister-Warriors,

Have you ever experienced a profound shift in perspective? Those moments when your thinking transforms from one point of view to a completely different one?

Sometimes, it's a person who acts as a catalyst, guiding you through this shift. Other times, it feels like God is gently nudging you, almost like a tap on the shoulder. Then, there are those moments when the shift seems to penetrate deep into your soul, resonating at just the right time.

I've encountered enough of these changes in perspective, or epiphanies, to understand that God is leading me toward growth, transformation, and a higher plane of thinking. And let me tell you, that's not a bad thing.

Resources for a Shift in Perspective

  • Let me introduce you to Becca. She faced paralysis as a child, and it wasn't until she battled kidney failure and found herself steeped in misery and bitterness that she experienced an epiphany about hope. This revelation transformed her entire outlook, and now she radiates happiness despite her challenges. Becca's incredible story is an affirmation of the power of shifting our perspective. Please take a moment to listen to her inspiring journey here, Becca Goeckeritz: Tuning Bitterness Out and Bringing Hope In. You can watch it on YouTube here.
  • Now, meet Kenneth, who grew up in a small town on the less privileged side of the tracks. However, his angelic mother's unwavering determination and unique perspective propelled him to become a naval cryptologist—a true spy. He pays a heartfelt tribute to his mother for shaping his perspective and helping him see beyond their circumstances. You can hear Kenneth's remarkable story here, Kenneth Earl: How a Naval Cryptologist's Mom Changed the World. You can watch it on YouTube here.
  • Several years ago, I underwent a massive perspective shift, and I've shared this transformation in a blog post (hint: it's all about love). Please take a moment to read about it here, How I Learned to Love Myself and Change the World.
  • Bible Verse: One of my cherished Bible verses about perspective revolves around challenges and trials. In 2 Corinthians 4:17 (KJV), it says, "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory."

I understand that our trials, like yours, may not feel "light," but in the grand scheme of eternity, perhaps they are "but for a moment." These very challenges may be the stepping stones that prepare us for eternal glory.

So, if you find yourself traversing challenging times, eagerly awaiting that transformative shift in perspective, hold on. Lean on God and fervently pray for an epiphany, for it might be just a prayer away.

With unwavering hope and faith,
