Trials of Motherhood: Finding Strength in Chaos

motherhood mothering challenges parenting teens May 05, 2015

Dear Moms and Fellow Warriors,

Motherhood is the most challenging yet rewarding job. It's a rollercoaster of messes, emotions, and love. I remember when my kids were little; I was pooped on, peed on, and even vomited on. Yes, a mother's work with little children is physically dirty and exhausting. But as my kids grew, I found that parenting pre-teens and teens brought a different kind of challenge—emotional exhaustion.

There are days when they come home from school and let loose, and I feel like I've been emotionally barfed on. It's a different kind of mess, but it's still messy. I've realized that sometimes it's easier to clean up the physical stuff.

Last night, my husband had a chat with the kiddos about being respectful and nice to Mom, especially with Mother's Day around the corner. I received a few apologies, and it reminded me of the importance of teaching repentance and forgiveness in our home. It can be a little challenging to want to hug them back after you've been emotionally vomited on, but love and grace guide us.

Last night, I just hugged my not-so-little Nathan and found myself SO thankful. He may be 16, but he still acts like he's 3, and he doesn't talk back to me. That's one of the blessings of having a son with autism. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Being a mom is probably the HARDEST and most rewarding job out there. Some days, weeks, and years are super-hard, but there are also days that are little rays of sunshine to the soul—days that encourage us to keep going. Remember, it will all be worth it in the end.

In these challenging moments, I find strength in this verse: "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6) We may feel exhausted, but God's grace sustains us. Happy Mother's Day!

With love and hope for a better tomorrow,

Tamara K. Anderson