Trusting God in the Bittersweet Moments

bible verse journey of faith life missions motherhood trust god Sep 13, 2023

Dear Warrior Sisters,

I wanted to share a bittersweet moment from my life with you. My daughter recently celebrated her 19th birthday and embarked on a new chapter as a missionary for our church. My heart swells with pride, but I also know I'll miss her terribly.

Today, as I prepared to send Noelle off to the Missionary Training Center, I made the unusual choice of not wearing mascara. I anticipated the tears that would undoubtedly flow. We shared laughter and shed tears, a beautiful mix of emotions.

Saying goodbye for 18 months is tough. My mama heart aches, even as it swells with pride. Noelle's calling is to spread the message of Jesus Christ and His gospel, and I couldn't be prouder. Still, entrusting her to the great, big world is no small feat.

But we need more of Jesus in this world, don't we? So, today, I'm handing my precious daughter over to God. I trust that He'll watch over her when I can't.

In these moments of letting go, I'm reminded of Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV), which says, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

As you navigate your own journeys, may you find the strength to trust God in those bittersweet moments when you must let go and let Him lead the way.

With love and faith,
