Two People Can Achieve Anything: Embrace God's Yoke

faith god's help nothing is impossible yoked to christ yoked to god Dec 06, 2018

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I want to share a precious truth with you today—one that has been my guiding light through life's turbulent waters. It's a lesson rooted in one of my favorite Bible verses, Matthew 11:29, where our Savior invites us to "take my yoke upon you." This verse has always filled me with a deep sense of purpose and comfort. I envision myself yoking my life to the Savior, and here's why it's so powerful.

Firstly, He is stronger than we can ever be. His presence is unwavering, His love unshakable, and His strength unmatched. Secondly, as we take on His yoke, we don't just add an extra burden to our already heavy load. Instead, we gain a divine partner, a co-laborer in the journey of life. It's like joining forces with the very One who created the universe.

For years, I've held onto this belief: "Two people can do anything as long as one of them is God." I wholeheartedly embrace this truth. When we align our efforts with God's divine plan, we become capable of achieving remarkable things. Not because of our personal prowess, but because of our unwavering faith in God's might and guidance.

I want you to know that you can confidently tackle life's challenges with God's help. I don't say this out of arrogance, but out of a deep and abiding faith in the Lord. With His assistance, I've triumphed over seemingly insurmountable hurdles. I've:

  • Moved to a foreign country as a child, courageously adapting to a new language and culture.
  • Relocated across the country as a teenager, facing the daunting prospect of starting a new school where my only familiar face was my sister's.
  • Acted on faith, withdrawing from college courses, feeling led by God to pursue my education in another state.
  • Survived a harrowing car accident, emerging with strength and resilience.
  • Endured sleepless nights with my children on the autism spectrum, managing their needs and waking up at 2:00 am.
  • Navigated the trying years of early motherhood, when my children faced vision challenges, autism, and ADHD.
  • Founded a Community Christmas Choir, now in its 15th year, spreading joy and celebrating the Savior.
  • Embarked on multiple moves from California to Arkansas, to Texas, and eventually to Utah as a military spouse.
  • Authored a book, sharing my story and faith journey with others.
  • Established a thriving business, guided by my unwavering trust in God.
  • Now, with God's guidance, I'm launching a podcast to inspire and uplift.

The question I pose to you, dear sisters, is this: What can you achieve with God's help? The answer is simple yet profound—everything! Whatever challenges life presents, remember that you are not alone. With God as your partner, you can courageously navigate the storms, celebrate the victories, and embrace your divine calling. So take His yoke upon you, walk in faith, and discover the limitless power of two—You and God.

May your journey be blessed and your spirit remain unwavering.

In His love and grace,

Tamara K. Anderson