Unashamed Hope in Jesus

faith in christ hope in christ jesus christ overcoming struggles witness of christ Jan 16, 2024

Dear Warriors of Light,

I'd like to share a precious memory from my childhood, a memory that taught me about hope in Jesus Christ.

As a little girl, I wore a ring I received at church. One day, a girl asked me about it. I'd been through so much bullying that year that I hesitated to tell her the truth. I believe I made something up in response to her query, but I also remember feeling ashamed that I felt too intimidated to tell her the truth. That ring was a symbol, a reminder to choose the right and follow Jesus.

Today, I'm no longer that little girl. I've faced and overcome many trials: bullying, despair, physical and mental illness, and the loss of loved ones. Through it all, I've clung to Jesus, and my hope has grown. "Hope maketh us not ashamed," (Romans 5:5).

I now know that He can guide me through anything, even if I don't always know how. It reminds me of another verse, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth" (Romans 1:16).

In our journeys toward God, remember that He is never ashamed of you. He is always with you, unwavering and steadfast. Lean on Him, and your hope will grow, making you unashamed of the love and strength you find in Him.

With love and hope,
