Unexpected Holiday Detours: Navigating with Faith

christmas covid faith holidays overcoming struggles trust god Nov 23, 2022

Hello my Hope-full friend,

I just received some news that's turning our Thanksgiving plans upside down. My husband tested positive for COVID, so this year's celebration won't be what I expected.

Have you ever experienced a holiday that didn't go as planned? Maybe a loved one fell ill or couldn't make it. Perhaps tensions ran high, or kitchen mishaps occurred.

Holidays can be challenging when our expectations aren't met.

But, let's remember that God's plans often differ from ours.

Resources for Holiday Hope Amidst High Expectations

Whether life remains smooth or takes unexpected turns this Thanksgiving week, remember that God guides us through both good and challenging times.

Romans 8:28 reassures us that "all things work together for good to them that love God." Sometimes, what seems bad can lead to good outcomes.

I recall my college days when I broke my ankle during the winter. It was tough, and I struggled to move around on crutches. But you know what? I ended up getting to know my future husband during that semester. He showed kindness to the girl he affectionately called "Hobbles" (me). So, even when things don't go as planned, they can still lead to wonderful outcomes.

As my Thanksgiving plans take an unexpected turn this year, I'm confident that things will work out, despite the adjustments I'm making.

Hope on and have a blessed Thanksgiving!
