Unlocking Wisdom: 3 Tips to Solve Family Challenges

family motherhood mothering challenges parenting parenting preparation tips for hard times Apr 12, 2023

My Beloved Sister in Christ,

In the grand tapestry of life, we often encounter the most perplexing of challenges. These trials can be particularly agonizing when they affect our loved ones, filling our hearts with anger, fear, grief, and stress.

How do we navigate through this tempest of emotions and find solutions? Where do we turn when we're desperate for guidance? I had the privilege of sharing three vital insights at the Flourishing Families Parenting Summit, and I'm thrilled to pass them on to you.

3 Tips to Solve Your Unique Family Challenges

Tip 1: Start Where You Are Our first step must always be from where we stand. Just as Peter took that first step out of the boat onto the water, we must trust the path illuminated by faith. "And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus" (Matthew 14:29, KJV). Start from where you are, and have faith that your journey will unfold as you walk with Him.

Tip 2: Learn About Your Challenge To conquer any challenge, we must understand it. Like a noble Berean, search the Scriptures daily to discern the nature of your trials (Acts 17:11, KJV). Explore, inquire, and be like the watchman looking for the morning, vigilant for answers. When we understand our challenges, we have a foundation upon which to build solutions.

Tip 3: Solve the First Step with God's Help Once you begin, God stands beside you, ready to guide your steps. The path to victory unfolds one step at a time, and with the Lord as your compass, you shall not falter. Call upon Him, and remember His promise, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11, KJV).

Additional Resources for Parenting Problem Solving

  • I also have some special gifts for you, dear sister. As a token of my appreciation for your unwavering support, I'm offering two free audio chapters from my book, "Normal for Me," and an infographic summarizing these three invaluable tips. Access the bonus content here. 
  • Could you use more parenting tips? Check out a podcast episode with Trina Boice: Parenting Truths from an Imperfect Parent for more insider parenting advice.
  • Furthermore, I invite you to delve into the experiences of others. Listen story, Sara Visser: Parenting--Learning to Let Go and Let God. is a poignant testament to the lessons learned during her darkest hours.
  • If you're seeking a heartfelt tale about parenting and God's unwavering love despite our imperfections, my award-winning booklet, A Mother's Mite is a beautiful choice.

Whether you're parenting a baby, a teen, or an adult, the road is fraught with challenges. Always remember that you are not alone in your struggles.

God walks alongside you, for your child is His child too. He desires your success as a parent and will inspire you to overcome every unique challenge you face.

With unwavering faith and love,
