Walking on Water: Lessons of Faith and Hope

bible story faith jesus christ stormy seas Sep 20, 2023

Dear Women Warriors of Light,

I'd like to share a personal story with you, one that taught me powerful lessons about faith and hope. When I was about five years old, my family visited a beach in Maryland, and I had a near-drowning experience. I was searching for seashells along the shore when a massive wave knocked me down and started pulling me out to sea. Panic overcame me as I felt disoriented, tumbling through the waves, not knowing which way was up or down.

In that moment of fear, an arm reached down, grabbed me, and pulled me to safety. It was my uncle who had seen me get knocked over and rushed to rescue me. This incident reminds me of a story from the Bible found in Matthew 14, where Jesus's disciples faced a fierce storm at sea.

In this story, Jesus walked on the water toward His disciples, and they were initially troubled and frightened. However, Jesus reassured them, saying, "Be of good cheer, it is I; be not afraid." Peter, one of the disciples, asked to come to Jesus on the water. He did so but started sinking when he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the storm. Jesus reached out to save him and said, "O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?"

Here are the lessons we can draw from this story and apply to our lives:

  1. Call Out for Help: When you feel like you're drowning in life's troubles and problems, remember that someone is watching over you. Call out to the Savior and ask for help.

  2. The Power of God: No life storm is more powerful than God's ability to help you. He can reach you no matter how turbulent your life is.

  3. Take a Leap of Faith: Sometimes, taking a leap of faith can be scary, but it's essential. When God invites you to come, trust in Him and keep your eyes fixed on the Savior.

  4. Keep Your Eyes on the Savior: Peter began to sink when he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the storm. Likewise, we can face life's challenges by keeping our eyes on the Savior.

  5. Be of Good Cheer: Recognize the hand of the Lord in your life. Keep a journal, meditate, and ponder daily to see God's presence in your life, even in small details.

  6. Walk with Him: Just as Jesus and Peter walked back to the boat together, when you hold onto the Savior during life's storms, you can walk with Him and accomplish the seemingly impossible.

Remember, with the Savior by your side, no storm is too powerful to overcome. Keep your eyes on the Savior and let His light guide your way. May these lessons bring you hope and strength.

In faith and hope,

Tamara K. Anderson