Weary Souls Finding Hope

angels don't give up hope in adversity Sep 29, 2021

My Dearest Warrior of Light,

I want you to know that in those moments of deep discouragement and overwhelming weariness, you are not alone. Life has a way of throwing challenges that seem unending, burdens that feel too heavy for one's shoulders. I've been there, in the midst of raising my young children, grappling with the complexities of autism.

In those moments, I discovered two profound principles that carried me through:

  1. God sees you, and He is your unwavering source of help.
  2. He often sends His angels, who walk among us, to minister to your weary heart.

Let me share with you some stories and resources that illustrate these principles:

Clutching Hope in the Darkness The story of the woman with the issue of blood in the New Testament resonates deeply with me. In Mark 5:25-34, we learn how her enduring faith led her to seek healing from Jesus. In my podcast episode, "How to Cling to Hope with Long-Lasting Trials," I break down three key points from this story to help you find hope when facing extended challenges. 

Angels Among Us Our world is filled with angels—individuals who embody love, compassion, and the mission to uplift others. They often come into our lives when we need them most. One such angel, Reverend Christopher T. Scuderi, has devoted his life to protecting, loving, and raising those who need a helping hand. In his story, you'll find inspiration and perspective on how we can be angels right here on earth to support one another. You can listen/read his story here: Reverend Christopher T. Scuderi: Love and Raise Each Other Up.

Self-Care for the Weary Soul When exhaustion and burnout set in, remember the importance of self-care. Just a few weeks ago, I experienced podcast burnout, and I had to take a step back to nurture my own well-being. If you're seeking self-care ideas, you can explore these resources:

I want you to know that giving up is not the answer, even when the weight of life feels unbearable. Take care of yourself, lean on God, and embrace the support of the angels He places in your life. Remember, in Psalm 34:18 (KJV), it is written: "The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart." And He is near to you, my dear friend, in those moments of despair.

Life may seem relentless now, but I assure you, it will get better. Keep your hope alive, for brighter days await.

With love and unwavering hope,
