What is Bible, Women & Bathrobes All About?

bible verse bible women bible women & bathrobes podcast Apr 02, 2024

Bible, Women & Bathrobes Episode 0, Trailer

Welcome to "Bible, Women & Bathrobes," the podcast where faith meets comfort! Join us Tuesday and Thursday mornings as the gals from Women Warriors of Light and their guests don bathrobes and dive into the inspiring stories of women in the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ. From Esther's bravery to the Sermon on the Mount, we explore it all with warmth, laughter, sisterhood, and maybe even a few sleepy-eyed moments. Tune in live or at your leisure as we learn lessons from scripture which empower women today.

On today's episode we will share what this show is all about, when you can expect new episodes to drop, who will be hosting the show, and a small sample of what you can expect as we share our favorite Bible Verses and our favorite women in the Bible.




"Bible, Women & Bathrobes," the podcast where faith meets comfort!


Tuesday & Thursday mornings. On Tuesday mornings we will dive into a few verses from the teachings of Jesus Christ. On Thursday mornings we will explore one of the stories of the women in the Bible.


Tamara K. Anderson & Bonnie Randall with guests and members of the Women Warriors of Light Advisory Board popping in as well.

Favorite Bible Verses

  • Tamara's Philippians 4:13
    • "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
  • Bonnie's Malachi 3:3
    • "And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness."

Favorite Bible Women

  • Tamara's--Mary, the mother of Jesus
  • Bonnie's--Esther


In preparation for Heather B. Moore joining us to chat about Ruth, you can view her novel about Ruth here: https://a.co/d/2eAHk4u



#women #bible #favoritebibleverse #scripture #podcast #jesus christ #biblewomenandbathrobes



Tamara Anderson  0:01 

Welcome, are you guys curious what Bible, Women & Bathrobes is all about? If so, stay tuned, we're gonna give you the reasons why we're starting this podcast. I'm going to introduce you to my co hosts and we're gonna give you a little small sampling of what we'll be doing on this amazing show.


Tamara Anderson  0:22 

Welcome to Bible, Women & Bathrobes the podcast where faith meets comfort. Join us Tuesday and Thursday morning. As the gals from women warriors of flight and their guests, Dawn bathrobes and dive into the inspiring stories of women in the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ. From Esther's bravery to the Sermon on the Mount. We explore it all with warmth, laughter, sisterhood, and maybe even a few sleepy eyed moments. Tune in live or at your leisure as we learn lessons from scripture which empower women today.


Tamara Anderson  1:04 

Welcome to the Bible, Women & Bathrobes Podcast. I'm one of your hosts Tamra K. Anderson, and joining me is Bonnie Randall. Say hi, Bonnie.


Bonnie Randall  1:14 

Hi, everybody.


Tamara Anderson  1:16 

We're excited to join you today. We are actually wearing our bathrobes right now we're not recording this at six in the morning. Like we're going to be streaming it live. But that's okay. We don them just because if we're doing a Bible, women and bathrobes podcast, we have to be wearing bathrobes. Right, Bonnie?


Bonnie Randall  1:33 

Absolutely. And my you know, trusty turban here.


Tamara Anderson  1:38 

Oh, yeah, absolutely. Guys are going to get to see us if you're watching the video, you're going to get to see us at six in the morning looking our loveliest probably with our hair in ponytails or in turbans, and wearing our bathrobes because this is about the only time of day as women can fit this in. So let's do some quick introductions. I'm going to introduce you first to Bonnie and then I'm going to ask Bonnie to share a favorite Bible verse. And then she's going to introduce me and have me do the same and then we'll give you all the fun details of what what this show is all about.


Tamara Anderson  2:15 

So, Bonnie Randall is a wife, mother, trainer, speaker, actress, copywriter, heart centered life coach and has also been a business and marketing consultant for over 20 years. Her real passion is to help people grow as individuals and teach them how to resolve limiting beliefs. Bonnie enjoys teaching about mental health and abuse and prevention and recovery classes. She runs a trauma recovery support group and YouTube channel called come off conquer, which helps survivors of abuse find Christ centered healing, I am pleased to present Bonnie Randall.


Bonnie Randall  2:56 

Thank you. It's such an honor to be doing this podcast with the legendary Tamara. She's amazing as I'm sure all of you guys know. Now my favorite Bible verse was really hard to pick. But I went ahead and chose the one that I quote probably more than any other and that is Malachi three, verse three, and he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver. And he shall purify the sons of Levi and daughters, and purge them as gold and silver that they may offer unto the Lord and offering and righteousness.


Bonnie Randall  3:35 

And it is my all time favorite are one of them. Because of the imagery of refining, silver and how the way the process works, they stick this old or I shouldn't say old, but the crude rock in the hottest part of the fire. And the silver Smith or Goldsmith will watch the impurity start to separate they'll start to bubble up and separate from the pure metal. And they kind of separate and disappear and and eventually the goldsmith knows that it's ready to come out of the fire when he can see his reflection in the metal. And I feel like in my own life as I'm sure many of you can relate.


Bonnie Randall  4:24 

We are definitely going through the refiners fire all the time, and my own testimony of the Lord savior. Even Jesus Christ was built through that refining process and some major fires that went through in my 20s and I talk a lot about that on our show. On our other show, and I have found that He is so constant, and he does not leave us in the fire longer than we can stand and the other scripture comes to mind. There is another firea think of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and how Christ came and was with them and he was ministering to them in the fire. And that is us. While we're in that fire, we are being ministered to by both heavenly angels and earthly angels. So I hope that in during this podcast and during the different episodes, you will be able to feel that sustaining power of Jesus Christ and you will know that He is with you in the fire.


Tamara Anderson  5:34 

Thank you so much. Wow, that's amazing. I love that verse. And I don't think I've ever noticed it for those reasons. Before I've thought about the refining processes. I too have been through it. But yeah, it's difficult. We learn a few things while we're in that fire, don't we?


Bonnie Randall  5:53 

Absolutely. salutely and those lessons are greatest treasure. There are gift.


Tamara Anderson  6:00 

Yeah. Very, very true. All right. Why don't you introduce me and I'll share a Bible verse to


Bonnie Randall  6:08 

Perfect. I am so excited that I get to introduce Tamara K Anderson, who is our amazing founder of the Women Warriors of Light. She's also dynamic speaker, award winning author and in the top 5% podcaster--holy bananas. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin Tamara navigates the joys and challenges of parenting for children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. She is incredible.


Tamara Anderson  6:46 

Well, thank you, I think we become incredible as we navigate our challenges. In fact, that kind of goes along with my scripture. Many years ago, I was blessed to live in the South for about 12 years. And down there, they have this awesome saying, that goes something like this. God doesn't give you more than you can handle.


Tamara Anderson  7:09 

And with my kids on the spectrum, I remember there were so many days when I just thought, Oh, yes, he does give you more than you can handle. Because I'm not handling life very good right now. But what I came to realize quickly was that he doesn't give us more than we can handle with his help. And, and so it is by continually relying on Jesus Christ, that, that we're able to handle the challenges that come our way, day in and day out things that are too heavy for us to handle.


Tamara Anderson  7:43 

And so my favorite Bible verse and mantra that I live by day in and day out is found in Philippians, chapter four, verse 13. And it is, I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me. And I'm living proof of that. I'm living proof that, you know, you can get through one more minute when you feel like you're at the end of your rope. And then there's been times when I haven't made it through one more minute, and I've lost my cool and had to repent. And thank goodness, Jesus came to help us have that blessing of repentance in our lives because I've needed it time and time again. So he's strengthened and empowered me at times. And there's been times when I was just too exhausted and worn out. And I wasn't the best mom. I but I think every mom goes through that. Oh, yeah, so that is my favorite verse that I live by.


Tamara Anderson  8:49 

So let's talk a little bit about this amazing Bible, Women & Bathrobes podcast a little bit. This is part of the Women Warriors of Light company. And we are going to be bringing on guests and experts in the Bible who can talk us through both Bible women and the teachings of Jesus. And you'll also have everyday schmoes, like Bonnie and I and maybe a few other of our advisory board and other guests and influencers who will be coming and joining us on this podcast to talk about some of their favorite Bible verses or Bible women. And so what we're going to do here is at six in the morning, Mountain Time, which is where I live, we are going to stream live this Bible woman and bathrobes podcast.


Tamara Anderson  9:39 

Don't worry if you don't get up at six in the morning, it is okay. We don't expect you to if you're getting a day to sleep in, enjoy it, ladies. And what we're going to do is on Tuesday mornings we're going to talk about the teachings of Jesus Christ and we're only going to talk for about 20 to 30 minutes at the most just because we know you guys have to get on with your life. And and then on Thursdays we're going to talk about Bible women and the lessons we can learn from them. And so that is what we're going to be doing.


Tamara Anderson  10:11 

We're going to kick it off this next week, we're going to go through the sermon on the mount on Tuesdays. And on Thursdays, we're going to start off with Ruth. In the Old Testament, no particular order. If we were going in chronological order, we'd start with Eve, but we'll save her for another time.


Tamara Anderson  10:28 

And we're going to have an amazing guest, who's an expert in Ruth, come and join us this coming Thursday. And she has written a novel about Ruth. Oh, my goodness, I can't believe we're so blessed to have her on one of our first episodes of Bible women and bathrobes we're having on the amazing Heather B Moore. And so she's going to be joining us on Thursday morning. And we're going to talk about Ruth and we're going to probably take several weeks to cover Ruth, I know it's a shorter story. But there's a lot we can learn from these amazing women that we'll be talking about in the Old Testament and New Testament.


Tamara Anderson  11:11 

So before we go, let me see if I missed anything who we're bringing, we're talking about how long yep, I think we've covered just about everything. Before we go, I thought, Bonnie and I could share with you really quick. Who our favorite Bible women are. Or one of I think it's really hard to just pick one because there's so many amazing examples in the Scripture. So Bonnie, why don't you kick us off, I'm going to put you on the spot again, favorite Bible woman,


Bonnie Randall  11:41 

it's really so hard to choose, isn't it? I went ahead and chose for this time, you just have to pick one ester. And part of that is she's my daughter's favorite. So each of my girls really, really love her. I think we've watched like every version of best horror movies out there. And that seems to be their favorite. And she just is so inspiring that scripture. When we pull it up here, it's Esther four, chapter four, verse 14, at the end, it says, and who knows whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this. And as you know, that was spoken by Mordecai, her cousin who took her in, when she was just a little girl.


Bonnie Randall  12:37 

And one of the reasons why that scripture really stands out to me and she stands out to me is because of what she was going through, and how she was in a life or death situation. And she chose to put her God first and her people first and agree, be brave and courageous and goes down before the king even though she could have been killed. And I feel like for our time, each and every one of us is born at this specific time, for a very specific reason.


Bonnie Randall  13:14 

We each have a calling, and we have missions to perform that lead us to do those callings, and we are needed. Each and every one of us has gifts and talents and things that only we can do. And that's one of the reasons why I love women warriors of life so much because that's the whole mission is to help women come discover who they are, and who they're going to be and who they're meant to be and who they've decided to be. And it's so important that we band together to encourage one another to figure out what those callings are, and to stand for such a time as this in this crazy world.


Tamara Anderson  14:06 

That is so true. I know I felt the increasing pressures of the adversary to and especially as launching women, warriors of light. And I know that we need each other especially in these winding up scenes before the second coming of Jesus Christ. I know Satan knows that his time is limited. And so it's more important that we love and support each other as women even more. I told Bonnie that my two favorites are Mary the mother of Jesus and Esther so since she covered Esther.


Bonnie Randall  14:42 

You get to cover one of the most important women right? Without her we would all be doomed. So she


Tamara Anderson  14:51 

I know. Well, and I think one of the reasons I love Mary the mother of Jesus is she was pretty courageous too. I mean it was not good if you were found pregnant outside of wedlock back then too. You know you are facing kind of life and death situations as well. And, and I love that after the angel appeared to Mary, she said, and this is in Luke chapter one, she said, Behold the handmade of the Lord, be it unto me, according to thy word. And one of the things he told her right before that is with God, nothing shall be impossible.


Tamara Anderson  15:28 

And so it is taking that step into the darkness that I think we're required to do, as women all the time, you know, we're presented with a challenge that we don't see a way through it, we don't see a way around it. And we're just like, how, how am I supposed to do this? You know, or how am I supposed to help a loved one go through this challenge? Sometimes it's not even us. That's the challenge is affecting. It's how do I help my child with this, or a spouse or a sister or friend, and it's their heavy, heavy burdens. And so I love that what the angel said, with God, nothing is impossible, and then following it up with, Behold, the handmade of the Lord, that that ability to submit, even though it's scary, and trusting that God is going to open away, rush to get through this. And, and he did, it didn't mean that Mary's path was easy. It sure wouldn't wasn't. But she had faith and watched miracles unfold in her life because of it.


Tamara Anderson  16:37 

So anyway, that is one of the reasons I love Mary. And there's many more, and I'm sure when we cover Mary, and further along in this podcast that we will find all the more reasons that we can love and admire her for who she was and the choices she made. And there you go. All right. Any other thoughts or questions? Bonnie?


Bonnie Randall  17:03 

Actually had an idea? Yeah. Can you put a link to Heather Moore's Heather B. Moore's book early, so that anyone who wants to maybe check out the story of Ruth from her perspective, kind of get a jumpstart on it and be ready for that discussion? I think it'd be really cool. If everybody took some time and read through that story and had some thoughts. I think it's, it kind of reminds me of like, Sunday school a little bit, right? If we prepare. Right, we get even more out of the lesson, then, if we just said, so. Just a thought that if you want to join us on in on by the Bible story, pre read the story of Ruth, check out her book. And then also the first I think, did you say first five verses of the Sermon on the Mount, right.


Tamara Anderson  18:01 

And I was just going to, I'm turning the pages of my Bible right here right now. So we're going to start in Matthew chapter five, and we're probably only going to cover the first five verses. So maybe verses two through six that first so coming up on Tuesday, we'll cover Matthew chapter five, verses two through six. We'll see how far we get and 20 minutes I don't know we might be slowly might be fast.


Bonnie Randall  18:30 

In preparing I've already been reading it right. And just in one verse alone, my husband and I have like a full blown 30 minute conversation about the difference between meekness and humble and like, anyway, we're picking it apart. And I found these really great episodes by a couple of pastors who are breaking down the Hebrew meaning of these words, and it got me so excited. I told him, I turned and I just said, You know what, this is gonna really up my game, or understanding the Scriptures because he is the scriptorium of the two of us. He can quote the scriptures backwards and forwards, he knows what things mean. He's like a walking encyclopedia dictionary guy, like he's amazing. You think he went to seminary? He's just really good.


Bonnie Randall  19:17 

And then there's me he was like, so there's this person in the Bible who said this one time, and I don't really know what they said, but the gist of it was this like, that's usually how I quote it. I'm really excited to stretch myself and to learn more and to get way more familiar with these verses more intimately. And already just in the studying I've done I've already had really great spiritual experiences and things have stuck out to me and I'm like, wow, I didn't know this and I needed to know this. So anyway, I'm I'm really excited even though I have to wake up at the crack of dawn. Oh, so you're definitely not gonna see me with any makeup on for any of these episodes and that's okay.


Tamara Anderson  20:08 

You might eat me with smeared makeup on because I don't take it off on the night before so you know that's okay. So basically whether you're an avid scriptorium or a novice, it is okay. You can join us. We will have the wide spectrum here on our Bible women's and bathrobes podcast, we're excited to have you join us. Share it with your friends. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook, and YouTube. Subscribe to us on YouTube women warriors of light and then you will be able to pull us up and watch it live streaming. Lucky you if you're on the East Coast because at that point, it's it'll be running at 8am West Coast 5am. I don't know how many will actually have in California that are joining us live but that's okay.


Bonnie Randall  20:56 

They'll be joining us from their cars because they have to get up so early during the worst traffic ever.


Tamara Anderson  21:02 

Or you can just play the podcast whenever so Anyway, welcome to Bible, Women & Bathrobes. We are excited to have you and we will see you next week as we launch. Thanks, ladies.


Unknown Speaker  21:16 

Bye guys.


Tamara Anderson  21:18 

Thanks for tuning in to Bible, Women & Bathrobes hosted by Women Warriors of Light. We've loved exploring the stories of remarkable women or the teachings of the Savior today with you. If today's episode brought someone special to mind, be sure to spread the word. And don't forget to hit that subscribe button so you never miss a moment of inspiration and sisterhood. Just a friendly reminder, all opinions we share are entirely personal as we are trying to decipher and apply Bible teachings just like you are. Until next time, stay faithful. And may Your journey be blessed and illuminated by God's love.


Transcribed by https://otter.ai