When God Seems Silent: The Power of Patience

answer to prayer covid faith in christ god's love patience prayer May 25, 2022

Dear Beloved Sisters in Jesus,

Have you ever experienced the heart-wrenching feeling of thinking that God isn't listening to your prayers? That despite your fervent pleas, your requests seem to fall on deaf ears? Perhaps you've wrestled with the idea that your prayers aren't ascending higher than the ceiling, or you've become burdened by the weight of your mistakes, believing you're unworthy of God's miraculous intervention.

If you've ever found yourself in this place, I implore you to cling to a vital truth: God's love for you is unwavering, and He always hears your prayers. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that He will answer them in the way you expect, even if it's for something undeniably good.

Resources for Times When God Appears Silent

  • A few weeks ago, I encountered a thought-provoking question: "Do you have the faith not to be healed?" This query pushed me into a season of profound introspection, prompting me to reflect on a time when I grappled with precisely that question. I invite you to explore my personal journey in this regard: Faith Not to Be Healed? You can watch it on YouTube here.
  • Meet Jen, who battled a severe case of COVID and, during her hospitalization, felt as though her mental clarity was compromised, hindering her ability to connect with God effectively or comprehend His promptings. However, her story showcases the remarkable solution she discovered and the invaluable stress-relief techniques she learned along the way. You can listen to her testimony here: Jen Geigle Johnson: What to do When God is Silent. You can watch it on YouTube here.
  • Perhaps you find yourself in a state of spiritual limbo, feeling unable to make progress or receive answers to your prayers. If so, I encourage you to delve into this podcast episode for practical guidance: In Limbo Waiting for Answers to Prayer? Try These 4 Tips.

Whatever you do, I beseech you not to surrender or succumb to the adversary's deceitful whispers when you're in the depths of despair and perceive no imminent answers.

It has been wisely said, "When we pray, God hears more than we say, answers more than we ask, gives more than we imagine, but in His own time and in His own way. So keep faith."

Hence, patience is the key. Patience, coupled with the recollection of past answers to prayer, which will infuse us with hope for future responses. Maintain unwavering faith.

With love, hope, and enduring faith,
