When Weariness Beckons, Find Renewal, Find Jesus

exhaustion faith in christ healing hope in adversity renewal self-care Oct 12, 2022

My Dearest Warriors of Light,

I must begin with a heartfelt confession: I have been utterly exhausted in recent weeks. There comes a point when juggling too many things for too long takes its toll, and I find myself dropping the very balls I've been trying to keep in the air. I usually manage quite well, but mid-September saw me hit a wall, and I knew it was time to prioritize self-care and give myself a much-needed break.

Have you ever experienced that bone-deep weariness? The kind where you know you can't handle one more thing, and what you truly need is a break, just as I did?

In moments like these, I'd like to offer you some resources that can help:

Resources for the Weary Soul

  • In a recent podcast, I delved into some personal stories, challenges, and Bible-based solutions I've discovered while researching and applying strategies to better care for myself. One of my favorite tips is about claiming the power of angels. You can find the rest in 7 Bible Principles to Remember When You’re Weary. You can watch it on YouTube here.
  • Coree's journey took her to rock bottom after several divorces, and she realized that she needed to embark on a healing journey with God to become whole. In one of our podcast episodes, she generously shares over 14 tips to help divorcees heal. You can explore her insights inCoree Sullivan: Don’t Just Rebound After Divorce! Heal & Thrive!. You can watch it on YouTube here.
  • During the challenging days of the pandemic, I experienced another moment of feeling broken, and I shared it in my blog post, I'm in my Pajamas and I'm Broken.  I also talked about the steps I took to piece myself back together.
  • If you're looking for a meaningful gift for a weary friend, I encourage you to consider my award-winning booklet, "A Mother's Mite" (you can listen to the story here).  The tale of Sarah, a young mother of three, resonates with those who have felt so exhausted that they've cried themselves to sleep while rocking a baby. You can purchase copies on my website here.

So, if you find yourself weary and worn, please know that you are not alone. God sees you, He understands where you are, and He knows what you are going through. Like me, you may choose to turn to Him in moments of exhaustion, seeking strength to keep moving forward.

I hold dear the promise from Isaiah 41:10: "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."

You are cherished, and you have the strength to continue, one day at a time.

With unwavering hope,
