Why Bad Things Happen to Good People

bad things happen comfort in chaos coping with hardship suffering Nov 17, 2015

Dear Sisters in Christ,

"Why do bad things happen to good people?" This is a question that often lingers in our hearts, especially in the face of recent tragedies with the terror attacks in Paris.

It's a profound topic, one that we recently explored with our children during a heartfelt discussion. Here are some insights and conclusions we shared, inspired by our faith:

  1. God Respects Our Agency: The freedom to choose is a precious gift from God (Joshua 24:15). He values our agency enough to allow individuals to make choices, even if they lead to evil actions. However, it's essential to remember that God will hold everyone accountable for their choices (Romans 14:12).

  2. Divine Justice: The day of judgment will come, ensuring that all things are made right and fair (Revelations 20:12-15). Every action, every choice, will be accounted for, and justice will prevail.

  3. God's Purpose in Adversity: Although we may not understand why difficult and painful events occur, we can trust that God can turn any hardship into something good (Romans 8:28). Even in our darkest moments, He has a purpose.

  4. The Comfort of Christ: In times of sorrow and hardship, we can find solace in the knowledge that Jesus Christ understands our pain (Isaiah 53:4-6). He can help us bear our burdens and offer us peace amidst the storms of life.

As we witness the boundaries between good and evil become more defined, we often long for the Second Coming of Christ to bring an end to suffering and restore righteousness. Our hearts go out to the people of Paris and the refugees from Syria, and we fervently pray for their comfort and protection during these challenging times.

In the face of adversity, let us hold onto our faith, knowing that God is with us, guiding us through the darkness and leading us to the light.

With prayers of peace,

Tamara K. Anderson