Why Is Humility Key in Approaching God?

ask god bible women & bathrobes forgiveness god's mercy gratitude humility jesus christ lessons from the teachings of jesus sermon on the mount the lord's prayer Jul 09, 2024

Bible, Women & Bathrobes Episode 27

Sermon on the Mount Part 14



Tiffany, Haley and Tamara discuss Matthew 6:9-12, 14-15 from the Sermon on the Mount. They talk about the meaning of 'Hallowed be thy name' and 'Kingdom Come' in the Lord's Prayer. They explore the spiritual and symbolic meanings of these phrases and their connection to the ultimate purpose of life. The speakers also discuss the significance of forgiveness in personal spiritual journeys and its connection to gratitude, mercy, and humility. They emphasize the importance of approaching God with humility and seeking His forgiveness, as well as inviting His nourishment in both spiritual and physical aspects.


Main Takeaways

  • From Tiffany, “I want to remember why I'm here. I want to remember that this life, I'm not here to do all the worldly things that we think about. But all of those things come because I'm doing my Heavenly Father's work.” 
  • From Haley, “It's okay to talk to Him about everything that is going on in our lives and to talk to Him as our dear Father that knows us and knows everything that we need, and we can speak freely, and He's there for us and He loves us.”
  • From Tamara, “It's my partnership with God that I'm just going to link arms with Him today, and walk through the day with Him by my side, because then it feels so much more doable and achievable.”


Today’s Podcast Hosts & Guests

Tamara K. Anderson

Tamara, founder of Women Warriors of Light, is a dynamic speaker, award winning author, and a podcaster. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin, she navigates the joys and challenges of parenting four children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. You can find out more about Tamara on her website: https://www.tamarakanderson.com/


Tiffany Fletcher

Tiffany is a member of our Women Warriors of Light advisory board. She is an author, wife, mother and an example of faith & courage. Through her life experiences she shares hope in coming from a place of darkness to light and love. You can find her on social media @tiffanyfletcher or on her blog: motherhadasecret.blogspot.com


Haley Hatch Freeman

Haley miraculously survived anorexia which caused a near-death-experience. She has written her extraordinary story in her book as well as two children’s books to help parents create a strong foundation of self-worth and instill a healthy relationship with food in their children. She is a professional speaker and mentors women around the world. You can find out more about her on her website at www.haleyhfreeman.com




Tamara Anderson  0:00  

How do we apply the principles of the Lord's Prayer? Or at least the first couple of verses to our lives today? We're covering this part of the Sermon on the Mount, especially talking about God and His kingdom coming and giving us our daily bread. So stay tuned and we'll cover this.


Tamara Anderson  0:24  

 Welcome to Bible Women and Bathrobes the podcast where faith meets comfort. Join us Tuesday and Thursday morning. As the gals from Women Warriors of Light and their guests, don bathrobes and dive into the inspiring stories of women in the Bible, and the teachings of Jesus Christ. From Esther's bravery to the Sermon on the Mount. We explore it all with warm laughter, sisterhood, and maybe even a few sleepy-eyed moments. tune in live or at your leisure as we learn lessons from scripture which empower women today.


Tamara Anderson  1:05  

Welcome to another episode of Bible Women and Bathrobes. I'm your host Tamra K. Anderson, and joining me today, we have Tiffany Fletcher. Welcome back, Tiffany.


Tiffany Fletcher  1:14  

Thank you. Happy to be here.


Tamara Anderson  1:17  

And we also have a new friend on the show today that I'm so excited to introduce to you. It's my friend Haley Hatch Freeman, welcome, Haley.


Haley Freeman  1:27  

Thank you. I'm excited to be here with you ladies today, this morning.


Tamara Anderson  1:33  

I know. And we are so excited to have Haley. Let me just tell you a little bit about Haley. She has been on one of our Women Warrior Workshops. And she presented a wonderful message there. But she has also been working on the back end of this podcast for a while and it's finally coming on the front end of it. So we're so excited to have her. Let me introduce her to you really quick. So you know a little bit about Haley, Haley Hatch, Freeman is the author of the highly rated book, A Future for Tomorrow, which tells her remarkable true story. And two children's books called From Head to Tummy. The Simple Truth about Food, Media Messages, Self-worth, and Real Beauty. And her new release Lily's Reflection, which is a true beauty princess story. She brings awareness to people's relationships with food, divine worth, media messages true beauty and other eating behaviors and mentors, women across the world. So we are so excited to have Haley here. And we're talking about Matthew chapter six. And we're going to start on the Lord's prayer today. So we'll be kicking it off with verse nine, "After this manner therefore pray ye, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name." And so I'm just going to pause right there. And I know it's not very much that I read, but we started off and Jesus is teaching us that first we pray to our Father in heaven. And then he uses this word that we don't use very often today. Hallowed, hallowed be thy name. Right. So I guess my question I like to just throw out there to begin with is what do you think that means? In today's lingo, Tiffany, I'll start with you.


Tiffany Fletcher  3:22  

Um, I actually cuz, you know, I like words, we've talked about this before, I looked up the word so that I can understand it better. And so actually, just in the dictionary, it talks about made holy or consecrated or greatly revered and honored. And I thought about that, I thought about how I think it's interesting that he doesn't use in his prayer, like when Christ is praying, he doesn't use the word God. He uses the word, Father, that's the name, that he's Halloween, hallowed be thy name as our father. And I think I thought that like if we make holy your consecrate, are greatly revered and honored that are of God. That's the part that he wants us to know. That's the part he wants us to, to understand. And when we hallow things, we treat them differently, you know what I mean? Like, like we really when we, when they mean something to us, when something we want to value something, we treat it differently. So this is like, you know, hollow the name of Father and realizing that he is our Father. And if we ask Him for what we need, and we call him by his name, Father, He wants what any good father wants, and that is for his children to come home to him. And if we can recognize that in our prayers, it makes our prayers I think, way more meaningful, to be able to hollow his name and realize he is our Father. And He wants all he wants us to have joy. He wants us to have love. He wants to give us the things that we need. We just need to believe it. So that's those are my thoughts as I was reading it.


Tamara Anderson  4:59  

Love it. Haley, do you have anything you'd like to add?


Haley Freeman  5:02  

No, I'm really glad that she brought up the how he was being addressed as our father. There's so many things that we could address the the creator of the world, right the Almighty God, but he wants us to address him as his father. So I'm so glad that she brought that up, I'd love to just step back, just one or two words how he says, This is how we pray in the manner of another way we can look at this is a pattern of prayer. Just a few verses before this, he's reminding us to avoid vain repetition. So this is just a pattern of prayer. This is not something that we're necessarily needed to just repeat, repeat, repeat. And something this is like an invitation for us to avoid vain repetition and to speak freely to our father. So I love that.


Tamara Anderson  5:54  

Yeah, um, as I was thinking about what that meant for me. I think it kind of dives, a smidge into the next verse. Because if we truly think about God, as our Father, and someone who knows all and sees all we have to trust that whatever is happening in our lives, that he's aware of it, and that His will be done. And sometimes that doesn't feel comfortable. You know what I mean? And so I'm gonna go ahead and read verse nine, because it kind of dives a little bit into that are 10 Verse 10, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." So first, we learned something really cool here about God is that God's will is done in heaven. But not always on earth. You know, and I think that is interesting that when we're praying to Him, that's part of hollowing him and honoring Him as our father. And, and trusting that, okay, this hard thing may be happening in my life. For me, it's, I've got two kids with autism. That is tricky. It has been for decades now. You know, Tiffany, you struggled with a mom with multiple personalities, right? Haley's struggle with an eating disorder. These things are hard. And sometimes we're like, healing. But it's, it's it's honoring and trusting God with the good. And the hard, right? I don't know. And so that was kind of As I pondered about, it's kind of approaching God with humility. And I haven't always approached him with humility. There's been prayers that I prayed that have been angry prayers. But the good news is he can handle those too, you know. So I guess I'll also open that verse 10, up for? What do you think that means to you? I kind of covered a little bit of the back end of it, but the front end thy Kingdom come. For any on that by will be done. Haley. Any thoughts? 


Haley Freeman  8:14  

Yeah, I've never understood that. Like, what does that mean? Thy kingdom come, you know. And so I did a little deep dive into that, because that's just an odd statement to me. And so when I was studying it, I saw several different interpretations of it, of what people like what it meant to them. One is talking about the millennium, the Second Coming and praying for the millennium. I've had friends say, I keep praying for the Second Coming to come because this is so hard. You know. And so there's that that aspect of it. Another interpretation of it is praying for heavenly attributes to come to Earth for righteousness to come to earth, so that they could bring more of, you know, just heaven. Peace, you know, come to earth. Another thought of it was praying for the gospel of Jesus for more Christianity to come to places that don't have it yet. So that's like, you know, evangelism, missionary work that's preaching the gospel of Christ and praying for places to receive it that haven't had it yet. So there were some different takes on it. 


Tamara Anderson  9:23  

Ooh,I love that. Tiffany, anything to add from verse 10.


Tiffany Fletcher  9:30  

Um, yeah, I It's interesting. I'm gonna go off there. I'm going to do a tangent for a minute and then it's going to come back I promise. 


Tamara Anderson  9:37  

Yeah.  Yeah go ahead.


Tiffany Fletcher  9:39  

This morning, I was I found this picture of my daughter that I keep on my on my nightstand and it fell off and so I think back upon I looked at it and I was like, like, the frame fell off and I picked it back up. She gave it to me when she was little, she's 16. Now she was probably seven she gave it to me for Mother's Day, and it's a picture of her and I and i my heart got said I was like, Oh, she's growing up. I looked at my and I'm like, so why, you know, we're both growing up. Like, it's, it's been almost a decade since she gave me that picture. And then as I was pondering that this morning, that thought came to me, from I feel from the spirit was, to me, that's what this life is about, we come here, this isn't our home, we are just meant to come and experience and to grow. And that's the whole part growing up, that's the whole part of this life is we are growing up in the Lord. And that this is not like the plan is for us to come and grow. That's the whole plan, and to die, and to go back to him. And so when I, when I hear this, he's in My Kingdom come, I feel like, like, Jesus, all he wants to do is Heavenly Father's work, right? He just wants that's his whole purpose, he gets it, he gets the whole plan is to come and to grow, and to come back, or Heavenly Father, like, bring his kingdom here. That's purpose. 


Tiffany Fletcher  11:02  

And so he's, it's basically his declaration of saying, I will do the work, I will do the work, let your kingdom come on Earth, just as I promised in heaven, I will do what you want me to here on Earth. And I will remember. And I feel like that's kind of it, you know, it relates to the first one. Because if you remember, if your father is hope that the name of Father is holy, that you are His child that he sent you here to do his work and to grow up, so that you can come home with new experiences and become like Him, then it makes it hard things a little bit easier, right? Like you look at it and you're like, Okay, well, like Haley had an eating disorder, but no, look what she does, she empowers women to be better, and to be able to learn how to eat food the right way, and children in writing a children's book. Like, How incredible is that, that her pain has now become her mission to do God's work on Earth. And same with me, like my mom, like I lived in darkness. And so my mission is to bring light to people's lives, at least I feel it's like directing them to the light, you know, to bring them to Jesus and and to help them rel realize that that darkness is not a place where they have to live. And I think that's what Jesus is saying. He's like, hey, Father, I'm here to do your work. This is my declaration. Like it, that kingdom come, that's what I'm working on an Earth, like what I promised in heaven is going to happen here. I'm going to do it here. And I feel like it's a declaration we can all give Heavenly Father when we really recognize the big picture, right? And it will make life a little bit easier, because we realize we're meant to grow up here to learn and grow so that we can come home to him. That's really the whole purpose.


Tamara Anderson  12:48  

I love that. And it's a good reminder, it kind of takes our vision from being out here to kind of focusing in this is what really matters in the end. Right. And that's a good reminder. 


Haley Freeman  13:02  

And Tiffany, thank you for those kind words.


Tiffany Fletcher  13:06  

Yeah, yes, well, true. They're true.


Tamara Anderson  13:10  

All right, um, that, that, I guess we can jump on to the next verse in verse 11. "Give us this day, our daily bread." And this is one of those verses that is super simple. And I think that it can have multiple meanings. Because often, we're not just hungry physically. But we're hungry spiritually to Jesus was called the bread of life. So I think there is some symbolism there. But anyway, I thought I'd open that verse up for ideas or thoughts, Tiffany?


Tiffany Fletcher  13:54  

Oh, I love that. I mean, I really do. I was when I read this, I was thinking about, like, the manna from heaven, you know, like, they could only have it for one day. And that's all like, they just got it for the day. I think it's perfect for spiritual sense too. Because every day, we need to come back to Christ. Like, it's not like, oh, I went to church on Sunday. I'm doing good. I, you know, I can make it through the week. It's like, Give us our daily bread. It's, it's not even a weekly thing. It's a day by day, he gives us what we need when we come to him and he feeds our souls. And I really, really love that. But I also feel like it's important for us to recognize also on a physical level, like give us, you know, give us this day, our daily bread like it is, it is the Lord's purpose to provide for us. That's what he says like, don't worry about the lilies of the field, right? Like you they grow they toil and spin it just do what I asked you to do, and they'll take care of you. And I think that that's important for us to remember because especially in today's world, I mean with the grocery bills getting higher and utility bills getting higher and mortgages or rent or whatever, you know, like everything is so expensive. But if we remember that if we pray Heavenly Father, give me just what I need today, give me what I need spiritual day, give me what I need physically today, help me feed my children, how we pay my rent, do the things that I need to do it, I think it helps I work with a lot of women who are in just what I do. Personally, I've worked with a lot of women who are struggling and single moms. And to remind them that that God's provide will provide for them if they just come to him is is a big deal. And I've seen when people actually believe that, and they take it into account, they're like, Okay, I really will come to you come to Christ, because physical and like temporal self reliance and spiritual self reliance, they go together. And if we're doing the spiritual work to come to Jesus, He will take care of us. Because we're His children. And we can trust that. And we just have to get that in our heads and actually believe it.


Tamara Anderson  15:59  

Yeah, I love that, Haley. 


Haley Freeman  16:02  

Yeah, I think she said it beautifully. I can just say ditto. But, um, yeah, I think the reminder is saying, daily, it emphasizes daily. So just remind us to ask daily for what we need. And, and I do think there's a lot of symbolism and bread and bread. But you could just think of what you need each day. And what you need is going to be different each day, and just that it's okay to ask him for everything that we need temporal, like she said, spiritual, whatever level it is, and he's there to help us. And, yeah, that's what she said,


Tamara Anderson  16:39  

And the wisdom to know how to get it, you know, because it is gonna look different. I know, there's different days where I'm just like, I don't know how to handle this situation to get today.  I you know, with maybe one of my kids, or work or whatever. And it is, okay. I know, you can help me with it. But teach me what I need to do to get the needs filled today. And I also think that sometimes we feel overwhelmed when we look at more than a day. You know, if we're looking at, oh, my goodness, this next month, I've got this and this and this, and this and this. And by the time you've listed 20 things, your shoulders start feeling super heavy, you're like, Oh, and if you just simplify and say, okay, but today, here are the needs. And they're they're much more simple, and it's not as intense. So sometimes we need, I like that focus that Jesus is taking us from, you know, don't worry about everything else. Just let's focus on today. Because often, especially my anxiety kicks up when I start thinking of things that I might not ever have to go through. But I'm worried about, do you know what I mean?


Haley Freeman  17:52  

I love that point that thought and that just reminded me, my dad, because I used to do that work myself up, I'll have to do this and this and this. And he would say your life is hard by the yard, but a cinch by the inch.  And that helps me so much to think that I just yeah, my sweet old dad. 


Tamara Anderson  18:13  

yeah, but I think that's true, too, that you can get that out of this as well. You know what, let's keep going. I know that.


Tiffany Fletcher  18:26  

Sorry. I just want to add one thing that that I think it's important to that we what he gives us we're okay with even if it doesn't look like what we what we want, right? Like what we expect, because sometimes they'll give us things will be like, This is not what I asked for, like the children is really like, this is like sweet, can we have some meat Heavenly Father? Why do we get bread, you know, who wants some substance, but, but I think it's important to like be okay with what God says and be grateful for it. Like, because sometimes He will give us our daily bread, and it won't be exactly what we think it ought to be. But it will be sustenance that will sustain us throughout the day. And I think that it's important that we recognize that that we recognize that sometimes God sends us things and it doesn't look like what we expect. And we have to be okay with that. And be grateful have a grateful heart. Because then that's when he realizes, okay, if they're grateful, I can give them a little bit more, I can give them some quail, I can give them a little bit more and for sustenance, because they're grateful for what I have, and they're okay with it. So I think that just I just wanted to make that important point.


Tamara Anderson  19:31  

Oh, it's so true. It's so there's, there's sometimes I feel like I go to God and instead of asking for daily bread, I'm asking for daily cake or something like that. And then I'm like, but he gives me bread and I'm like it's not what I asked for but you know, but the same concept applies. All right, let's go on to verse 12. "And forgive us our debt as we forgive our debtors," and Haley you specifically had a thought around this verse so I thought I'd open it up to you to share your thoughts.


Haley Freeman  20:10  

Yeah, so I have, like you mentioned at the beginning, I wrote a book about my experience. So this is my book. So it's not like I mean, it is very sacred, and special experience. But it is something that I knew I needed to share. And in a very respectful way, but I did have a near death experience when I had anorexia. And something I'll say is that anorexia didn't almost kill me, but it did. But I was blessed to come back. And anyway, for a short period of time, I was with my sister who had passed away and my grandma who had passed. And when I was with them, they taught me just a few concepts  of eternal truths. When I was with them in this spiritual space, they, you could say maybe heaven, but I didn't totally crossover because I was in this place where they told me, you know, I had the choice to come back or not. And so it's kind of the spiritual waiting room, I guess, I would say, anyway, they, they taught me some few, a few principles and showed me a few things. And one of the principles they taught me was this. They told me that, because that this principle is true that, and it goes on a 14 as well, as you forgive your debtors. And as you forgive others, you will be forgiven and as the standards of judgment that you judge others, you will be judged on that same line of judgment. And this is something they taught me and showed me this principle, and so I know it to be true. And they said to me, because you have been, you have forgiven others that have wronged you. I've had some different traumatic experiences. And because you've had forgiven them, you have been forgiven, and that you are able to be in this. And again, they were not forgiving me, obviously, the Savior, you know, was, but they were relaying this message and teaching this principle that it is true. And they were saying, because you have forgiven these, like this offense, offenders in this type of  situation, and, and had been, like a non-judgmental person. And this is what as a teenager, I think I feel like I could do better now in my life. But you have been forgiven, and you have this opportunities to anyways to do these things and get these blessings that I was receiving in heaven, more or less. And so I know that this principle is true.


Tamara Anderson  22:54  

Wow, that is, that's really cool. It makes you want to be more merciful, doesn't it? Yeah. Oh, my goodness. Tiffany, any thoughts on those verses either 12 or 14.


Tiffany Fletcher  23:10  

I just love that. I think that that's beautiful. I've always known forgiveness is an important thing I, I went to right before my mom died. She had she, we had lent her a substantial amount of money. And she they hadn't given it back to us. And I was struggling. And I remember going to my bishop and my ecclesiastical leader at the time. And he said, you know, forgiveness doesn't keep your mom out of heaven, but it will keep you out of heaven. Like, if you can't learn to forgive, it will keep you out of heaven. And I really thought about that. And, and it's interesting how you know that not being able to forgive you think, well, if they were in the wrong way, why is it me that's not going to get to go to heaven. But in all reality, every time you hold that, like I can, I can see that Haley. Them saying that to you. Like every time you hold that unforgiveness at a forgiving heart every time you think back about that, that's another sin that you're just like, piling up, right? Because it's like one moment you're like, No, I'm not going to forgive them and then and then you don't forgive and then a little bit later you think about it and you're like, Nope, I'm not gonna forgive them. I missed the choice because every single time you don't forgive, it's a choice and you're like, piling up this huge pile like, no wonder why it's a greater sin not to forgive than to offend in the first place. And so I love that and I love that because it says, Forgive us our debts and anything about that, what are our debts? 


Tiffany Fletcher  24:37  

Well, how many times have we offended someone else? How many times have we like gone away from those the Savior like how many times have we sinned? Or have a weakness or like ours? We have, we're human, but that's depts is the price of mortality, right? Like our depts are the price you pay for mortality. And and that if we can forgive others for their shortcomings and have mercy for them, then God is more willing to have mercy for us. Because I think a lot of it is, you know, I don't know if you guys have a, there's a book called Spiritual Physics of Light. It's so cool. But he talks about this physicists talks about light. And he talks about how we all like light transmits information, right? And he talks about, like, we all have light in us, and it transmits information. So if the information that we're going to heaven with the light in our body, the information is an unforgiving person, then then Heavenly Father, he's gonna know, right? He's gonna be like, Yes, this is what your light is telling me. And because of that, we're going to be judged based on the way we judge others because that's where our where our light is sitting, right? That's the information that we're in. But if we come with a loving heart, and a forgiving heart, and the light within us is full of love, then it makes a difference. There's a story once that talked about like, or it's a meme, I don't know, I found it once. But it would talked about an orange. And it's like, when you squeeze an orange, orange juice comes out of it. Right? So it's like when you are under pressure? What comes out of you? Is it? Is it. Anger, is it hate? Is it, like, you know what, what comes out of you and, and I hope that when I get squeezed, it's love that comes out. And it's forgiveness. Because those two things are the most beautiful things, I think grace and compassion, that that we can give ourselves and others. And so it just makes me think about what information am I giving in my light that's radiating from me from my heart? And how do I want to change that so that it's in aligned with what the Savior's light would be? Those are my thoughts.


Tamara Anderson  26:47  

That is really, really good. I love that. This principle of forgiveness, I know, we've talked about it in previous episodes, but I love thinking about it in terms of we're approaching God, and we're praying at this point. And we're asking for forgiveness for our own weaknesses. And it reminds me of the Savior saying, He who is without sin cast the first stone, you know that that story of the woman caught in adultery. And, and here we are going to God and saying, Please forgive me, please forgive me. And he's saying, For if you forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. So he's taking this prayer. And he's also turning it into a teaching moment with those he is teaching that you can forgive and be forgiven. And that they there, those principles align. You know, so that is really, really good. All right, guys. Let's wrap it up really quick. What are some favorite takeaways from? I mean, we've talked about a whole bunch of things, what are some favorite takeaways that, that you'd like to share from today's discussion? Let's start with you, Tiffany.


Tiffany Fletcher  28:16  

Um, I think for me, that takeaway is that I want to remember why I'm here. I want to remember that this life, I'm not here to, you know, to do all the worldly things that we think about. But all of those things come because I'm doing my Heavenly Father's work. And I want to remember that this is that his name is hollow. And that is I remember him and my purpose here and pray for that second coming to come right. Like, I'm praying for it. I hope you guys are too, because I want him to come I want to feel his love. And I want other people to feel it too. And some people aren't going to be able to feel it until he does come because they've just had really hard lives. And I want them to know him. So I just want to do his work. That's it. Just wanna remember that? And to forgive, because it's important.


Tamara Anderson  29:08  

Yeah. Love it. Haley. Takeaway.


Haley Freeman  29:12  

Yeah, I think just from the very beginning is that we can address when we pray, if he's our Father, and to have that kind of relationship as we pray as in, in reverence, and to remember that he does want to hear from us daily and he is there to give us what we need. And it's okay to talk to him about you know, everything that is going on in our lives and to talk to him as you know, our dear father that knows us and knows everything that we need, and we could speak freely and yeah, and that he's there for us and he loves us.


Tamara Anderson  29:53  

Awesome. I think my big takeaway today, you guys have covered a lot of the good stuff. Is that verse Give us this day our daily bread. Because it reminds me to stay focused on what I can do today. Not get too stressed about the next day but to focus on today, but but also inviting him in to that day, to help nourish me both physically and spiritually to help me solve the challenges that I'm facing that day. And it I'm kind of visualizing it in my head as it's, it's my partnership with God that I'm just going to link arms with Him today, and walk through the day with him by my side, because then it feels so much more doable. And achievable. So I guess, I guess that's, that's my takeaway. Anyway, guys, thank you so much for joining us today. We will pick up next week, probably in verse 13. We kind of skipped over verse 13. We can't do that because this is a really good verse. So we'll pick up next week. Matthew, chapter six, verse 13. But thank you for joining us today on this first part of the Lord's Prayer. And I hope that you can feel the Lord's love and connection to him when you pray to him today. God bless. 


Tamara Anderson  31:28  

Thanks for tuning in to Bible Women and Bathrobes hosted by Women Warriors of Light. We've loved exploring the stories of remarkable women are the teachings of the Savior today with you. If today's episode brought someone special to mind, be sure to spread the word. And don't forget to hit that subscribe button so you never miss a moment of inspiration and sisterhood. Just a friendly reminder, all opinions we share are entirely personal as we are trying to decipher and apply Bible teachings just like you are. Until next time, stay faithful. And may Your journey be blessed and illuminated by God's love.


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