Why Is Waiting Crucial for Personal Growth & Faith?

bible women bible women & bathrobes growth journey of faith limbo mrs. noah patience waiting women of the ark Jun 27, 2024

Bible, Women & Bathrobes, Episode 24

Women of the Ark, Part 3



Tamara, Wendi & Tiffany discussed Genesis 8 about the themes of waiting and trusting in God's timing, using Noah's obedience and faith during the flood as an example. They emphasized the importance of patience, faith, and obedience during difficult times, and shared personal experiences of waiting for divine intervention or relief. They highlighted how waiting periods can be used to refine one's character and create a solid foundation for a brand new beginning, drawing parallels between biblical accounts and modern-day experiences.

Main Takeaways 

  • From Tiffany  “He will show us signs that He's there. We just have to look for Him. Because what you look for, you will find so start looking for the signs, start looking for those things that God has given you in your life to help you know He's there.”
  • From Wendi “In the waiting periods of our lives, God knows where we're at, like, Noah, he didn't know where he was at and his family didn't know where they were at, but God knew.” 
  • From Tamara, “After the darkest nights, the sun does indeed rise.”

Podcast Hosts & Guests

Tamara K. Anderson

Tamara, founder of Women Warriors of Light, is a dynamic speaker, award winning author, and a podcaster. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin, she navigates the joys and challenges of parenting four children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. You can find out more about Tamara on her website: https://www.tamarakanderson.com/


Wendi Christensen, LCSW

Wendi is the co-founder of Women Warriors of Light. In addition to being a wife and mother, she is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 28 years of experience. Wendi is an intuitive counselor helping individuals release pain, renew hope, and restore light through forgiveness. You can find out more about Wendi on her website: https://wendichristensencounseling.com/


Tiffany Fletcher

Tiffany is a member of our Women Warriors of Light advisory board. She is an author, wife, mother and an example of faith & courage. Through her life experiences she shares hope in coming from a place of darkness to light and love. You can find her on social media @tiffanyfletcher or on her blog: motherhadasecret.blogspot.com


Tamara Anderson  0:01  

How do you feel when I say the word? Wait? What about waiting on the Lord? Today we're going to talk about Noah and misses Noah and their family and how they had to wait on the Lord not only through the rain, which we covered last week, but waiting to get off the ark, which they waited for months and months and months. So we're going to talk about that. And how it applies to us today because sometimes we're in a waiting pattern, so stay tuned.


Tamara Anderson  0:38  

 Welcome to Bible Women and Bathrobes the podcast where faith meets comfort. Join us Tuesday and Thursday morning. As the gals from Women Warriors of Light and their guests, don bathrobes and dive into the inspiring stories of women in the Bible, and the teachings of Jesus Christ. From Esther's bravery to the Sermon on the Mount. We explore it all with warmth, laughter, sisterhood, and maybe even a few sleepy-eyed moments. tune in live or at your leisure as we learn lessons from scripture which empower women today.


Tamara Anderson  1:19  

Welcome to another episode of Bible Women and Bathrobes. I'm your host Tamara K. Anderson and joining me today is my co-founder of Women Warriors of Light Wendi Christensen welcome, Wendi.


Wendi Christensen  1:30  

Hello, ladies. So glad to be here today. 


Tamara Anderson  1:32  

Yay! And also Tiffany Fletcher. And Tiffany is one of the wonderful women on our advisory board. Thank you for being here today. Tiffany.


Tiffany Fletcher  1:41  

Yeah. Thanks for having me. I'm excited to be here. Yep.


Tamara Anderson  1:44  

And Tiffany had some computer challenges getting on today. And sometimes I think Satan doesn't want us to move his God's work forward. And he puts obstacles in our paths. So we're happy to be here today. All right, guys. So we have covered chapters six and seven of Genesis of the story of Noah and Mrs. Noah and their family. And today we are going to talk about chapter eight. And as I reread this chapter this morning, I was just amazed at some of the prevalent themes that just jumped out of me. And waiting, gratitude. So let's start with verse one. And I love the first phrase in verse one of chapter eight, and God remembered Noah, and I'm gonna say, and his family, and every living thing and all the cattle that was with him on the ark, and God made a wind pass over the earth, and the waters are assuaged, which means subsided, they they stopped. And then, let's just pause right there. God remembered Noah. Now that brings up the question, Well, did God forget Noah and his family? And the answer is obviously no. God's all-knowing in all-living, you know, he knows everything. But I think this is an interesting interpretation of this. Sometimes we as mortals feel forgotten of God. Sometimes there's a period of silence in our life when we're going through good things or hard things. And we're like, hello, you feel like you're being on the powers of heaven saying, Remember me? God? You know what I mean? And I just thought we'd open the discussion with that, because sometimes we feel a little forgotten by God. Any thoughts there? Tiffany?


Tiffany Fletcher  3:37  

I love that. And and I think that I think another way of saying it, and God remembered God, I think some God Remember, Noah, I think sometimes God sees the good like, He gives us that period of waiting to see what we're gonna do with it. Right? He like, gives us that period of going on to sea being in the ark not hearing from him to see how we're gonna react to it. Are we going to be angry? Are we going to be frustrated with God? Are we going to blame God for like, the flood and everything else? Or? Or are we going to just be still and wait for the Lord and I? And I think that in that God, remember Noah, I think another way of saying that is God saw that Noah was making good choices, and that he was okay with the flood. And so he's like, okay, he made it through this test. Let's, let's let the waters recede. And I think sometimes we need to, like, you know, our circumstances don't define us. We can't let our circumstances define us. But if we just do the best that we can, in our circumstances, God will see that and he'll remember us, and He will bless us, and He will make those waters recede in his time, right. It was it's an always in his timing, but that's, that's kind of how I see that I feel like he never forgets us, but sometimes he lets us cry a little bit, you know, and so we can move forward and and learn good lessons. 


Tamara Anderson  5:01  

Yeah, Wendi any thing you'd like to add? No,


Wendi Christensen  5:05  

I, I love what Tiffany is saying. And I feel like it's it and God remembered Noah and every living thing. And then it says cattle, which I think represents all the animals, which reminds us that God is aware of all of his creatures, everything, every living thing he is aware of. And sometimes we are in the mundane, right? We're just kind of stuck in the day to day and I'm sure it was very mundane on the ark, you know, okay, let's clean up the elephant poop today, let's do you know, take care of the snakes. Like, make sure everything's fed. Like they're, they were probably just busy with taking care of themselves and their food preparation, these animals all on this ark. And they probably felt many times like, Okay, this is day after day, same thing, same thing, when, when is it going to change? When is the Lord gonna like, you know, help things, but I think they also talks about how righteous they were. So they must have relied upon Heavenly Father, you know, God a lot in their lives. And, and that waiting, like you're saying, like, we're going to talk more about that. How? It's, it's almost like the promise, and God remember them. Like he knew their obedience. And he, he had promised them things. And they knew that and they felt, I think remembered. Yeah. Because he was going to fulfill those promises, right? 


Tamara Anderson  6:28  

Yeah Um, thank you. Those are amazing comments. I love in the next few verses, things that I didn't notice the last couple of times that I've read it in preparation for this, that there was stuff going on while they were waiting. Do you know what I mean? In verse one, we said it and God made a wind to pass over the earth. Was he blowing them where he needed to go? Probably there had to be a high enough mountain for the ark to land on. But they might not have realized, you know, sometimes we feel God is blowing us in a certain way. And we're like, what is going on Lord. And we don't realize that that wind is taking us somewhere. So I had that thought, but then in verse two, it talks about the fountains also the deep, and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained. And so there's all these, it's like, okay, for you guys to get off the ark. There's all these dominoes that God sees that this needs to happen. And this needs to happen, and this and this and this. And so while you're sitting in this enclosed space, and aren't seeing perhaps all the changes that are happening, God is the one orchestrating those changes. Do you know what I mean? I can see. And I can see those parallels on our life. Sometimes we're like, it's like, we can't see how God is working in our lives when we're in a holding pattern. But he's doing things we just may not understand or notice what has to happen for us to take that next right step. Does that make sense? 


Tamara Anderson  8:11  

And then even in verse three, and the waters returned from off the earth continually, and after the end of 150 days, the waters were abated. And then it says in the ark rested in the seventh month. So it finally rested on a mountain. So that put them where they needed to be. But even then, from the seventh month to the 10th month, we're talking three and a half, probably four months here. That finally Noah, open the window, and I'm sure it was under God's direction. You know, but sitting there with, you know, you are just in your enclosed little spot. Wait, wait, wait, wait. This is day. This is months and months and months? Do you know what I mean? So I'm just going to throw it out there and ask, What characteristics do you think we develop in the waiting period that Noah and Mrs. Noah and their sons and daughter-in- law's this was a time of testing and refining? I guess which refining is probably a good word? What characteristics do you think we learned by waiting? Wendi, or any other comment you have?


Wendi Christensen  9:26  

No, I actually. Yeah, as I'm thinking about, it must have just rained and rained and rained and I bet they got so tired of the rain, you know, after months of raining, and that waiting like you're talking about there was a time in my life. I dealt with infertility for seven years. Seven years was a long time for me, you know, to sit and to wait and get excited for things to change and then they didn't change and hoping and then it didn't happen and you know, just sitting in that space of waiting it, what it did for me is it developed my character. Like I really had to look within myself, I had to look at my beliefs, I had to look at who I was, how I was coping how I was dealing, I came to know myself really, really well in that waiting period, that waiting time, what was my strength? What were what are my strengths? What were my weaknesses? What was I willing to turn over to the Lord in that waiting period? What was I not that I had to learn to turn over to him? Because no, there were moments where I would get really frustrated and sad and down and depressed and what's wrong with me and you get those pity moments, right? But, but through it all, I feel like as I leaned upon God, which I had to remind myself to keep leaning upon him, I found strength. 


Wendi Christensen  10:51  

And I feel like when that beautiful miracle finally came, and I was able to, I was able to get pregnant and have my first my daughter, that joy. And looking back on those seven years as such a moment of growth. For me, I had grown so much internally, from those seven years of waiting, and had really come to know who I was as an individual. And that's been invaluable for me. And it served a beautiful purpose. And really leaning upon that strength throughout, you know, moving forward, it's really helped me to grow closer to the Lord. And to understand that I can do it first of all, that I can wait that long, and that I have the fortitude and that any challenges that come my way. I'm like, I, I've been through something already. Like I already been through some tough times. And it's just strengthened my faith even more in everything that I deal with now.


Tamara Anderson  11:53  

Yeah. Oh, Tiffany.


Tiffany Fletcher  11:56  

I love that. Wendi, I think that I think that we do. I mean, there's a reason why God says Be still and no, right and know God, because because in that waiting period, we get the opportunity. Like our life, like, like, think about them in the ark, like they started building, building, building working hard, he had, like, the rain was coming. And he needed to build that ark, and he needed to get the animals in, and you need to do all of the things, right, all of the things. And that was a lot of work. And then for him for like almost an entire year, I think it was a year and a day. Like he literally just waits I mean, does the things that he can he, it takes for the animals and everything but but really, his life is in the Lord's hand. And in that time, after we've done so much work and all that we can do, just waiting on the Lord is really allows us to be still and know him, right and know ourselves and know Him. 


Tiffany Fletcher  12:53  

And to really be able to have that relationship of trust. I mean, because that is really what they had to develop, right? I mean, obviously patience. But they had to really trust God, because I don't know about you, but I am a very, like, I like to get things done. And so I kind of force things sometimes. I'm like, God, if you're not going to do this, I will. I'm just gonna get this done. And I'm gonna do it. And I'm gonna do it my way. If you're not going to do it, you're right. And that's not obviously not the right way of doing things. But I think sometimes we get in that place where we are like, I just am going to do this if you're not going to do it. And we want to force things. When in reality, like it takes a lot of patience to wait for God to tell you to open the window. Like especially when you've got an ark full of animals that probably stink really. Right? Like you like like you think about that poor woman on the ark that was like shoveling poop every day. She's like, come on, can we just open a window? No, not until the Lord tells us to. And even like when you get further down, and they get to the point where like, the bird doesn't come back. So they obviously are good. They still wait another month and a half before God tells him to get off the ark. So I just think that sometimes it allows us to learn to trust Him and realize, okay, this is him trusting me to listen, so I need to trust him in what I do. So I think trust is a biggest takeaway in that scenario that they have to learn. God trusts them. And we needed God trust us so we need to trust Him, basically. 


Tamara Anderson  14:38  

Yeah. Well, I heard a lot of themes coming out. I'd written a few things down as far as characteristics we learned while we're waiting and patience is a big one. Oh, hard to develop and you can only develop it going through something that makes you wait, right. Trust, trusting God Oh, Oh, it is hard, hard to develop. And with that trust, there's there's also that submission to His will, which they really had to do here. They were totally in God's hand. I mean, he could move that arc where he wanted putting them down where they were supposed to be. So they didn't end up in the middle of the ocean. Do you know know what I mean? Trusting that wind is going to lead me where it needs to do acceptance, you know that this is where I am, this is who I am. These, these are the the things I'm learning about myself, kind of like Wendi was saying earlier. I love what you said, Tiffany also, but being still, you know that there are times when we can be still and allow God to kind of come in and remind us that, hey, you're not forgotten. I still see you and all those animals on the ark, I see that you're working hard to keep everybody alive and moving Mrs. Noah, organizing, keeping all the animals happy and taking care of. I was also thinking about some of the other verses in the Bible that talk about patience. 


Tamara Anderson  16:20  

Of course, there's that be still one and I that's like one of my favorites. One of the other verses that popped into my head is that one and Isaiah 40:31 Where it says, but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, They shall mount up with wings as eagles, They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. And I love that one. Because and and as it pertains to Mrs. Noah and her family. What she had to rely on God for strength? Because mentally and physically and emotionally, being in that same waiting period, for so long, and feeling like nothing is changing is very draining? You know, it's so exhausting, exhausting mind, body and soul, you know. And so she had to rely on God. And, as I ponder, pause and ponder this is that is God is getting ready for them to leave the ark, what lessons does he want them to learn? What lessons does he want them to have learned that they can then pass on and build a righteous posterity? Because they learned those lessons, you know, that I can trust them? God? I mean, wouldn't you love to have just poked your head into this time period of the Bible and just say, Noah and Mrs. Noah what did you guys learn? And what did your sons and daughter-in-law like? Like have them just share their little witness of God? After being on the ark? Like, what did you learn? Seriously, and I think I'm sure it woud have been patience and strength, I can trust in God, he'll take care of me, he'll protect me, he'll guide me. He strengthens me when I'm feeling weak. I mean, I can totally see them saying these types of things. And it's because each of us has passed through things that have made us wait. And those are the same lessons we learned here 1,000s of years later, waiting, right? It's interesting. It's like they say history repeats itself. And it does, you know, in so many ways, except we haven't had a flood, because he promised he wouldn't do that again. But those same lessons we can learn.


Tamara Anderson  18:44  

 And so here, Tiffany kind of alluded to the fact that that they finally opened the window, they sent out a raven and a dove. It returned, send them wait some more, send them out again, return with a little olive branch. Olive Leaf, sorry, in verse 11. Wait again. And finally it says in the six hundredth and first year, so you're right, it was over a year. And the first month and the first day of the month, the waters were dried up, and Noah removed the covering of the ark. There was a covering on it, and looked and behold, the face of the ground was dry. And even then, they waited. Listen to this, verse 14, and in the second month, so an entire month later after they've taken this covering off. It says God spake unto Noah and verse 16 Go forth of the ark thou and thy wife and thy sons and thy sons wives with thee. They were waiting but they finally said you can go. Do you know what I mean? And how many times have we felt that we're really I'm chomping at the bit God, please, please help me. I know Wendi made a comment about counseling women who are waiting? Thoughts there?


Wendi Christensen  20:10  

Oh, yeah, I was telling Tamara earlier I know women who are like in situations that are really they feel really bleak. They're they're in relationships that feel really bleak, and they just have this desire, they don't want to stay. But the Lord has told them to wait. And as I've listened and heard, you know, their pleadings in this waiting of when will things change? When will it change? When will it change? It just reminded me so much of the situation with, with Noah and his family, I'm sure, you know, they thought, When is the ground going to dry? When can we leave? We are so tired of being in this boat in this ark, right? When can we leave. And it's interesting that sometimes I think we also in the waiting period, when we feel forgotten, I don't think that it's any coincidence that the the Lord's that they start out the chapter with God remember them, because they had to, like keep that in the forefront of their mind that whole year. And especially when they're just sitting in this boat, and on a mountain waiting for the ground and the water to subside, you know, waiting for the ground to appear. 


Wendi Christensen  21:23  

They had to think, when are we going to see any light at the end of the tunnel. And yet God gives them little things. And sometimes it's the little things that we get that we have to hold on to hope in knowing that God is remembering me, he does remember me like I'm sure they held on so much hope to that those, you know, the raven, and then the dove. And then when the dove came back, it's like, ah, then when the dove came back with the olive branch, I'm sure it was so much hope for them to hold on another what month, month and a half, right? Like sometimes it feels like we choose get these little teeny tiny pieces in the waiting. They give us hope. But yet there are ways that we know and see that the Lord is remembering us even in our waiting periods, even in our darkest hours. Right? When you do feel like the the the floor of the heaven is concrete. It's not. The Lord does remember us just like, you know, working with these women, they hold on to every little thing that gives them that glimmer of hope that the Lord is aware of me in my trial. He knows what I'm going through, even if my circumstances right now are changing. I'm holding on to the faith that he remembers me. He knows I'm here. And I'm growing in this process, this waiting period.


Tamara Anderson  22:46  

I love I love what you said there about looking for those little signs, I guess from heaven, that things are happening. And we see that you know, we see tiny bits of progress not as fast as they probably wanted, right?


Wendi Christensen  22:59  

No, I'm sure they wanted to like I would want to get out on land like whoa. It would have been it would have taken everything to just stay in the boat and just be patient until the Lord said it's okay to come out now.


Tamara Anderson  23:12  

Yeah. Anything you want to add Tiffany?


Tiffany Fletcher  23:16  

I love that. I think that that's something that we even do today like that we need to do today, right? Like, I love that when they come out of the ark, the first thing they do is show gratitude to Heavenly Father because that shows that they had to have been in a spirit of gratitude to begin with, right like to think about that. Even so, I know that for me, when I when I was a kid and and my mom's violent altar came out and was very abusive like it. It was really, really hard. It was a very hard time. And as a kid, I didn't know that it would ever end. I just thought that's what life was like, you know, I just didn't know that there was anything different than that. And so I watched Pollyanna and she played the "glad game" and that shows how old I am. But I watched him. Do you play the glad game and so like I started playing the glad game in my life like when my mom would her violent alter would start being abusive I would you know run into my room I would close the door and I would kind of put these my body and and kind of wedge myself between the chair in that like the bed and then so she couldn't open it up and I would play the glad game I would be like can be father I'm so glad that I made it here safely and she's not going to hurt me. I'm so glad that my siblings are out of the house. I'm so glad that that I know that Jesus loves me like I like I literally played the glad game, and it brought me out of those hard things right. And I imagined I mean, obviously there wasn't violence going on in the ark but there were hard things and and I also feel like they probably sang a lot. 


Tiffany Fletcher  24:58  

They probably I mean singing like is something for me. I remember, you know, singing zippity doo dahs zippita like or the song from Annie tomorrow, tomorrow, you're only a day... you like those things were like, helpful for me as I sang them, because it would remind me that today was hard. But maybe tomorrow would be better. And that my situation did not have to be. It's not what it was going to always be that maybe tomorrow would be a good day for my mom. And, and it would be better for me, and that this was still a good day, and I could still make it a good day. And I think that sometimes those glimmers of hope, are things that we have to create ourselves. Like, sometimes God sends them, and He gives them to us. And he's like, here you go, the rain has stopped, you are now on a mountain. So I mean, you're not moving. So that means that you're stuck on a mountain, which means the waters going down even more. Here's an olive branch, open the window, you know, like it gives us these things. But in the waiting period between those sparks, and glimmers of hope, we have to create our own hope within us. And I think that that starts from at least for me, with the glad game, which is just instant gratitude, right? There's glad for the things that you have. And also music and singing, praising God, prayer, thanking him. All of those things create that feeling within us, that helps us in the waiting period, to get through the hard things. And I know because I lived in darkness for a very long time with a mom who had multiple personalities. And I know what it means to build light. And I know what it means to make those moments of hope, in your own life, create them for yourself, because sometimes God does want to see what we're going to do with the circumstances and he is silent. And so we need to be the one praising and we need to be the one glowing and growing. And the things that we can do. And those glimmers of hope we have to create in ourselves. So I'm sorry, that was long, but so important to me.


Wendi Christensen  26:59  

Can I Tamra, can I add one thing that you're saying? You know, it's interesting. Tiffany's, you were talking and I thought and look at all that you went through like such a hard, difficult, dark time in your life. But now what you do is you bring light to so many people and you bring light to so many women, and that the Lord created that, like he grew that in that waiting time for you, right, that period of time in your life. Those challenges brought you to a place where you now bring so much light to so many people. And it made me think of, you know, here, here, Noah and his family, they were in the most cruel, like, it was so, so horrible and awful on the earth that the Lord had to destroy it right? He had to like cleanse it. And they had come from these horrible circumstances, you know, they must have seen just horrible sin and atrocities and everything, right? They're coming from this experience. Isn't it interesting that this whole timeframe this year, and this waiting upon the Lord, maybe it was for the Lord, to help them to to find that strength within them to build to create that character, because they then land. And they're going to start building this whole new community, this brand new beginning. And the Lord needs them to be in a different space and a different frame of mind. Right? He needs them to be they come with this gratitude, they are in a different space, they come out with gratitude, maybe maybe some of this waiting time that they had to go through with the storms and the sitting on the mountain and then just sitting in the ark doing nothing like maybe that was all to refine their character, and truly waiting on the Lord because of the evil that they had just left. They've got this kind of waiting period. And now they're meant to go and create this beautiful space. That's a brand new beginning brand new start and brand new generations of people, right, and they're going to have this solid start because of this waiting period that they've been through of refinement.


Tiffany Fletcher  29:10  

Love that. That's so beautiful. And so yeah, eye opening. It's Thank you that was exactly what spirit needed to tell us today. It's beautiful. And I agree. I think sometimes I think sometimes we look at our hard things and we're like, why God why me why now why are you doing this? But in in reality, what we need to do is we need to be still and say okay, why do you what what do you want me to learn? What what do I need to gain from this? That will help me do your work better? Because really, what we're here to do is God's work right? This entire life is a waiting period. Like we knew the beginning. We were with him. We know in the end hopefully we're going to be with him again. But in the meantime we're waiting and where God is looking to see what what we're going to do with this life and how we're going to be an instrument in his hands and be a light on the Hill for for his children. And sometimes I love that, that he does give us those waiting periods to grow our character, so that we can be the disciple he needs us to be. So it helps to see our trails differently and help us see that waiting period as a growth experience instead of a trial. So to speak.


Tamara Anderson  30:27  

Love it. Love it. Wow. Well, let's wrap it up takeaways. And let's start with Tiffany. Why don't you share your takeaway from today's episode,


Tiffany Fletcher  30:42  

Just that, as we live in a in a attitude of gratitude, I rejoice in the Lord even in our trials, and create those moments of light, the sparks of light and hope in our life. The waiting will be easier. And God will strengthen us to be able to do that. And he will show us signs that he's there. And we just have to look for him. Because what you look for, you will find so start looking for the signs, start looking for those things that God has given you in your life to help you know he's there. And then if you can't find them, then create them for yourself, because then you'll see them because your heart will be in a different place.


Tamara Anderson  31:22  

Love it, Wendi.


Wendi Christensen  31:25  

I love it too, Tiffany, you know, I think just the biggest thing is that in the waiting periods of our lives, God knows where we're at, like, Noah, he didn't know where he was at his family didn't know where they were at. But God knew. He knew where they were. He knew what was coming. He knew the plan that he had, the timing that he had. And sometimes it's really hard to trust that but but God knows he does remember us in all of our waiting times, and we may not understand everything that's going on around us. But trusting Him that He knows. He knows us the circumstances of our lives. He knows the purpose of the waiting in our lives, and the blessings that will come from the waiting periods of our lives. And that we can choose that gratitude does to show as I think as we see and experience and rejoice in that gratitude how much it will fill our own lives.


Tamara Anderson  32:29  

I think my biggest takeaway here is that after the darkest nights, the sun does indeed rise. And we see that pattern in the earth you know, that day always follows night. And, and so when we're in that waiting period, when it's midnight, it feels the darkest and two in the morning and three in the morning, five in the morning, like when when is the light coming, Lord. Just clinging on to that hope that morning will come and waiting, does end. And that you're not alone when you're in the waiting periods of your life that God is with you. And there's angels all around you both seen and unseen. That can help you through those times. And just everything else you guys have said. So thank you for joining us today. If you're in a waiting period. Hang in there, my dear friends and lean on God until the morning does indeed come. 


Tamara Anderson  33:41  

Thanks for tuning in to Bible Women and Bathrobes hosted by Women Warriors of Light. We've loved exploring the stories of remarkable women are the teachings of the Savior today with you. If today's episode brought someone special to mind, be sure to spread the word. And don't forget to hit that subscribe button so you never miss a moment of inspiration and sisterhood. Just a friendly reminder, all opinions we share are entirely personal as we are trying to decipher and apply Bible teachings just like you are. Until next time, stay faithful. And may Your journey be blessed and illuminated by God's love.


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