Yoking Ourselves to the Savior: Finding Strength in Burdens

autism heavy burdens yoked to christ Mar 15, 2018

Dear Sisters in Christ,

In a world filled with challenges and battles, our faith is our greatest source of strength. As Christian Women Warriors of Light, we face unique struggles, but through God's grace and His Word, we can overcome them.

Bearing Burdens: A Personal Journey When my son Nathan was diagnosed with autism, I found myself burdened with the weight of his diagnosis. It was a heavy load, too much to carry on my own. At times, I even wrestled with anger towards God, wondering why He hadn't healed my son when I knew He could. Little did I know that this "burden" would ultimately transform me into a stronger, better person as I yoked myself to Jesus.

Finding Peace in Matthew 11:28-30 (KJV) "A few years ago in Sunday School, we had a profound discussion about burdens, yokes, and the strength of Jesus Christ found in Matthew 11:28-30."

Tips for Yoking Ourselves to the Savior:

  1. Come You That Labor and Are Heavy Laden: When life takes unexpected turns, we must be willing to turn toward God, especially when our burdens feel overwhelming. In those moments of despair, I have heeded the invitation to come to Jesus, to pray and release my burdens, finding peace in the midst of the storm.

  2. Take His Yoke: Even when we are exhausted and feel like we can't take another step, taking on the Savior's yoke paradoxically lightens our load. As I've humbled myself to submit to His yoke, I've found strength, healing, and courage to continue. Two people can do anything when one of them is God.

  3. Learn of Him: Understanding Jesus' characteristics has been a profound source of strength. Knowing that He loves me despite my imperfections, that His purpose is to teach and heal, and that He too experienced suffering and submission, encourages me to be more like Him, treating others with love and kindness.

  4. Jesus Is Meek: In the middle of these verses, Jesus describes Himself as meek and lowly in heart. He is approachable and willing to yoke Himself to us, no matter our past or sins. His humble strength is the ideal support for our burdens.

Conclusion Looking back, I'm thankful I overcame my anger and turned to God. Christ is very approachable, and as I've yoked myself to Him, I've felt my burdens lifted. I stumble at times, but I am grateful to be yoked to someone stronger and wiser. He has helped me find solutions, carry burdens, and calm storms. God is indeed the best ally to have by your side.

Call to Action Share this message with someone who may be struggling under the weight of heavy burdens. It could be the answer to their prayer. Remember, God loves you.

With love and faith,

Tamara K. Anderson