Faith in Desperate Times: Lessons from Jairus' Family

bible women bible women & bathrobes death death of loved one faith in christ hope in adversity miracles near-death experience podcast sacred moments Jul 25, 2024

Bible, Women & Bathrobes, Episode 32

Jairus & His Wife and Daughter


Wendi Christensen and Tamara Anderson discuss the story of Jairus and his family from Mark 5: 22-24, 35-43. They talk about the power of faith in overcoming adversity, sharing stories of miracles and the importance of slowing down to notice people in need. They emphasize the significance of recording sacred moments in their lives and holding on to belief and hope during challenging situations. Through personal experiences and insights, they highlight the importance of faith in unexpected ways and the need to keep hoping beyond hope for a miracle.


Main Takeaways

  • From Wendi, “I just love with this story. The fact that it just shows so much care and compassion that Christ has for each and every one of us. . .[that] people are not going to get and understand those those special sacred things in our lives. But that Jesus gets us. He gets us, He knows us, he understands us, and he sees our faith.”
  • From Tamara, “I love the faith of this little family, and how they chose Jesus. They chose Jesus, that was a conscious choice: We choose Jesus at this pivotal moment. And I think that's a great example for all of us. And so, yeah, seek him out in your pivotal moments, in your daily moments. Seek Jesus.”


Today’s Podcast Hosts & Guests

Tamara K. Anderson

Tamara, founder of Women Warriors of Light, is a dynamic speaker, award winning author, and a podcaster. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin, she navigates the joys and challenges of parenting four children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. You can find out more about Tamara on her website:


Wendi Christensen, LCSW

Wendi is the co-founder of Women Warriors of Light. In addition to being a wife and mother, she is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 28 years of experience. Wendi is an intuitive counselor helping individuals release pain, renew hope, and restore light through forgiveness. You can find out more about Wendi on her website:




Tamara Anderson  0:00 

Have you ever been a caretaker to someone who is very, very sick, that you loved so much and would do anything to help them heal? Today we are going to talk about this very situation in the scriptures, and a woman and family who sought for a miracle and received an even greater miracle. So stay tuned.


Tamara Anderson  0:28 

Welcome to Bible, Women and Bathrobes the podcast where faith meets comfort. Join us Tuesday and Thursday morning as the gals from Women Warriors of Light and their guests, don bathrobes and dive into the inspiring stories of women in the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ. From Esther's bravery to the Sermon on the Mount. We explore it all with warmth, laughter, sisterhood, and maybe even a few sleepy eyed moments. tune in live or at your leisure as we learn lessons from scripture which empower women today.


Tamara Anderson  1:09 

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Bible, Women and Wathrobes. I am your host Tamara K Anderson. And joining me today is my co founder of Women Warriors of Light, Wendy Christensen. Wendi, We're excited to have you this morning.


Wendi Christensen  1:23 

Thank you. Good morning, everyone. So happy to be here.


Tamara Anderson  1:27 

All right, guys, today we are diving into the story of Jairus, his wife and daughter. We often talk so much about Jairus and and his faith, but he had a wife and we don't talk about her as often. And so we're going to kind of look at this story from her perspective. And the faith required from both mom and dad to keep hoping beyond hope for a miracle with their sweet daughter, who was very, very sick. And we are going to be in Mark chapter five today. And we're going to cover verses 22 through 24 and 35 through 43. So there's a gap in between here. And we'll talk about that gap in in the story as well.


Tamara Anderson  2:23 

All right, so we'll start here in verse 22. And this is what it says. "And behold, there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue Jarius by name. And when he saw him, he fell at his feet." So Jairus fell at Jesus's feet. And so here we know that Jairus in his family, they were somewhat important in society, he was a ruler of a synagogue. By this point in time, there was also a lot of there were some people who did not believe in Jesus and some of the rulers of the synagogue were very trying to turn the people away from him, because he was kind of disturbing their rituals and stuff like that this is not how things are done.


Tamara Anderson  3:13 

And yet, that people were thronging him because he showed great power and kindness and performed miracles that they just weren't seeing anywhere else. And so it's interesting. So Jairus, and his wife probably have been tending to their daughter, for who knows how long she'd been getting sicker, and sicker and sicker. And they'd probably tried, like last week, we talked about the woman with the issue of blood tried to find solutions for her, and they were kind of at their last straw.


Tamara Anderson  3:51 

And it's an interesting position to be in, were to be in a position where, you know, people are looking to you as a ruler of a synagogue, to be an example of devotion to God, and to their old ways. And yet, you've tried all those things. And there is this new person in town, who is healing people, and would you try? Would you seek him out? You know, and yes, in a moment of desperation they would. Any thoughts at this point of the story, Wendi?


Wendi Christensen  4:31 

Yeah, just there must have been. You know, there was a lot of controversy around Jesus at this point. And a lot of skepticism, especially, I think with those of the synagogue and the Pharisees and Sadducees had lots of questions. And it must have been hard for for Jairus his wife to even approach Christ, because I'm guessing that that he they had spoken together, they had talked together Jairus had, had seen and witnessed some things and must have gone home and talked to his wife about, I've noticed or I've seen this, I've heard this.


Wendi Christensen  5:12 

And that desperation from them both, like you were talking about just, we want so desperately to have this healing. And for them to have seen or heard the rumblings of something so controversial, you know, I kind of look at and compare it to, it would be like new new procedures happening today. And somebody that can that can do things you would you would be a little skeptical, you would wonder, can I trust this person? Can I trust? What's happening? Or what's going on with the norm? And versus the norm? And what's comfortable? And what I know to be safe? And would it be okay for me to look for those answers outside of my safety or my comfort zone? Because that's really what they were doing. They were looking outside for answers from their normal typical comfort zone that they were used to. Yeah, had to be hard and scary.


Tamara Anderson  6:07 

It would be, but I'm pausing to take care of this from God's perspective. Do you know what I mean? And how they had begged and begged and pleaded for healing for their daughter and seen her grow worse. And there had to be a point of decision where both of them just said, you Yeah, inspiration, go, go and find him. At this point, we have nothing else to lose, you know, she's dying. She's literally dying. And I can only imagine, I would feel the same way if One of my children was dying, you know-- try anything, everything to save them. Right.


Tamara Anderson  6:54 

And, and that act of faith for him to leave at such a time. Because I can imagine being left behind and being his wife and just staying there by the bed of my child. And I'm sure he would have wanted to be there when she passed. But in this last act of desperation, him leaving his wife and his daughter, that must have been heart wrenching, but yet, I'm gonna go I'm going to try one last thing and her being willing to let him go knowing he might not be there when she dies. But go go and try because we have nothing else to lose, you know?


Tamara Anderson  7:38 

So it really must have come down to that choice for for both of them to say, Okay, I know we're supposed to be examples of, of religion in the community. And we're gonna go try this new guy, which, oh, my goodness, the Jewish people were so steeped in their traditions at this point, you know, so, you know, it's almost like they were drawing a line in the sand and taking a step towards the other side and saying, We're gonna try Jesus. Right? We're gonna try Jesus.


Wendi Christensen  8:13 

Then what he you see that He, he realizes well, you'll get into 23. Right?


Tamara Anderson  8:23 

If you want to read it really quick. Yeah, he saw him, he fell at his feet. So he's totally being humble here like, please. Yep.


Wendi Christensen  8:29 

Desperation, being very, very humble. And he be he looks for Christ. And he finds him "and he besought him greatly saying, My little daughter life at the point of death. I pray the come and lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed, and she shall live." That's bold, right? Yeah. That's so bold. I mean, he must have been at this point where his faith had to be so strong, that he could boldly go to this man, to Christ, which we don't know if he's ever seen him. I would assume he's never met him before. He's probably just heard the stories or seen or witnessed some things at this point in time.


Wendi Christensen  9:11 

Maybe because he's been, you know, the ruler of the synagogue. He's heard people talking, and the rumblings and that was enough for, for him and his wife to go, go, Look, search him out. That was enough. To be able to say, to ask him to actually hate come lay your hands on her, heal her. He had to have that much faith, to just boldly say, do it because I think I would have approached it as hey, if you're okay, if you've got some time. I would really appreciate it. No, he was bold. So we'll come heal her.


Tamara Anderson  9:53 

I know you can. It was that complete faith. I know you can.


Wendi Christensen  9:57 

And she shall live. Yes. If he doesn't have any doubts,


Tamara Anderson  10:02 

yeah, yeah. And and I think that reflects the faith of his wife as well. Honestly.


Wendi Christensen  10:09 



Tamara Anderson  10:11 

You know, this great healer, he can heal her, go find him, you know. "And she shall live" and the Savior stops what he's doing whatever he was doing and says, you know, okay, let's go. And it says in verse 24, "And Jesus went with him, and much people followed him and thronged him." So he must have been in the midst of teaching or something like that, when this happened, you know, and so Jairus knew I'm interrupting him. But and then it's interesting.


Tamara Anderson  10:45 

And we talked about last week, we talked about the woman with the issue of blood. So in this multitude, and in him traveling with Jairus, to go visit his wife and daughter at this point. That's when we have the story that we talked about last week at the woman with the issue of blood. And I think, when do you have an interesting comment on this? And so I'll let you say it before we continue the story.


Wendi Christensen  11:08 

Well, yeah, he's so busy. And he is he's being thronged with all these people around him. And he's busy, he's focused, he's following obviously, he, he knows it's important to go and perform this miracle Christ does. But on the way, he actually has another miracle that he does, and that he performs, and that he wasn't too busy, in the midst of all of this craziness, and so much happening around him and so much going on, with this throng of people just following him to stop along the way, and perform another miracle to see somebody else to see this woman with her issue of blood, and to perform a miracle. And how do we sometimes get sometimes I think, we get so busy and so focused on things that we stop, we don't stop along the way to witness or see or do things that could be done, to stop and see the miracles along the way. And those that are, that are in need. And that could be healed. That I think sometimes we get so focused on going I gotta do this, I gotta finish this, I gotta go help this person to actually realize that there are opportunities all along our way where we can stop and perform or do things or see people that need to be seen along our journey of helping. So I say it's a beautiful example, that price sets for us that he wasn't too busy to stop. And notice somebody along the way to this other massive, huge miracle that he was getting ready to perform. He performs a huge other miracle on the way. Yeah.


Tamara Anderson  12:40 

Ah, it's, it is such a great reminder to us, for us to slow down. Yes. And to notice that people, like you said along our way, and to help and heal and be his hands. I think that's a great example we can learn from the Savior.


Tamara Anderson  12:59 

Okay, so we pick this story up in verse 35 of Mark now. So he had literally just healed the woman with the issue of blood said, daughter, you know, "thy faith hath made thee whole; go on peace." And then in verse 35, it says, "while he yet spake," so he's literally saying these words, "there came from the ruler of the synagogues house, certain which said, Thy daughter is dead. Why troublest thou the Master any further?"


Tamara Anderson  13:30 

And oh, my goodness, how this must of just stabbed Jairus. And his wife think of think of her in that situation. She sent her husband out to find him. He is taking a long time, because there's such a big crowd, they're having a hard time getting through. And while you're in the waiting, the worst thing happens. Yeah, you know, your daughter takes her last breath, and how she must have just wept and then ben beyond hope--we tried. You know, we had such faith. And of course, the servant goes to tell him don't  bother him. She's already dead.


Tamara Anderson  14:13 

And listen to what Jesus said in verse 36. "And as soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, be not afraid, only believe." Wow. You know, because I'm sure at that point, his fear had probably overtaken and he said, keep hoping. Keep hoping and I'm sure in some ways, he was like, really?


Wendi Christensen  14:45 

Well, I you know, I think I would have been a little bit angry at that point in time. Like, why did you stop to perform this other miracle? And you didn't hurry through the crowd? Because Jesus took some time for this, this other woman Right, I would have been like a blow. My daughter just died while you're performing this other miracle, you know, but he does it. Christ It's almost like Jesus knows his heart. And and he did. He did know his heart. And he says, Be not afraid, only believe.


Wendi Christensen  15:18 

Because I'm sure he was trying to comfort him. And with him questioning, wait a minute, it took time away from my daughter, for you to stop and perform this other miracle. And now she's gone. I'm sure that must have been gone through his heart. Yeah, Jairus's heart to just then and then to be spoken to be at peace,  just believe. Really, they just keep believing? And how many times do we go through those moments where it's like, it's too late. Nothing can happen. Nothing can change at this point. But yet if we sit in it for a minute, and we LISTEN to the Spirit, whisper to us. Just believe. Don't be afraid. Just believe.


Tamara Anderson  16:06 

That's that can be such an answer, don't you think? In any situation. And even if we have lost lost one, to death, someone to death? What a comfort that can be, "Be not afraid only believe." And, of course, that requires us hoping for that reunion in the next life. Which is hard when you're grieving, you know, but sometimes that's the only thing we can claim to. You know, that's where our faith is tested, when we're up against a wall, and suddenly, when someone you love passes, you know, you start to think, do I really believe I'll see them again?


Tamara Anderson  16:53 

You know, that's when that faith is tested, and you decide, am I going to tip towards faith? Or am I going to tip towards bitterness? And I think there's days that you kind of vacillate between the two, you know, and that's part of grief, grief is that, you know, experiencing all of the emotions and anger is sometimes one of them, you know? So. But that is the answer, whether whatever stage of grief you're in: Be not afraid only believe. you know,


Wendi Christensen  17:26 

in whatever circumstance, that you're in whatever the trial is, that you're in, just trying to hold on to that belief and that faith that it will it, the healing will come that it will get better. even if you feel like you're trudging through mud sometimes, right. To get there and to get through it.


Tamara Anderson  17:45 

Yeah. Yeah. I think these next couple of verses teach us an important lesson as well. And I'm gonna read them, he said, "and he suffered no man to follow Him, save Peter, James, and John, the brother of James. And he come into the house of the ruler of the synagogue and seeth the tumult, and then that wept and wailed greatly." So this would often happen that they would have people who would come and weep and wail with the family, often paid. You know, this was their job. I'm a good crier, I'll come. Actually, I weep when people cry, you can send me almost anybody's funernal, you'll find me crying in the back. But probably not as loud as these people were.


Tamara Anderson  18:28 

And, and here's an interesting, "And when he was come in, he saith unto them, Why make ye this ado and weep? The Damsel is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn. But when he had put them all out, he taketh the father and the mother of the damsel, and them there were with him and entereth in where the damsel was lying." And I love this example, because Jesus, the people who get to witness this miracle are people who follow that advice and "Be not afraid only believe."


Tamara Anderson  19:07 

The people who are going to laugh and scorn-- put them out. And I think this is a great example, for Jairus for his wife, surround yourself with people who will love and support you, and half the day. You know, this miracle, raising the dead required people of faith to be there and to be present. I don't know. I think there's a powerful lesson there. Any thoughts on that?


Wendi Christensen  19:43 

And he had just come from a throng of people where which had been hundreds, you know, or you know, I don't know how many but a throng I think is a big, big number, but tons and tons of people who did get to just witness a miracle. They all got to see at least those that were directly around him, there were enough around them that, that, you know, his disciples are like all these people around you what you're worried about somebody who touched you? And he and they got to witness that miracle.


Wendi Christensen  20:10 

But this was a special situation. This, not every, there wasn't a crowd of people that he wanted to have witnessed this one. And that those, you're right that didn't believe they were, they were told to leave. Like, you're not going to believe you're not going to, you're not going to contribute to this beautiful, holy sacred ground, that we're going to stand on to see this miracle happen. And that it took those who did have faith and did want to believe. And it's not that Christ didn't love those people that he threw out. He just knew they wouldn't appreciate it. And it wouldn't probably change them. And he wanted to make it a space where it was for those who were going to receive and understand the beautiful miracle that was about to happen.


Wendi Christensen  20:56 

Yeah, it wasn't, it was a sacred space. And he wanted to respect it as a sacred space, and really hold space for this group of people to see what they were going to see. And when it became a tender sacred space that this next miracle was going to be performed.


Tamara Anderson  21:16 

Yeah, I'm gonna pause right here also and turn our perspective to Jairus' his wife. So here, she's just lost her daughter, I'm sure she's probably just weeping, you know, just weeping with grief. Her husband wasn't there when it happened. And so probably feeling completely alone, completely abandoned by God. And yet her husband shows up and I can just imagine her running to him and just sobbing on his shoulder, you know, just falling in his arm arms.


Wendi Christensen  21:50 

She died. You miss? Yeah,


Tamara Anderson  21:52 

yeah, you miss, she's gone. She's gone. You weren't here. You know, and carrying that load by herself. Must have been very, very heavy. And yet him at the same moment smiling or with love and saying, I found him. He told me to not give up hope. Yeah, you know, he said to believe. And I'm sure that must have caused like a myriad of emotions in her, like what? you know,


Wendi Christensen  22:25 

and having faith in her husband to you know, you, you say this man can do this. She had to have so much faith in that in her husband.


Tamara Anderson  22:36 

Yeah, trust to trust.


Wendi Christensen  22:38 

Can I trust you that this man is going to be able to do something. And playing like it was too late. It was too late. She must have been so disappointed. So heartbroken at this point. just Yeah.


Tamara Anderson  22:50 

So I'm sure at this moment, she had a choice to make too, you know. Before I had hope. she's gone. You know, stuff like this just didn't happen. Doesn't happen now very often, either, although there are people who have near death experiences. So it just doesn't happen super often. And so, she probably had to have that moment where she teetered on the edge. Do I tip towards faith. And of course, as a mother, you would say, of course, I'm going to try and believe-- exercise faith, even though I don't know this man. You know, I've heard enough that Okay, I'll try. And


Wendi Christensen  23:42 

and he's already walking in her home with power. Like, he's already doing things against tradition.


Tamara Anderson  23:49 

Uh, huh.


Wendi Christensen  23:50 

walks into the home and he throws out these these weepy weepers and wailers. And, you know, she's she had to be a little in shock. What is he doing?


Tamara Anderson  24:00 

What is he doing? Why is he kicking our traditional people out? And so perhaps, that requires another layer of trust and God that he isn't going to do things traditionally. Yeah, all the time. You know, sometimes the miracles are going to come in a way you do not expect it. And believing that that miracle can happen even when we least expect it.


Tamara Anderson  24:35 

And then let's continue in verse 41. So they must have been in this intimate setting. Father mother, Peter, James and John and Jesus. That's it six people. Well, and the beautiful, their beautiful daughter who just passed, her body. And in verse 41, it says, "And he took the damsel by the hand and said unto her, Talitha, cumi;" and I'm probably not saying that right, "which is being interpreted damsel I say into thee arise. And straightway the damsel arose and walked, for she was of the age of 12 years. And they were astonished with great astonishment." Wow. I love the astonished part. Because even though you're trying to believe, when you actually see it happen, I'm I'm sure there was part of them that were just like, oh, you know, suck that breath in, like, pinch me. I'm dreaming type situation like, this isn't really happening. Wow, wow. Yeah. And thoughts there?


Wendi Christensen  25:48 

My thoughts went to Peter, James and John. I mean, what they must have been thinking to go, he just healed this woman that touched his robe, And now he's raising this, this daughter from the dead. And it's all happened probably within, you know, 20 minutes of each other. I would just be overwhelmed. I would be, again, yeah, that wow, that that wow factor of, I can't believe what I'm seeing what I'm witnessing.


Wendi Christensen  26:18 

And then for the sweet parents, that must have been, you know, I've, I've been there when you were talking about death. Three years ago, I was there when my mom took her last breath. Ahen you're there. And I've been and I used to work for hospice. So I would be there I've been at many deaths, I've attended many deaths before. To see somebody and witness somebody take their last breath, it's it's a very sacred moment, if you've ever been in a room when someone has passed. It is a very tender, very sacred sacred moment and, and to where you can feel, at least for me, I can, if there's an energy that changes. You can feel them going where they need to go.


Wendi Christensen  27:03 

And so I'm sure this must have been a very sacred, tender space that they're walking into with this mom being there. And feeling that almost that sacredness of the place that they're walking into with somebody just passing. And life just is all sudden on pause. Because it really does when somebody passes and dies. It's like life just pauses. And it just, it just all stops for a minute, your world just stops. And that's where she was. That's where the mom was. And the dad walking in on that was there to Jairus and his sweet, sweet wife. Just were all on pause.


Wendi Christensen  27:42 

And then to see her get up, with with Jesus saying, daughter arise, he calls her by name, or at least it well, I guess being interpreted Damsel, it feels to me like he's calling her by name, he knows her and tells her to her to rise, to get up. That everything all the air in that room was to just instantly changed. Her getting up. They were speechless, I'm sure. And that's what it says they were astonished, then I think it's because they're witnessing such a sacred, holy thing. That they must have just sat there in awe at what they were seeing what they were witnessing. Because I can only imagine the feeling in that room just completely changing. From one of She's gone. She's gone to wherever we you know whether you believe it's heaven, she goes to, or wherever, she's, she's there to all the sudden being back in her body and present again.


Tamara Anderson  28:40 

Oh, yeah. Oh, my goodness, it's so amazing. And here's an interesting commandment that Jesus gives them at the end, he says, "And he charged them straitly that no man should know it. And commanded that something should be given her to eat." We'll tack that on at the end. Don't tell anybody about this. And by the way, give her something to eat, you know,


Wendi Christensen  29:04 

She needs to eat. Yeah. But she and she had not been nourished and he's immediately nourish her let's, you know, help her body. He knew what she needed. And he knows what we need. Right?


Tamara Anderson  29:17 

Yeah. It's interesting that he asked them not to tell anyone. How can you? It's you don't even have to say anything, or people are gonna know something happened in there. Do you know what I mean? We were just weeping and wailing and all of a sudden, you know? You see her on the street the next day? Like what the heck do you know what I mean? It Oh, of course. It's in all of the Gospels. Nobody knows. But Well, Peter, James and John knew. You know, so of course everybody knows about it. But wow. I mean, and I understand why Jesus probably didn't want something so sacred shared and so that That's probably what he meant, don't you think?


Wendi Christensen  30:02 

I think yeah, I think he was like people aren't ready for this miracle yet. That again it I think it's it was probably such a beautiful sacred moment sacred experience. And if you've ever had those sacred moments you do just kind of hold them close to your heart. And just hold on to them. And just let your I think you kind of have to wrap your brain around it too. Right? you ponder it, you think about it, you play it over and over in your mind. I'm sure they did. They had to play it over and over in their mind. And the world wasn't quite ready for it yet. Because they're just starting to see and understand who Jesus is. And only those that were ready for it, got to see it and witness it until the right time. When there were there were others who were ready to witness a miracle so great.


Tamara Anderson  30:51 

Yeah. Oh, my goodness. I wish we had the end of their story, too. You know what I mean? Like, tell me what happened. Jairus' the wife? and the daughter? Oh, what didn't you love her testimony? Oh,


Wendi Christensen  31:04 

yeah. And her experience and to hear her story, you know, what she floating above her body like those near death experiences and going okay, he's totally telling me to come back. Who knows?


Tamara Anderson  31:18 

I can imagine that this was such a boon to their faith. And I can only imagine that this miracle, pushed Jairus as a synagogue leader, to side on the side of Jesus. How could you not? How could you not? And whether that made him an outcast at that point. I don't know. We don't know the end of his story. But the fact that his wife was there, and this impacted his family so greatly. I'm sure even if he had he and his wife and his family had to go through hard things after this, because of that. You can't help but think


Wendi Christensen  32:01 

it had to have affected their family


Tamara Anderson  32:02 

it was worth it was worth it. You know what I mean?


Wendi Christensen  32:06 



Tamara Anderson  32:07 

My daughter is alive, it was worth it. So it's almost like you had to shun what the world thinks. And focus on faith, really, and truly, this is what matters most in the end: is that faith in God and that God can work miracles.


Wendi Christensen  32:25 

You know, we have to do that today, don't you think sometimes? Where the world thinks and says different things, even even about Christ, I've heard sometimes some things that just hurt my heart where people don't believe in him anymore. And it's not that I'm judging them. It's more of a place of, I have seen I, I have faith. And I want I want you to have faith, because I'm sure Jairus his wife and his daughter had this incredible faith for the rest of their lives because of this miracle, and what they had seen and what they had witnessed. And that sometimes the other world doesn't get it. So we have to hold it in our heart, hold on to that beautiful faith that we have in Jesus Christ. And just keep believing.


Tamara Anderson  33:13 

Yeah, the phrase that keeps popping into my head is that phrase for Mary, and, you know, witnessing when the shepherds came, and all that stuff to bow at Jesus's feet at his birth. And it says that Mary kept all those things in her heart. And I think this is the same kind of sacred moment there. You know that to treasure, these sacred, the sacred moments you have with God. Whether it comes at the time of death, where you feel that special spirit around when someone passes or I know I've had sacred moments just in prayer, sometimes where I'm receiving ideas or answers, and I, the air is still so thick around me with love and peace.


Tamara Anderson  34:01 

And I ended up recording those things in my journal. And you're right, I don't share it with everybody. I'll share it with those who are close to me, my husband, perhaps one of my kids, if I feel impressed. But usually it's just something between me and very, very few. And so I think, just like these stories are recorded in the scriptures and build our faith that it's important that we record those sacred moments to remind us, of the power of God and miracles. Because another thing that I've noticed that happens is after sacred moments, the adversary always comes, you know, and tries to make us disbelieve on whatever inspiration we had or whatever sacred moment we have, to try to diminish faith.


Tamara Anderson  34:54 

But if we record it like these stories have been recorded, then we can refer back to it. And remember the power of the moment. Because we forget, we're mortal. You know, we forget things. At least I do. You know, I don't forget the feelings often, but I have sometimes I forget the little details.


Wendi Christensen  35:19 

I was going to say it's the details.


Tamara Anderson  35:22 

Yeah. Yeah.


Wendi Christensen  35:24 

What a beautiful experience, what a beautiful moment. And a special thing for them, for everyone who witnessed that. And that they must have seen and known enough to remember to write that he commanded something should be given her to eat. I love detail was thrown in there, right. But it was enough that it was and it was probably the recording of that, that, that they put that in there. You know, those details just to remind, remind them of the feeling and the experience that they were having. Such a beautiful, beautiful experience, that that we get to read about and have, and then look at our own lives. What are those special tender moments that we get to have with Jesus? Yeah.


Tamara Anderson  36:12 

Ah, take final takeaways before we wrap it up, Wendi?


Wendi Christensen  36:17 

I just love with this story. The fact that it just shows so much care and compassion that Christ has for each and every one of us and our hearts and where we're at, and that he just knows, as you as you see him know, this sweet family that he knows us. He knows what's going on in our individual lives, and the heartaches that we're feeling. And, and I love that he threw these people out that didn't. Now we're just doing their thing and just going through the motions. But he also I think, did it with love and compassion, which is asking them what are you doing? What Why are you here? and even though they're scoffing, and scorning and laughing at him, he doesn't he just dismisses it. Auch a beautiful example of, you know, people are not going to get and understand those those special sacred things in our lives. But that Jesus gets us. He gets us, He knows us, he understands us, and he sees our faith. I just think it's a beautiful example of that in this story. And he's willing to step into those sacred places with us. I love that from the story.


Tamara Anderson  37:29 

That's a powerful takeaway. I love the faith of this little family, and how they chose Jesus. They chose Jesus, that was a conscious choice. We choose Jesus at this pivotal moment. And I think that's a great example for all of us. And so, yeah, seek him out in your pivotal moments, in your daily moments. Seek Jesus.


Tamara Anderson  37:59 

And that phrase in the middle, "be not afraid only believe." when you encounter situations that make you afraid. Keep your faith alive. And know that Jesus can work miracles, it may not be raising the dead, but he can work miracles in your soul, he can help with healing, if you do have someone pass. So sometimes those are the other kinds of miracles. He works. So be not afraid only believe, SEEK Him in faith and Be not afraid. Only believe.


Tamara Anderson  38:34 

Oh, my friends, thanks for joining us this morning on our discussion of Jairus and his wife and their beautiful daughter and the miracle that Jesus performed. It is such an incredible story, and I'm thankful we've been able to dive into it this morning and I hope you can find and pray for faith today. To Be not afraid and believe in Christ and to seek him and bring him with you on your journeys and in your pains and in your desperation and believe that He can help you too.


Tamara Anderson  39:10 

Thanks for tuning into Bible, Women and Bathrobes hosted by Women Warriors of Light. We've loved exploring the stories of remarkable women or the teachings of the Savior today with you. If today's episode brought someone special to mind, be sure to spread the word. And don't forget to hit that subscribe button so you never miss a moment of inspiration and sisterhood. Just a friendly reminder, all opinions we share are entirely personal as we are trying to decipher and apply Bible teachings just like you are. Until next time, stay faithful. And may Your journey be blessed and illuminated by God's love.


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