Going Forward with Faith Into the Unknown

esther faith in christ faith over fear grow in faith Jan 21, 2025

Are you struggling to find the courage to pursue what God has placed on your heart? Do you doubt your strength or wonder if you’ll succeed?

Let us pray for the faith of Esther—a faith that moves us forward even when the outcome is uncertain.

Heavenly Father, grant me the clarity to see Your path, the courage to take bold steps of faith, and the strength to trust You completely, no matter the obstacles. Let me align my goals with Your will, knowing that You are my constant guide. Amen.

Esther’s story is a testament to unwavering trust in God. Though she was an orphan and a queen in a foreign land, she faced a terrifying decision. Risking her life to save her people, Esther approached the king without knowing how her plea would be received. Yet she prayed, fasted, and trusted God to provide the strength she needed. She aligned her actions with His will and boldly declared, “If I perish, I perish” (Esther 4:16).

Her goal was clear: obedience to God and the salvation of her people. She didn’t have all the answers, but she moved forward in faith. Like Esther, we can trust God to fill us with clarity and courage to act, even when the path ahead is uncertain.

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” ~Martin Luther King Jr.

We are never alone when we walk with God.

Again: "Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established" (Proverbs 16:3).

May we, as Women Warriors of Light, embrace Esther’s courage to pursue the goals God has placed before us, trusting that His plans are perfect and His strength is sufficient.

What bold step is God calling you to take today? Will you go forth in faith?