Pause for Peace: Shod Your Feet with Jesus
Feb 18, 2025Summary
The discourse centers around the profound concept of the "armor of light," particularly emphasizing the significance of having one's feet shod with the "gospel of peace" as found in Ephesians 6:15. This episode dives into how this metaphorical armor serves as a vital form of spiritual protection, enabling us to confront the adversities and tumult of daily life.
Our esteemed hosts, Tamara K. Anderson, Tiffany Fletcher, and Amy Johnson, engage in a thoughtful dialogue regarding the transient nature of peace and the necessity of deliberate moments of stillness—aptly termed "Pause for Peace." They explore the notion that a proactive approach to cultivating inner tranquility equips us for the battles we face, both internally and externally, as we navigate a world rife with contention and fear. With anecdotes and reflections, they illustrate how embracing the gospel of peace can profoundly transform our experiences, allowing us to emerge more resilient and grounded amidst life's inevitable challenges.
Show Notes
The discussion surrounding the metaphor of the 'armor of light' draws upon Ephesians 6:15, which states, "And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace." Within the context of this episode, Tamara, Tiffany and Amy delve into the significance of being spiritually equipped to navigate the tumultuous terrains of life. They articulate how the gospel serves not merely as a protective layer but as a proactive measure that enables individuals to tread upon the paths of peace, especially in times of adversity. The metaphorical armor is elaborated upon with vivid imagery of soldiers preparing for battle, emphasizing the necessity of preparation and the mental fortitude required to maintain one’s peace amidst chaos.
The conversation takes an engaging turn as the hosts explore practical applications of this principle in daily life. They share personal anecdotes that highlight the transformative power of pausing to reflect and re-center oneself in the face of life's challenges. Tamara recounts a poignant moment in a hectic day, where a simple act of admiring a sunset provided a profound reminder of divine presence and peace. Such moments illustrate how intentional pauses can cultivate a deeper connection with the gospel, thereby reinforcing one's spiritual armor and allowing for a more peaceful existence.
Furthermore, the women emphasize the importance of proactive measures such as morning scripture study and prayer, framing these practices as essential tools for preparing oneself to encounter the day with peace. The dialogue seamlessly integrates humor and relatable storytelling, making the profound concepts accessible and engaging for listeners while underscoring the serious nature of spiritual preparedness. The episode closes with a collective encouragement to embrace the gospel of peace as not just a defense mechanism but as a guiding principle that enriches one’s journey in life.
- The metaphor of being 'shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace' emphasizes the necessity of spiritual preparation in our daily lives, akin to a warrior donning armor before battle.
- The act of pausing for peace serves as a powerful antidote to the chaos and tumult of our everyday existence, allowing us to reconnect with divine tranquility.
- Scripture study and prayer function as foundational rituals that fortify our spiritual defenses, ensuring we are equipped to face adversarial challenges with grace and composure.
- Fear and trouble are tools wielded by the adversary to inhibit our progress; thus, we must consciously choose to embrace peace as our guiding principle.
- Recognizing the importance of our emotional responses, we must take a moment to pause and reflect, transforming our reactions into expressions of peace rather than fear or anxiety.
- Cultivating a mindset centered on gratitude and acknowledgment of God’s blessings can significantly enhance our ability to maintain peace amidst life's inevitable storms.
Links Referenced
- Women warriors of Light:
Hosts & Guests
Tamara K. Anderson @tamarakanderson
Tamara, founder of Women Warriors of Light, is a dynamic speaker, award winning author, and a podcaster. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin, she navigates the joys and challenges of parenting four children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. You can find out more about Tamara on her website:
Tiffany Fletcher @tiffnyfletcher
Tiffany is a member of our Women Warriors of Light advisory board. She is an author, wife, mother and an example of faith & courage. Through her life experiences she shares hope in coming from a place of darkness to light and love. You can find her on social media @tiffanyfletcher or on her blog:
Amy Johnson @amyajohnson5
Amy is a member of our Women Warriors of Light Advisory Board. She is a leader of women, a homemaker, and a licensed cosmetologist. Amy enjoys nurturing women through betrayal trauma to becoming a beacon of support and inspiration.
Tamara K. Anderson
00:00:00.560 - 00:00:15.860
Do you feel peace every day or does it kind of come and go? I know for me it kind of comes and goes. So if you get away from peace, how do you get back to that? And how is that like an armor of light?
Well, stay tuned. We're going to talk about that today.
00:00:18.000 - 00:00:54.420
Welcome to Bible Women in Bathrobes, the podcast where faith meets comfort.
Join us Tuesday morning as the gals from Women warriors of Light and their guests don bathrobes and dive into the inspiring stories of women in the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ. From Esther's bravery to the Sermon on the Mount, we explore it all with warmth, laughter, sisterhood and maybe even a few sleepy eyed moments.
Tune in live or at your leisure as we learn lessons from Scripture which empower women today.
Tamara K. Anderson
00:00:59.780 - 00:01:12.240
Welcome to another episode of Bible Women in Bathrobes. I'm your host, Tamara K. Anderson. And joining me today are two amazing women from our Women warriors of Light advisory board. Welcome back. Amy Johnson.
Amy Johnson
00:01:12.740 - 00:01:14.360
Hi, how are you?
Tamara K. Anderson
00:01:14.900 - 00:01:21.324
We are so happy to have you here today. And also Tiffany Fletcher. Thanks for coming back, Tiffany.
Tiffany Fletcher
00:01:21.452 - 00:01:22.920
Thanks for having me.
Tamara K. Anderson
00:01:24.120 - 00:02:43.458
And guys, we are so excited to continue on this journey. We have been talking about the armor of light putting on Jesus Christ, casting off darkness.
And we've kind of been going through the different pieces of armor. We've covered having our loins girt with truth. We've covered having on the breastplate of righteousness.
And today, today we're in Ephesians chapter six and we're going to read this next piece of armor that Paul is talking about that is critical for our spiritual protection against the adversary. And if you want to follow along, we are in verse 15 and he says this and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
Now that is a mouthful. And so we're going to have to dive into those words just a little bit and kind of figure out what does that mean? Our feet shod.
Now in battle, having your feet protected was kind of important.
And so I just start to maybe let's start off there and talk about why feet are important in a battle, especially when we're being asked to stand against the wiles of the devil. So I'm just going to throw that out there as a starting point. Amy, any thoughts as we kick this off?
Amy Johnson
00:02:43.654 - 00:03:22.580
Whenever I hear shot, I think of horses and they have to have their feet shod with horseshoes to prevent them from getting hurt to the point that they could be lame and then dead. Right? Because that's how it works in a Horse's life often. And so I. I think having your feet shod, I. I do.
I always think of horses and what am I doing to protect my feet that are really vital to move forward and progress.
Tamara K. Anderson
00:03:23.480 - 00:03:26.768
Love that. Love that. Tiffany, any thoughts?
Tiffany Fletcher
00:03:26.944 - 00:04:50.200
Yeah, I. I love that, too. I think it's important. I love the word preparation in there.
I think sometimes we just think we need to get out and we need to go and we need to do the things that we need to do. But, but. But what are we doing to prepare ourselves to have peace in our day?
What are we doing to prepare ourselves so that we can walk with the Lord in our daily life?
I think that, like, scripture study for me in the morning is one of the most important things of my day because it is preparing me to have a better reaction when bad things come, right? Because I'm starting my morning with that protection, which I truly believe that scriptures.
As you read your scriptures in the morning, it is increasing your light and it is adding. It is armor.
It is armor that we are putting on and protection that we're given so that when the hard things happen, we have a reservoir of light to pull from that is keeping us from hurting someone or. Or doing. Or saying something that might hurt someone or doing something that. That the adversary might entice us to do.
It is really preparing ourselves to have peace in our day by putting on that armor at the very beginning so that when we are ready to run, we can do it without worrying about the adversary and the tax that he gives us throughout the day.
Tamara K. Anderson
00:04:52.260 - 00:06:56.180
Oh, these. These are so good. I'd like to kind of blend what you both said together.
And I was thinking, both, you know, what am I doing to prepare my feet every day? And I think, you know, there's so many times as a mom that when my kids were little, it was like, oh, wait, stop. Your shoelaces untied.
Do you know what I mean? Because I don't want them to fall. I look down, I got to stop and tie my shoelace again because it's come undone. And so I kind of blend that together.
And what can I do so that I am hitting the ground running, right? That. That the shoes I'm wearing are enabling me, empowering me, not slowing me down, not going to trip me during the day in my path and my journey.
And I think. I think having our feet protected is super, super important. But you kind of have to. You got to put them on, right? You got to put that protection on.
And I like what you said, Tiffany, about preparing to put them on. I know. Years ago I. I learned a double knot that I have since used ever since because it's helped me and I've taught it to all my kids.
If you just loop the loop through twice, it's like doing a double knot and you can still untie the shoelace. Anyway. It's. It's pretty amazing. And I love that something so simple can prevent my shoelace from tying during the day.
I mean, I don't have it untie anymore, which is so miraculous to me. I don't even remember who taught me how to do it. But. But it's those little tricks.
What are the little tricks that we've learned along the way that help us so that our walk is more peaceful? And I love what you said, Tiffany, about scripture study in the morning. For me it's the same thing.
Scripture study, prayer, those are two of my key things that I can do to prepare for my day. Amy, you look like you wanted to say something.
Amy Johnson
00:06:57.520 - 00:08:32.650
You know how you read scriptures for so long in your life and then you realize one day, wait, what if that means something different? I just actually had that aha. With this. What if it's flipped?
What if by just taking and living the gospel of peace, then we are prepared and our feet are shot? What? Because cuz. Cuz listen to it again. Like.
And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. And it that to me, for the first time ever, sounds like taking upon us. The gospel of peace prepares us for battle.
Which is interesting because peace and battle are so ju. Posed right it seems. But really, what if that's all it takes? Because think of how peaceful the Savior was, think of how he despises contention.
Think about that. And so what if. What if. What if instead of running around, which I'm so good at doing, and doing all the things so that I will have peace.
What if I just focused on creating peace in my world and what if that was what got my feet ready for battle?
Tamara K. Anderson
00:08:35.630 - 00:08:37.974
I love that, Tiffany.
Tiffany Fletcher
00:08:38.102 - 00:11:10.198
I love that. And I, and I absolutely 100 believe that it's true. I, you know, we have so much contention in our lives.
Like it is non stop contention because that's what the adversary throws at us. Whether it's not being able to forgive someone, whether it's contention with ourselves, whether it's someone that cut us off in traffic.
Like he's always trying to build that contention.
But if we have the gospel of peace in our lives, like when those moments come and it is a battle, I mean that's why we're shotting our feet with the gospel of peace, because it's a battle. So when we go to that battle, we already are armored up. We already have that gospel of peace.
We've already gone inside and found our place of peace so that we can move forward and, and, and not be reactive in our day. We can be more intentional about what we do. I love the scripture in, In. Sorry, let me find it really fast. Love the scripture in John.
I don't know where it is now. Hold on. Yeah.
John, chapter 14, verse 27. He says, Peace, I leave with you. And these are, you know, this is the Savior himself, the Savior himself saying these words, peace, I leave with you.
My peace I give unto you. Not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
And I really think that in the scripture he's saying, hard things are coming for you. It's not going to be easy as you move forward, and it's not going to be easy for us as we move forward.
But so many times he says, let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. He has already given us peace, and we have to accept it and receive it.
But if we do, and if we shot our feet with that preparation of peace, we do those things that prepare us with that peace. And he is the peace. Right? Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you.
And, and if we allow him to be that place of peace for us, like, you know that be still and know that I am God, then we can move forward and we can face our day more intentionally without reacting to all of the things allowing contention to grow up in our heart. So I, I just find that beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
Amy Johnson
00:11:10.374 - 00:12:32.830
I do too.
And I really think that if we really dig into these words that a couple episodes ago when we talked about receiving or taking upon us the, the different parts of the armor, I, I really think this is exactly what he's saying. He's saying, look, I, I'm standing here with this gift of peace. Just take it by not letting your heart be troubled or letting your heart be afraid.
And, and I think there are things that we will do. I, I agree about scriptures and prayer, and I love that time to just. And Sundays.
Oh, man, the Sabbath day is like my lifeblood, where I'm like, can we just block out the rest of the world for one day a week? That's all I ask. Nobody talk politics, nobody talk football. I don't want to hear it. My I grew. I have a. Four sons. Right. So. And my husband.
And so they all know. No politics, no football. I love you. No basketball. Don't. Not around me. So you'll do things.
And a couple years ago, my husband and I stopped watching violent shows. You'll do things that. But. But it.
All it takes is saying, okay, I will accept your peace and I will follow the command to let not my heart be troubled.
Tamara K. Anderson
00:12:35.160 - 00:16:13.864
Yeah. As you guys were both talking, I. I couldn't help but find the end of that verse. And I think in John, let not your heart be troubled.
Neither let it be afraid. Think how many times that is what Satan throws at us. Yeah, he throws trouble. He throws fear at us. And those things, fear is such a powerful emotion.
It can completely stop us in our tracks. Like that fight, flight, freeze. Fear is powerful enough to stop us.
And I just think, wow, Satan is so good at using these tools to remove peace, to make that fear seem bigger than faith.
I know there's been times when I've even drawn a picture of myself with a huge word, fear in front of me, feeling like I can't move forward because something is holding me back. And it's so interesting. It stops my walk, it stops me moving forward. If you pause and think about the word, like the.
The definition of a dam of water is it stops the water's progress. Think about that. In our spiritual progress, Satan wants to damn our progress. He doesn't want us to move forward.
And so he will stop us using whatever means he can. And so I think it's.
It's so interesting that here we are talking about our feet being the vehicle that move us forward in life and fear being one of the things that stops us. Right? That this is a tool that Satan uses. And so I guess the question that we come back to then is, how do we conquer fear?
How do we conquer the troubling things that he throws at us so that we can move forward through these fearful situations, these hard things that we're throwing at something new, something scary, something different. Because sometimes God asks us to do scary things. And Satan will kind of magnify the fear. Fear, because I don't know anything about that.
God or somebody in my family just got this diagnosis. I don't know anything about that. Or you're asking me to do this, and I don't know anything about that. And so he uses fear. He amplifies our fear.
How do we combat that? So I thought I'd just. I'm throwing another little ball at you guys.
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Tiffany Fletcher
00:16:13.952 - 00:20:13.770
No, I love it. So it's interesting. My husband and I recently had a conversation kind of talking about the adversary and kind of his tactics.
And I think it's interesting.
He said, tiffany, a lot of the times that when you feel fear, I really think it's just Satan's like, he's got some bad devils around you that are increasing and magnifying that fear, fear. And like, he talks about judgment. He's like, you know, the Lord says, judge not, lest you be not, so you be not judged.
But he's like, what you're what he's talking about is when you put that emotion out there, you're automatically, everyone feels it. Like, the Spiritual Physics of Light is an awesome book. Like, it's from a physicist.
And he talks about the spirit and he talks about how we all have light that radiates from us. And I talked about this before, but that light that radiates from us, it has information in it. I mean, light has information.
That's how we are having this conversation today is because it's being moved through light. That's the spiritual physics of it.
And so when we are, when Satan comes into our space and he starts radiating that fear, then we start radiating that fear back to him, right? We are mirroring what he's trying to send us. So when we, it's important that we recognize those emotions. Be like, fear is not from Heavenly Father.
We know that the Bible is very clear that fear comes from the adversary. And so when we start feeling that, we can know that he is mirroring he is trying to get us to mirror his emotions. And so it is so important.
And I've said this before, so many episodes, but in case you weren't listening, cast Satan's influence out of your life, has that fear out of your life, and ask for the spirit of peace, like really invite it into your life. Because if we want to overcome the fear, we have got to stop feeding into it when Satan sends it to us.
And, and there's a reason why anytime an angel came, like some of the first words they said to the shepherds when the angels came to the shepherds on the night of Christ's birth was fear not. The first thing that the angel said to Mary when he came to Mary was fear not. Like those. That's so important.
And the God says that because he knows how much Satan uses fear against us. And so he's warning us time and time and time again, fear not. Don't let your heart be afraid, because if you are, you can't feel my spirit.
You're letting the adversary dictate your behavior. And you are not coming. You're in.
You're in a place where I can't get to you because you, you're letting the fear overcome my spirit in my ability to talk to you. And so I just, I just feel that it's so, so important that we recognize it. I think that that is the. That is one of the only ways casting it out is.
I mean, there's many ways that we can combat it, but one of the ways, clear and steady ways that we can combat that fear is by casting Satan's influence out. Bring forth spirit to come with us, that spirit of peace so that we can really move forward.
And another thought is, I love so many times in the Scriptures the Lord says, be still and know that I am God. If we want peace in our heart, if we want connection with the spirit, we've got to learn to be still in a busy world.
And sometimes that may be while we're driving. We have a conversation with God when we're.
For me, it's when I'm in the shower, I have a conversation and I can be still in the shower and I can talk with them. But it's really learning to have those moments of stillness where we can come back, take a deep breath, recognize that the emotions that we have are.
While they're valid, they are not necessary. We can, we can cast it away. We can invite the Savior in and we can sit in a place of peace even in the middle of chaos.
We can Sit in a place of peace. And that is an important, important thing to understand and recognize in our lives.
Tamara K. Anderson
00:20:15.000 - 00:20:17.140
So, so good, Amy.
Amy Johnson
00:20:19.240 - 00:25:08.380
So I think you had asked us what can we do to feel that peace or to bring that peace in. And I was thinking about, I was thinking about this scripture in Isaiah, in chapter 52.
I'm kind of a, I really like Isaiah, verse seven, but I, I read it kind of different today. It says, how beautiful are upon the mountains are the feet of him. And I was like, okay, of Amy. A beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of Amy.
And then, and I, and I also thought, you know, people compliment your shoes. It's like, oh, I have cute feet. Look how beautiful the feet are. I know you'll get to see a lot of insights in me.
This is what happens when I read scripture of him that bringeth good tidings. So how am I beautiful if I bring good tidings? That publishes peace. So there it is again.
You bring peace with you and your feet are shot with the preparation. Your feet are beautiful to God. If you bring good tidings, publish peace, Bring good tidings of good, publish salvation.
And I recognize that this scripture also speaks of prophets, which I really believe in as well. But let's just leave that aside for a minute and talk about us in me. Let's talk about me.
That sounds terrible, but when I read scriptures, if I'm not talking about me, how can I get anywhere? So then that teaches me that my things that come out of my mouth need to be good tidings of good.
My daughter, bless her ever loving soul, this cute girl who's going to be 27 soon sat up one night really late with me, talking about relationships and how to communicate better, how to do it better. I had asked her some questions and she just was willing to just.
She and her husband both, they were just, they stayed up with us all night till like 2am it was so good. But one of the things she said to me, because I, I'm, I feel things really intently. I'm really, really, I'm a passionate person. I'm a empath.
I feel things, right? And so I said to her something about, well, sometimes when that happens, I, it's like a visceral reaction. My emotions are so intense. That's visceral.
And she was so sweet. And she looked at me, said, mom, then you have one job.
When you feel a big emotion, take a pause, figure out what the emotion is and tend to the emotion yourself. And so what's been interesting is as I've been doing my job, I realize that as I do my job, I am publishing good tidings of peace. I am.
The words coming out of my mouth are better. They're nicer, they're more true. So now that goes back a couple episodes when we talked about truth. They're more true because I'm taking a pause.
Instead of letting my emotions have front and center, I'm actually taking the time to make sure that what I'm publishing is not intense, but it's true. That's how I think I'm finding peace.
And I am finding peace, by the way, that is creating so much peace in my life, in my marriage, in my world, that I. I feel. I feel happier. I feel. And I. I've been thinking a lot about being redeemed, what that really looks like.
And because of taking a pause and making sure that what comes out of my mouth, as the Lord says, it's not what goes into the mouth that defiles a man, but what comes out as I'm doing that. I am feeling redeemed from the voices in my head and the lies in my head.
Because when I just spout what the lies are, then it is like cyclical, and they just keep hamster wheeling in my head.
But when I take a pause and I figure out what's true and what it is, I'm really feeling and tend to that I'm being redeemed from the chaos of the world and the contention, and I am being not only feeling the peace, but being a peace creator that.
Tamara K. Anderson
00:25:10.420 - 00:27:56.084
Yeah. Oh, I love what you both have said here. It's so, so amazing to dive into this and to see how it applies to our daily lives.
As you guys were speaking, it reminded me not very long ago, our family was dealing with a flu bug coming through the house, and my husband got it first, and. And it just kind of spread from there. But on. On one day. It's so funny. I was.
I was running to the store because we needed, like, more bananas and applesauce and toast and, you know, just bland, bland foods be. That would help us as we were struggling with these terrible symptoms. And so I had to run to the store.
I had to be back and serve everybody else dinner. And I was kind of in that more anxious phase. I've got to get all these things done.
Troubled is a good word for it, you know, because I was literally just running and I came out of the store and I had to get home because I had to finish cooking dinner for everybody. And I Looked up and on the horizon, there was a beautiful sunset happening. It was so pretty and so pink.
You know what's interesting is it actually stopped me like I was walking through the parking lot. And I remember it all paused like Amy was talking about.
I paused and it was like it gave me a moment to look up and see God's glory and be reminded that God is good and that he is with me in my walk. And in that moment that I paused and glorified God. Oh, God, thank you for this beautiful sunset. It's bringing me peace in a moment of trouble.
And it was so interesting. It was like all of a sudden all that trouble and that franticness that I was feeling was lifted off my shoulders just because I took a moment.
And guys, it wasn't very long, not even 30 seconds, but it was looking up, taking that breath of, oh, my gosh, look how gorgeous this thing is that God is doing for me. Saying thank you, gratitude and acknowledging God's hand is a powerful weapon against trouble and fear.
You know, I realized, and it was a powerful lesson for me, that that can recenter me. That pausing can recenter me. Anyway, that's my takeaway. Let's go through your quick takeaways and we'll. We'll conclude. Amy, take away from today.
Amy Johnson
00:27:56.252 - 00:29:03.690
Honestly, it's my job to let my heart not be troubled, which means it's my job to take control of my heart. It's my job to take a pause, which I've already been learning.
So I feel like this is just one of those beautiful moments where it all starts to, like, piece together. It's my job.
It's my job to take a pause, figure out what I'm feeling, whether it's gratitude, whether it's frenetic, whether it's anger, whether it's frustration, whether it's insecurity, whether it's trapped. My number one feeling of that I don't love so much being trapped. Whether it's love.
I feel like the whole reason we have, I have any chance of having a relationship with God is because he takes a pause to feel love for me, which then emanates from him into my heart. And if I don't take a pause to feel gratitude, love, deal with my negative emotions, I just.
I don't see how we're going to feel peace and be redeemed, which is what Jesus came here to do.
Tamara K. Anderson
00:29:05.510 - 00:29:09.170
So good. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for sharing that, Tiffany.
Tiffany Fletcher
00:29:10.140 - 00:31:43.540
I love the idea of taking a pause. I think that that is, you know, when, when I say be still. That's exactly what I mean by that.
It doesn't mean, like, we have to take these long moments of stillness, but just like being still and, and trusting that God's hand is in whatever chaos is there. I think trust is such a huge thing that we, we didn't even get a chance to talk about when it comes to receiving peace into our lives.
I think that, that if we can recognize that it's okay if we feel out of control because God is in control, and if we allow him to be in the driver's seat, if we allow God to be in the driver's seat and allow him to be in control, then we don't have to worry if things seem out of control, we can move forward in where we are.
And I think that that is such an important being to recognize that as we trust God, trust that whatever is happening to us is his, while at the same time, like Amy, you said, we are responsible for how we react to the things, but like, we can't control our circumstances, but we can control how we react to them and what are, how we shape our lives around them. And then as we do that and move forward in our lives, trusting that God's got our back, then.
Then it will be easier to have that peace in our life and also just living in peace by the things that we're adding to our lives and the things that we're letting go of. Sometimes the things that we are doing is causing contention in our lives.
So maybe we can ask God if it's something that we need to let go of or something that we need to change in our lives so that we can feel that peace more regularly. Like, get rid of those contentious points if we can, and like, increase the opportunities where we fill his peace.
I read somewhere once that when you squeeze an orange out of, when an orange is squeezed, you get orange juice, like, because that's what's inside of it. And so what's inside of you? Like, when we are squeezed and under pressure, what comes out of us? Does love come out of us? Does fear come out of us?
Does frustration come out of us? I really believe essentially it needs to be peace. Like, whatever happens, we are an island of peace.
And come what may and love it and, and do the things that we can do while still recognizing God is in control.
And if we just live by that edict of trust God, let him, you know, trust God in all things and just do the things that we can to, to stay in a place of peace, I think it will be easier for us in our day to day lives.
Tamara K. Anderson
00:31:46.080 - 00:31:58.790
Oh, thank you so much for sharing this ladies. And thank you for joining us today on this episode. And I hope you can pause for peace and feel God's peace in your life today. God Bless.
00:32:00.170 - 00:32:40.660
Thanks for tuning in to Bible Women and Bathrobes, hosted by Women warriors of Light. We've loved exploring the stories of remarkable women or the teachings of the Savior today with you.
If today's episode brought someone special to mind, be sure to spread the word. And don't forget to hit that subscribe button so you never miss a moment of inspiration and sisterhood. Just a friendly reminder.
All opinions we share are entirely personal as we are trying to decipher and apply Bible teachings just like you are. Until next time, stay faithful and may your journey be blessed and illuminated by God's love.