Protect Your Mind: How the Helmet of Salvation Helps

armor of god armor of light bible women & bathrobes biblical teachings christian podcast faith and hope faith in christ helmet of salvation hope in hard times hope of salvation overcoming darkness protect your mind spiritual protection spiritual warfare womens bible study Mar 04, 2025


The Helmet of Salvation serves as the focal point of our discourse, representing not merely protection but a profound avenue through which we can confront the myriad challenges of contemporary life. Tiffany Fletcher, Tamara K. Anderson, and Bonnie Randall navigate the intricate nuances of faith and hope, discussing the distinctions between these vital concepts while emphasizing the paramount importance of steadfastly keeping Jesus at the forefront of our thoughts.

Through exploration, Tiffany, Tamara and Bonnie engage in a thoughtful examination of how the helmet metaphorically safeguards our mind, enabling us to discern truth amidst the cacophony of worldly distractions and adversarial deceptions. As we draw upon scriptural wisdom, we uncover that hope acts as an anchor, securing our souls against the tumultuous waves of doubt and despair that life invariably presents. Join us as we immerse ourselves in this enlightening conversation, fortified by the belief that our struggles can lead to spiritual growth and a deeper connection with the divine.


Show Notes

The notion of the Helmet of Salvation as discussed by Tiffany, Tamara, and Bonnie resonates deeply, particularly in the context of contemporary challenges. The helmet is not merely an abstract concept but a tangible representation of the protection afforded by divine grace. Tamara emphasizes that our greatest battles often occur within our minds, where the enemy launches deceptive attacks to undermine our faith.

This episode poignantly articulates how the Helmet of Salvation shields us from these mental skirmishes, allowing us to discern truth from lies. The trio's dynamic conversation highlights the importance of keeping Jesus at the forefront of our thoughts, as His teachings illuminate the dark corners of doubt that may threaten to engulf us.

By reflecting on personal anecdotes and scriptural references, the hosts vividly illustrate how the hope of salvation serves as a beacon during tumultuous times. The dialogue seamlessly transitions into an examination of the interplay between faith and hope, inviting listeners to ponder which precedes the other. As Bonnie poses this thought-provoking question, the discussion unfolds gracefully, revealing how faith acts as the bedrock upon which our hope is built. The episode encourages us to embrace our spiritual armor with courage, reminding us that through Christ, we can emerge victorious from our internal battles, fortified by the assurance of salvation.


  • The Helmet of Salvation serves as a vital protective measure for our minds against the adversary's lies, allowing us to focus on Christ's teachings and His saving grace.
  • In contemplating the distinctions between faith and hope, we recognize that faith is the foundational belief which, when cultivated, leads to the blossoming of hope in our lives.
  • The significance of maintaining Jesus in our thoughts cannot be overstated; it serves as a bulwark against despair and a source of light in our darkest hours.
  • The ongoing battle in our minds underscores the necessity for spiritual armor, particularly the Helmet of Salvation, which shields us from negative thoughts and empowers us to choose light over darkness.
  • Through the lens of scripture, we glean that hope is akin to an anchor for the soul, providing stability amidst life’s tempestuous challenges and guiding us towards God’s promises.
  • Our conversations illuminate the intricate relationship between our thoughts and our actions, wherein the words we speak to ourselves can either illuminate our path or shroud it in darkness.

Links referenced in this episode

Host & Guests

Tiffany Fletcher @tiffnyfletcher

Tiffany is a member of our Women Warriors of Light advisory board. She is an author, wife, mother and an example of faith & courage. Through her life experiences she shares hope in coming from a place of darkness to light and love. You can find her on social media @tiffanyfletcher or on her blog:

Tamara K. Anderson @tamarakanderson

Tamara, founder of Women Warriors of Light, is a dynamic speaker, award winning author, and a podcaster. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin, she navigates the joys and challenges of parenting four children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. You can find out more about Tamara on her website: 


Bonnie Randall @bonnie.randall

Bonnie Randall is a wife, mother, trainer, speaker, actress, copywriter, heart centered life coach and has also been a business and marketing consultant for over 20 years. Her real passion is to help people grow as individuals and teach them how to resolve limiting beliefs. Bonnie enjoys teaching about mental health, abuse prevention and recovery classes. She runs a trauma recovery support group and YouTube channel called, Come Off Conqueror, which helps survivors of abuse find Christ centered healing. Find out more at:


Tiffany Fletcher

00:00:00.560 - 00:00:11.340

What is the helmet of salvation and how can it help us fight today's battles? That is what we're going to dive into today, so stay tuned for another episode. Bible Women and Bathrobes.



00:00:12.880 - 00:00:49.300

Welcome to Bible Women and Bathrobes, the podcast where faith meets comfort.


Join us Tuesday morning as the gals from Women warriors of Light and their guests don bathrobes and dive into the inspiring stories of women in the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ. From Esther's bravery to the Sermon on the Mount, we explore it all with warmth, laughter, sisterhood and maybe even a few sleepy eyed moments.


Tune in live or at your leisure as we learn lessons from scripture which empower women today.


Tiffany Fletcher

00:00:54.480 - 00:01:08.580

Welcome to another episode of Bible Women in Bathrobes. We are so happy to have you here today.


With us, we have some amazing women from the advisory board of Women warriors of Light, including Bonnie Randall. Welcome back, Bonnie.


Bonnie Randall

00:01:08.740 - 00:01:11.280

Thanks for having me. It's so nice to be back.


Tiffany Fletcher

00:01:11.580 - 00:01:15.156

And also our founder, Tamara Anderson. Welcome, Tamara.


Tamara K. Anderson

00:01:15.348 - 00:01:19.920

Thank you. It's exciting to be here. We love the helmet of salvation, right?


Tiffany Fletcher

00:01:21.100 - 00:02:07.690

Absolutely. So if you haven't been, if this is your first time tuning in, we are actually doing a series on putting on the armor of light. And I love this topic.


It is one of my favorite topics.


And today we will, in the past episodes, if you haven't, go back on, if you haven't listened to our past episodes, we talk about every single one of the pieces of armor girding our loins, the breastplate of righteousness shining our feet. And then the shield of faith was last week. This week we're talking about the helmet of salvation.


And I am super excited to talk about this helmet of salvation. So. So really, let's just kind of dive into it. So my first question is, what is the helmet of salvation and why is it even important?


So, Bonnie, let's start with you.


Bonnie Randall

00:02:08.390 - 00:03:29.320

Hey, I'm not sure I can tell you exactly what the helmet of salvation is, but I can tell you what it conjures in my mind when I think of a helmet it protects, right. Obviously our head. And so I got thinking about, well, what part of the head is it like, spiritually speaking, will it protect?


And I got thinking, well, it can help me focus my mind on Christ and the salvation that he offers all men. It can protect my thoughts and my ears from hearing evil and perhaps warn me when I need to walk away from something or whatever. Right.


It can protect my eyes from these viewing evil and it can protect my mouth from speaking evil and it can help Keep my eye single to the glory of God and even help me guide my decisions and all of those things. Right.


Like it just for me, the helmet of salvation, I guess is more than just the saving power of the grace and what Christ offers, but it's what that saving power does for me. Right. Like with all the thoughts and all of those things. I don't know if that answers your question, Tamara.


Tiffany Fletcher

00:03:30.140 - 00:03:34.360

No, I love it. Thank you so much for sharing. Tamara, what are some of your thoughts?


Tamara K. Anderson

00:03:35.420 - 00:06:04.870

Oh, I think we talked about several episodes ago about how some of the greatest battles we fight are in our mind and it's that battle with Satan of him throwing lies at us.


And I, oh, it was the, the truth loins skirt about with truth, how there's so many lies that Satan throws at us and being able to discern what is a lie, what is truth. And, and I love this image of the helmet of salvation in my mind that is symbolizes Jesus Christ having Jesus on our minds.


Now obviously that doesn't mean that I'm always thinking about Jesus because I'm thinking about whole bunches of things throughout the day. I'm thinking about cooking and helping my kids and all sorts of things. Right.


But I love the idea of having that protection that Jesus can offer around my mind and around my head because that is definitely a place where we read last week about the fiery darts of the adversary. And I can just totally picture him aiming fiery darts at my head all the time, like constantly. Like what can I distract Tamara with today?


Or what lie can I fire at her head? Or something like that. And just knowing that that thinking of Jesus and can help protect me. It's true. He, he really can.


And he can help me figure out lies and truth.


He can help me discern, he can help me make choices because so much anything we think precedes an action, you know, so our thoughts determine the course we take in life and all of that.


And so I think it's important to, to remember that Jesus can help protect us and, and help us work through those thoughts that we have in our head, whether they're good or bad or you need to get rid of that thought. That's not true at all. You know, he can, he can help us navigate that, that battle in our mind better.


Tiffany Fletcher

00:06:05.970 - 00:08:15.470

I love that. I love that.


You know, like just the other day I was Talking to my 16 year old daughter and she's struggling a lot with, you know, image, you know, what she looks like and her hair and you know, all the things and, and I was talking to her about what thoughts that she had in her mind. And it was her thoughts about what she saw of herself that were dictating her behaviors and what she was doing. And it really is true.


We had that conversation of words are powerful. And the words that you're telling yourself are either stealing your light or they're building your light. They're, they're not doing both.


So if you're using, if you're telling yourself story of despair and sadness and, and comparison and judgment of yourself, you are just spiraling down in stealing your own light.


But if you use your words to build yourself up to give yourself joy and hope and, and to see what is coming, like those words of the Savior that you're talking about, like the scriptures and you use them to fill up your mind, then that really is protection that we're giving ourselves. That, that is protection from the adversary that, that he tries to like that battlefield in our mind. He is the, the final battlefield.


And he tries to get us so much in our mind. But if we use our words, the words we use to ourselves, about ourselves are some of the most powerful words that we could use. I love the Scripture.


In 1st Thessalonians 5, verse 8, it says, and it kind of, when I read this, it gave me a different kind of take on what the helmet of salvation was. It said, but let us who are of the day be sober. Putting on the breastplate of.


Putting on the breastplate of faith and love and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. And I thought that that word, hope was such a unique word to put in the hope of salvation. And I, I love thinking about what is hope.


So my, my next question is how is the hope of salvation a source of light in dark times for us? Tamara, let's start with you.


Tamara K. Anderson

00:08:17.130 - 00:11:45.698

Well, this, this is one of my favorite topics is hope. I had a podcast before I started all of Women warriors of Light and all that stuff called Stories of Hope and Hard Times.


And I interviewed so many people through the years that I ran that podcast about how they got through their hard times with God. And I tell you what, hope is such a powerful, powerful force.


You know, I interviewed people who had lost a spouse, I interviewed people who had been paralyzed.


I interviewed people who had gone through cancer, people with special needs kids, I mean, you name it, I interviewed so many different people through the years of doing that. And that hope, having hope is what pulls people through.


I have one of my sister's father in law, just a short time ago he had a stroke and and he was spiraling down that. We were talking about how so much of the battle is mental right there in your mind.


And, you know, we had some pretty frank conversations, my sister and I. She's like, what can I do? And I said, here I have podcast episodes of people who have had strokes and Share it with him. Share with him.


And here's a book. Here's a book that one of the people on my podcast, you know, just to give him hope, that, look, you can get through this.


Look at this person right here. They got through a stroke. And I think it's just that glimmer of belief. Oh. Instead of that. That idea in our mind that my life is over.


I can't get through this. It's too hard. It's too heavy. Which we all have at some point. And it's okay to feel that way because, hello, I've been there.


But when you hear stories of other people getting through something similar or something worse, and they make it through with God's help, all of a sudden, it spurs that hope in you. Oh, my gosh. Look what God did for them. And I think we can see that pattern in the scriptures, too.


I think the stories in the scriptures are so full of hope, so full of hope. Look. Look what God did for Daniel when he was throwing the lion's den. That was hard and awful. And he was. He was just being obedient to God.


I mean, why did he have such a hard thing happen to him? Look at the story of Joseph in Egypt. Oh, my gosh, guys. So many hard things, one after the other after the other.


And all he was doing was trying to be good, you know, and follow God. And just so many hard things happened to him. You know, I can gather hope, I can glean hope by these stories of people who relied on God.


And it can propel me forward with that hope that I, too, can get through my hard things because I can lean on God. Right? So it helps that mental battle. When we hear other people's stories and.


Tiffany Fletcher

00:11:45.754 - 00:12:38.060

Miracles, having hope is what pulls people through. That is a powerful line, Kamara. So powerful that it is that hope. It is the.


And really, when we find the hope in the scriptures, in the Bible, there's a lot of hard things that happen to people. And we can see it two ways. We can say, why did Job have to go through all of those hard things?


Why did Daniel have to go through all those hard things? Or we can see that God was taking them to a place of hope and restoring to them what the promises that he made to them were. And.


And when we see it, when we read from a perspective of hope, it really changes those stories into stories of conquering and overcoming the adversary and being able to put on Christ and use that hope of salvation in him to help us get through those trying times. Thank you for sharing that, Bonnie. How about, what are your thoughts?


Bonnie Randall

00:12:39.200 - 00:14:29.484

So the Bible describes. One of the ways it describes hope is that it's an anchor for the soul. Hebrews 6, chapter 6, verse 19. I'm going to read the NIV version.


It says we have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain. And then another version says it leads us through the curtain into God's inner sanctuary.


And interesting that those two different versions have two kind of different interpretations of that scripture. But I love that second one leads us through the curtain into God's inner sanctuary. It makes me think about how when I have hope, I can find him.


I can see him. I can see his hands in hand in my. In my life. And I'm pulled into his presence with my hope. And I feel like that's what Tamara is describing.


There is all of these great stories, right? That's what happens when we. When we have great hope.


But while you guys were talking, I was like wrestling in my mind with this question, and I hope it's okay that I'm asking it. Does hope precede faith or does faith precede hope? Is one made of the other or greater than the other?


Like, I have wondered this for ever and I have two incredibly wise women with me. So I have to ask the question because I know the two of you will be able to answer for me. What do you think?


Sorry, I'm not trying to steal the host ship from you, Tiffany.


Tiffany Fletcher

00:14:29.532 - 00:14:33.720

You're fine. I think that's a great question. I am going to let Tamara answer first.


Tamara K. Anderson

00:14:37.540 - 00:14:46.076

It's like, oh. Let's hear what Tiffany has to say. We're going to take a quick break while I tell you about something that will really get you excited.





00:14:46.268 - 00:15:39.230

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Tamara K. Anderson

00:15:40.260 - 00:18:51.890



my mind, faith precedes hope. And.


And if you pause and think faith is like the first principle of the gospel, faith is. Is kind of the foundation. And when you think of the three key principles, you have faith, hope, and charity. Right. And I think you grow through those.


And so faith is just like taking, in my mind is like taking these tiny baby steps. I'm testing. Oh, that worked. I'm going to test out this principle of prayer. Oh, it works. Check that out. That is amazing.


I'm going to test out this principle of fasting. Ooh, that worked. I liked that. You know, and so faith is testing and trying and figuring out, okay, God, does this work? Are you real?


Are you really going to bless me as I take these steps into the darkness? Right. And in my mind, hope is the next step, because then we start reading about these promises that God gives to the faithful. Right?


We start reading about these future promises. I think the ultimate hope is the hope of salvation, being with God again after death. Right.


But first we have to have the faith that he's real and that. That he's going to answer our prayers, that he's going to lead us, that he's going to strengthen us through the trials.


But that hope, Hope ultimately ends up being anchored in the fact that after this life, all the wrongs will be made right, that we can dwell with God forever in a place of joy and peace. I mean, Jesus talks about, in his Father's house are many mansions, and he's going to prepare a place for us there.


When we have loved ones who die, that is the hope that pulls us through each day. I can. I can do this. I can get through this grief. I can get through all this stuff, because someday I will see them again.


Someday I will be resurrected like Jesus. But first we have to have faith that he's real. That what.


That what people have testified of through the ages, that Jesus Christ was indeed that he suffered for our sins and that he died and that he was resurrected so that we, too, someday will all be resurrected. You know, talks about graves opening after the resurrection. Oh, my gosh, how great is that? You know? And so that is where hope is ultimately anchored.


It's anchored in those promises of getting through not only the hard times of this life, but getting through to that other side where all, like I said, all those wrongs will be made right where. Where we will be. There will be no more death, there will be no more sorrow, there will be no more grief.


These are the promises that we anchor ourselves in. So that is. That's just my thoughts.


Tiffany Fletcher

00:18:52.390 - 00:20:21.990

I agree 100%. I. I agree that every time, Every time we take a step of faith into the darkness, it gives us hope that there is light at the other side. Like it is.


It is walking in darkness. One step at the time, one step at a time, hoping that on the other side and knowing really at the other side it's light.


Like every night we go to bed, we know the darkness comes, but our hope comes in knowing that tomorrow there is going to be light. That we have faith in that. And because of that, we have hope of the light that's coming. And so I.


I really believe that as well, that that hope is anchored so much in the Savior's promises for us, so much so that as we exercise our faith in him, it increases our hope and it becomes sure that. And steadfast because we trust that what he says is true.


And the experiences that we've had in our life with him, our experiences with Christ, those sacred experiences that we've had, they help to bring us the hope that we need to get us through. Because we've already experienced Him. We've already experienced his hand. Our faith has made miracles. He has seen his miracles.


And then the hope is what anchors us in knowing that he is going to keep his promises for us and we are going to see him and our loved ones again. So I. I agree 100 with Tamara. What are your thoughts, Bonnie?


Bonnie Randall

00:20:23.210 - 00:23:15.520

I really appreciate you guys explaining that, because I feel like that answers why he would say in Hebrews that hope is an anchor for the soul. And it's always kind of baffled me which was greater, faith or hope.


But the way you explain that and helps me understand and then leading that when you have great faith, creating that hope, that anchor for your soul, that this is real, this can happen, right? I know things will work out and they can work out and they'll get. It'll get me through. And I think you said you talked about like the.


The assurance that security in. In Christ. And that's what an anchor does, right?


It literally drags across the ocean floor and secures the boat from drifting to and fro from the waves. And if we have that testimony built on that assurance of our Savior. The waves will toss us to and fro.


What is that scripture about the waves tossing us to and fro? I don't know. I'm not the scriptorian like Tamra, so I don't have my Bible binder either, so I clearly need to create one.


But anyway, just that idea that as the waves come and as life comes, I can be anchored in my testimony of him that it will all work out.


And I think sometimes when we're going through trials, we look to those stories of faith and hope, like Tamara saying in the beginning, but sometimes our story doesn't work out the way we wanted it to. Right? But we can still have hope and faith, knowing that what needs to happen in our life will. That God is a good God. He is a merciful, loving God.


And in the end, it will work out for our good. It will progress us forward towards him, towards those mansions that Tamara was talking about.


That even if it's not happening the way we want it to, and we're kind of mad about it because, let's be honest, some of the things that he decides for us have nothing to do with our plans whatsoever. Right? We can calm down a little bit and be like, okay, I know that this is somehow going to work out for my good.


I'm not sure how these boils were good for Job, but my boils right now will somehow bring me closer to him. And that goes back to the previous episode, right? That opposition is an opportunity for growth to lead us to Him.


Tiffany Fletcher

00:23:16.470 - 00:23:45.300

Thank you. And isn't that why we call it the hope of salvation?


Like, having that hope of salvation, knowing that we have that helmet of salvation on, that we have Christ to protect all of our parts, is going to help us get through those hard things. It really does bring us a sense of hope in knowing that. Thank you for sharing. Well, ladies, our time is.


Is up already, so let's talk about takeaways really fast. Bonnie, let's start with you.


Bonnie Randall

00:23:49.280 - 00:25:16.010

Once again.


I feel like my takeaway and this happens at almost every single episode that I'm a part of, my takeaway is that God is good and that regardless of what happens in our lives, it will all work out and it will all be for my good.


My dad is really sick in the hospital again, and I really wish Tamara hadn't brought this up, because I was like, no, my feelings are already, like, close to the surface. But just those stories of hope, right? And it may not work out the way we want with him, but I have hope that I will see him again.


And I have hope that this experience, while he may not make it through, I have hope that this experience will bring us together, it will heal wounds, it will bring us closer to Christ, because I'm already seeing that it already is bringing us closer to Him. And as we rely on him, we can have daily experiences with him where I see his tender mercies.


And there's so many different things that have happened through this process where I've seen his hand in this. And while he may not give us a miracle that we're asking for, I know that he loves us. And I know that our salvation will come in one form or another.


Tiffany Fletcher

00:25:17.670 - 00:25:19.650

Thank you, Tamara.


Tamara K. Anderson

00:25:21.590 - 00:28:54.200

Oh, thank you, Bonnie, for sharing that. That was so sweet. And that is what we cling to. It's that hope that it's all going to be okay in the end. It will. And we'll pray for your dad.


My takeaway is. Oh, gosh.


My takeaway is that the blessing of having a piece of armor on our minds and on our heads is that it can be a powerful protection when we're facing hard or dark times. And my mind is kind of going back to the beginning of all of these segments that we've been doing on the Armor of Light about casting Satan out.


Because no matter how hard we try to protect our minds and our. And our thoughts, Satan is going to sneak in there and he's going to sneak. Lies in there and he's going to.


We're going to have moments where we are feeling down and discouraged and worn out physically, emotionally, spiritually.


I mean, we know from studying the scriptures that go look at Jesus when he had fasted for 40 days when totally exhausted and hungry Satan attacks, right? So we might be tired or hungry or, I don't know, some. Something happens because our bodies are not perfect, but we're going to have.


He's going to get into our minds. And the.


The neat thing is, and I think that's the beauty of talking about all these pieces of armor, is that we can cast him out in the name of Jesus Christ. We talked about that in a previous episode. And we can invite Jesus in.


We can fill that void with light, with hope, with truth in our mind that that lie right there that Satan planted, that I am not a good mother because I lost my patience again with my kids. It's not true. I'm a good mother, but I have bad moments. You know, I have hard moments where I am not perfect. But guess what?


When I go and I tell my children I'm sorry, I'm teaching them the principle of repentance by action. And that's not a bad thing, right? I think it's good for kids to know my mom is not perfect. No, she is not.


You know, and so it is that all things can work together for our good.


And so it is applying this principle of using God as our helmet of salvation, trusting that, gosh, when I make a mistake again, that his promises are true, that I can repent, I can return to Him, I can cast out darkness, I can bring in light, I can put on Jesus Christ, and He makes all my wrongs be made right.


He makes all of those hard things, all the bad things that I've gone through, all the bad things that people I love have gone through, that it will be okay and it won't be made right. So I think that's. That's really my takeaway, is kind of blending several of the episodes that we've talked about in the last few weeks together.


And it comes together in our mind. You know, it. That's where that battle is.


Tiffany Fletcher

00:28:54.660 - 00:31:26.190

I love that. Thank you for sharing. That reminded me really fast of a scripture that is in Romans, chapter 12, verse 2.


And it says, and be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. That you may prove what is that? That you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. And.


And I think that sometimes, like, it is that sound mind that we need. And. And it made me think more too, along Thessalonians, back to Thessalonians, verse 16 to 23.


And then it says, it says this, it says, rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. So that that previous scripture talked about, what is the will of the Lord? What is the will of the Lord?


Well, we're talking about the hope of salvation today. This is his will. To rejoice evermore, to pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God.


And that really are those really those three things. Rejoicing, praying without ceasing, and giving thanks are the three things that are going to shield our minds from the adversary.


It is going to give us the hope of salvation that we need so that we can move through whatever hard things that come.


And it is really putting on Christ, because when we put on those things, and that is his will, we are carrying him in our hearts and our minds, and we are shielded, using him as that shield of faith that we like we talked about in that last episode last week. We are truly becoming who we need to be as we are recognizing what his will is in shielding our mind and putting him on in all aspects of our life.


So thank you so much ladies. What a wonderful conversation today. I'm so grateful that I get to be a part of this.


For those of you who are listening, I invite you to do those things this week. Those three things that you can find in First Thessalonians 5, verses 16 through 18 rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing in everything. Give thanks.


Do those things this week and see how it chills your mind. See if it brings you hope in your life and see how it brings you closer to to your Savior, Jesus Christ.


That is my challenge for you this week and until next time, I hope that you can feel God's hope in your life every single day as you come closer to Him.



00:31:27.370 - 00:32:07.860

Thanks for tuning in to Bible Women and Bathrobes, hosted by Women warriors of Light. We've loved exploring the stories of remarkable women or the teachings of the Savior today with you.


If today's episode brought someone special to mind, be sure to spread the word and don't forget to hit that subscribe button so you never miss a moment of inspiration and sisterhood. Just a friendly reminder. All opinions we share are entirely personal as we are trying to decipher and apply Bible teachings just like you are.


Until next time, stay faithful and may your journey be blessed and illuminated by God's love.