What Small Goal is on Your Heart?

affirmations bite size goals goal setting goals listen pray small goal trust Jan 21, 2025

When it comes to setting goals, even the smallest ones can carry eternal significance when aligned with God's will. By choosing with intention and listening to His Spirit, you honor both your desires and His plans for you. Remember: what is important to you is important to Him.

Here are five affirmations to guide your heart and mind:

1. I seek God’s wisdom in setting my goals, trusting His Spirit to guide me.

2. I align my will with God’s and surrender my plans to His greater purpose.

3. God cares deeply about the desires of my heart.

4. I am taking small, faithful steps, knowing that God blesses obedience.

5. Even my smallest goals, when offered to God, have eternal significance.

"Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established." ~Proverbs 16:3
"Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." ~Psalm 37:4

"Sometimes we think our dreams are too small for God, but nothing is small to the One who sees the eternal ripple of every faithful step." ~Lysa TerKeurst

Take a moment today to reflect on a small goal that God has placed on your heart. Pray, listen, and trust Him as you take the first steps. What is one small way you can align your goals with His will this week?